Enter the Icebox // Map Reveal – VALORANT

(c) VALORANT Dig your enemies a powdery grave in VALORANT’s new map, Icebox. Take on the tundra when Icebox drops with Act III.
Sova: Feels like home.Pheonix: Feels like HELL.
Sova in Icebox be like: “Remember, stay out of the snow. Super high level tactic remember it yeah?”
Phoenix: “I’ll take a seat, you got this.”
Designer: So how many corners again???Dev: yes
I can hear Sova saying “Welcome home, friends.” when playing on this map.
me as a valorant player : FINALLYAlso me as a sova main, knowing i have to learn another dozen arrows : No…please
Now Sage’s wall won’t melt.
i wanna cry each time i remember this map exists
I can imagine Sova making angels in the snow while Killjoy having Vietnam flashbacks.
How many 90� angles will we have to check?Riot: Yes
Cypher mains: Soon… I will know your secrets.
People: were divided between a new map or a new characterRiot: How about both
Now sova be like: “JOKES OVER , YOU’RE DEAD” 😂
So happy to see a map with a new design philosophy from the launch maps! Love all the sight lines and loops. More of this please!
The devs heard the community when we said that a new map every episode was not enough and they got to work. MASSIVE move by riot and shows the dedication they’ve put into the game!!
Best map in the game to date. I think about this trailer a lot even to this day
Icebox: ExistShotguns: I yes, a map of culture.
Who else thinks it would be a good idea for the devs to make software for custom map creation to see what the valorant community can come up with surely tons of great maps like this one could be made
good job riot. we appreciate your hard work! 🙂
This is what Valorant needs right now
You In? // Episode 3: Act III Kickoff Trailer – VALORANT

(c) VALORANT Scope out our upcoming Sentinel Agent, a packed new Battlepass, and fresh opportunities to earn those shiny ranked badges.
“Vesperteen – Luxueux” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lorxrmjQYhA
I’m so in, and by in, I mean I’m in Bronze…
This is actually such a good battlepass man
0:25 notice how the enemy has to be vunerable for the bucky to do a one-shot since it’s so bad
Riot: *releases a new trailer*Cypher: Ah, shit! Here we go again.
was excited for chamber because of his look, then forgot i cant aim
Riot: Now Live!Me, trying to log in: So that was a lie
“To be clear, in Project A, shooting matters. You don’t kill with abilities. Abilities create tactical opportunities to take the right shot. Characters have abilities that augment their gunplay, instead of fighting directly with their abilities.”
I like where they put the “You In?” bc it catches the agent where the agent is most likely assigned to do missions.
I like where they put the “You In?” bc it catches the agent where the agent is most likely assigned to do missions.
This is actually such a good battlepass man
I’m so hyped to play chamber 🔥
That sounds fit so well and the edit was sick and im rlly hyped for new battle pass with the new agent *CHAMBER*
Looking sick! I’m on a vacation but I can’t wait to play it.
Actually love how they use different aspect ratios for these
*I’m so happy that the tradition of killing Cypher first still continues.*
Damn Kisaki, Being the leader of Tokyo Manji gang wasn’t enough for him
I am just exited for the spectre and ares, the 2 last pieces to my collection
It’s just getting more better and insanely better ❤️👍
Can’t wait to play Chamber 2 weeks later after grinding very long contracts
SKYE Agent Abilities Preview – VALORANT

(c) VALORANT New Agent, new abilities. Here’s the intel on Skye. Heal your allies and tear down your foes as Skye on October 27. Join the …
Players: We need new agent.Riot: Let’s put all spike rush orbs into a character.
Brimstone : “Open up the sky”Skye : ( ͡ʘ ͜ʖ ͡ʘ)
Skye: “I’m no doctor, but I can patch a bullet hole or two”Also Skye: **Literally cures cancer of the entire 4 people simultaneously in 3 seconds**
Riot: What ability should we give the new character?Devs: The players complain about abilities that cause damage, how about a flash?Riot: Ok sounds good, how about the second ability? Devs: Well the players complain about abilities that cause damage, so how about a flash? Riot: Great idea, what about her ult?Devs: Well we’re out of ideas, how about a flash?
Enemies: **gather inside the healing range**Me with a raze ultimate : *Its free real estate*
Who else noticed the “Jett Revive Me Please”? 0:19 it’s their usernames
Look at Their Names:JETT REVIVE ME PLEASESo They Know
At this point Valorant is just bullying Sage..
This is actually a smart addition. We need another healer or it would seem so simple with one. Also we needed a couter to corner campers.
I like how it says “jett revive me please” when she is healing
Riot: “Sage healing broken, let’s nerf”also Riot: “here is Skye lol!”
0:19 read the names of the agentsJett-“Jett”Killjoy-“Revive”Cypher-“Me”Brimstone-“Please”
I can just imagine how good she will be, her birds can be used as a decoy while a teammate peeks and one taps the enemy, basically skye is a combination of Sova, Breach, and sage.
Love the sound design of any reveal so far! Please keep this going. It really is making this so special <3
Riot: how many flash abilities do you want sky?Skye:Yes
They decided to make sage the worst character, and then release a healer better than sage was in her prime.
This is genius because who can bring themselves to shoot a dog
Skye: “I’m no doctor but I can patch a bullet hole or two”.Team: *Heals fully*Sage:😒
Sova : i am the hunterSkye : seek them out.Sova : oh no, god why.
Glitchpop! Glitchpop! Glitchpop! // Skin Reveal Trailer – VALORANT

(c) VALORANT We now pause your regularly scheduled programming for a special message from our new sponsors. Glitchpop skins available in …
This skin trailer is 1000% brighter and more colorful than my future…
this video feels like a satire what Americans think of Japanese ads
Trailer is great, skins are amazing but the prices definitely need to be lowered. More people buying cheaper skins VS less people buying expensive skins = win win
My epileptic brother loved this video so much he started rolling on the floor and shaking
“Bunnies love shotguns. Bunnies love the judge” So does every jett main
I’m excited to pick this gun off the ground when enemies drop it
“New skins makes you so happy”, yeah that’s definiatly not subliminal messaging
I like how Riot makes these skin reveals feel and look like actual commercials. Whoever your editors are, give them a raise!
“Eat more noodles, destroy your enemies” is my new motto
Skins make me happy until I look at the price
I figured it out, at the end of the trailer she says “eat more noodles”, which implies that if you buy the skins you won’t have money for food, so the cheapest choice would be noodles. I cracked it, riot makes you go hungry.
“Why did you buy that?””Skins help me with gameplay””You’re trash when you play VALORANT!””AT LEAST I DIE WITH *S T Y L E* “
I am waiting everyday for the glitchpop vandal to be available in the store. I can not wait to purchase it! 🙂
I love the skins theyre making, they look great especially since they go out of their way to add effects and all that but man they absolutely need to be priced better
Que arte maravilhosa! Parab�ns Riot, ficou muito legal o jogo e esta arte!!
This skin bundle screams *”felt cute, might murder somebody later.”*
I’ve tried avoiding spending money on this game but damn they found my aesthetic GARGHHHH!!!
O Trailer e todas as skins est�o fodas
This is perfect for my gameplay because of the constant “network problems” issue and bad bullet registration
Personally.. i love this Video… it’s Bright, Different, and stands out from many other Game Trailers. I just love the Style… keep it up Riot this Video is a 10/10 for me and it’s a really Memorable Video
Act III Battlepass Trailer – VALORANT

(c) VALORANT Welcome to the Act III Battlepass. Enhance your collection and earn exclusive Weapon Skins, Gun Buddies, Sprays, Player Cards, …
Everyone talking about the battlepass, but man, riot should give a raise to the video edit team, this was insane editing skills
I LOVE act 3 ❤️❤️
Just give the guy who chooses the songs for these trailers a raise already
I have always loved the trailers, shoutout to the editor(s), the cinematography and the transitions were amazing! Good job <3
The battlepasses has such a good value to them. Love the skins <3
I don’t even play this game but these teasers are fire
They’re really good at making trailers and even better at keeping the community happy.
0:59 The way he’s in the smoke, you have no idea where he is, he flashes and bursts out to introduce the stunning new map.
0:56 OOOF! That SYNC!
This trailer is so much better than the trailer for the ACT II pass
Anyone noticed how smoothly the vandal changed into judge?
Esse foi o melhor ato, deveria ter mais como esse
Editing is on point! And 0:33 where Op shots is in sync with the beat is just so satisfying OMG
I would like to see Omen’s view when he’s putting smokes while I’m spectating my teammate. It would be really helpfull for other Omens or players to learn.
This is still the best battlepass trailer to come out
The person who chooses the Music for teasers, champion themes etc needs a raise…
This is the best battlepass so far ! Full of quality contents and skins
This trailer was really good at showing off why you should get battle pass! Nice job to the production team and sick gameplay too
i love the sync! and i love the skins too!! cant wait!!!
0:42 that was my favourite part love that editing