(c) VALORANT OMEN /// UNKNOWN “You thought you were safe” Learn more at: Follow us on Twitter: …
Raze: Brazil Phoenix: UK Cypher: Morocco Sage: China Omen: *HELL*
I like how for every agent had their origin for where they from but except Omen, he just UNKNOWN
Fun fact about Omen.His “Middle Eye” expands when he attacks with a knife.
Meanwhile in Bronze: Omen teleports directly in front of enemy firing squad.
Whoever edited this u should know: very well done. Outro sequence is insanely made.Tbh all the kinetic typography, fonts, flow and overall design in Valorant is one of my favorite things ever and i dont even play games.
Reaper: you took everything from me!Omen: I don’t even know who you are
I love how their definition of a “golden moment” is getting two kills and defusing the bomb
Omen is just the coolest agent ngl
*”I am the BEGINNING I am the END, I am the Monster Energy Drenk”*
Remember… This is the same guy who knitts. RESPECT
Reyna: I take their souls.Omen: I kill their souls too.
*”You forgot your place”*That line makes any Omen player a God
You need to play omen with HP Omen mouse for extra mojo
Phoenix�s team: WHAT ARE YOU AIMING AT????!?!?!?!?!?!??!
“i am everywhere” is so much more menacing then “watch them run” or “scatter”
“Mom can we get reaper?””We have reaper at home.”Reaper at home:
Fun Fact: In the title there is the word (Moment) which when you look closely has omen in it.M(OMEN)T
I find it so funny that one of the things he says after killing someone is “boom”
Omen is my favorite charater because one his so cool i think i will give big thumbs up for it
Imo I think the line “I am everywhere” is more suiting and cooler for Omen’s ult rather than “Watch them run”.
Unleash Your Arsenal // Escalation Game Mode Trailer – VALORANT

(c) VALORANT Show your skill with every weapon in the new Escalation game mode, playable tomorrow. Join the Discord server: …
rebibe me jett:Riot: *And i took that personally*
raze: HERE COMES DA PARTY!phoenix: *eeeeeeeeeeeeey i like this game*
RIOT: *NEW ESCALATION GAME MODE*Jett: “So anyway, I started reviving.”
Brimstone : this looks funSkye: open up the brimstoneBrimstone : wait wha-*Hell fire sound*
Omen: Rebibe me jett, rebibe meJett: “Revives omen”Omen: wait thats illegal
The raze bots be like : FOR THE MOTHERLAND
Doctor: Brimstone with a bow isn’t real, it can’t hurt youBrimstone with a bow:
Jett: Sage revive meSage: HERE COME TO THE PARTY! 💥💥💥
damn this looks fun, u change gun for every kill, abilities crossover, IS TOTAL MADNESS AND THAT’S WHY I LOVE VALORANT
0:02 Raze: “Here comes the party!”0:04 Phoenix: “Ayyy, I like this game!”😂
Finally “jett rebibe me” will make sense now
Brimstone: “Seek them out”Skye: “Open up the Brimstone”
0:48 me and the bois at spike rush…
0:26 “Abilities wont deal damage”
everybody gangsta until breach says “WELCOME TO MYYYYY WORLD”
Finally Jett can REBIBE 😭😭😭
0:48 Iron Players with marshals be like
This Mode is actually super fun. Had the Time of My life playing it yesterday
Raze: Where is my bombs?Phoenix and Viper: We don’t know
Y’all can’t wait for Jett reviving us, but I want Sage to use her knives already.
TOGETHER // 2021 VCT – VALORANT Champions

(c) VALORANT Together, we are VALORANT. We DEMAND. We DEFY. And now, we CREATE the world’s first VALORANT world champions.
Cannot wait to watch every match and learn how to get out of Iron!
“We are Valorant! We are fighters!” – Sage 💚 💚 💚
“Ipinaparinig namin ang aming boses” SHESHHHHH LEZGOWWW, IM SO EXCITED 💖
that “Pinaparining namin ang aming boses” gave me goosebumps damnn… Philippine representation, thank you valorant
I swear Valorant was the biggest success I’ve ever seen in my life. I’m very happy that I’ve been playing it since it’s release, imagine someone doesn’t know this game, that would be not good. And I feel very lucky because Valorant has gameplay, music and even stories. This is more than I ever wanted.
I can’t wait for some tournament level precise gunplay Joke aside, Champions is going to be awesome to watch
ohoohhhhh this is gonna be gooooodddd😍🔥
Ok but they should really make an animated series ab val. Because there are always conspiracy theories going around ab everyone’s backstory. So a series is a great way to reveal the real stories
I got moved watching that guy play valorant, even with those disadvantages. Like he got no reason to stop, and not be better than any player out there 📈🔥
Valorant is now an emotion for me it had brought me so much friends across the country as well as with international players. ❤️Playing with them is best part of my day❤️❤️❤️
I’m so proud to be a part of this community.
Since this past year, There is one thing that hasn’t changed entirely.PRECISE GUNPLAY
League players have been given the same treatment for years, it’s nice to see the valorant community understand why we love Riot.Riot cares for the community more than anything else, unlike most game companies.
I am so happy that valorant gain so much in just one year. I am proud to be a valorant player keep doing this great job guys.
I love how in the beginning they don’t mention the “it has precise gunplay” part
It was all worth it in the end to see this game evolve, thank you riot
This tourney is like the battle of the gods in a story, this is so hype
You have something really to be proud of. Great work your team and everyone has done on this venture.
Desafie seus limites | VALORANT launches June 2 (Brazil Trailer)

(c) VALORANT N�s estamos aqui. Voc� est� pronto? Song: Saci / BaianaSystem – Tropkillaz Remix VALORANT launched in Brazil and around …
I’m not from Brazil but this is the best trailer so far
For those who didn’t understand why Raze is the focus in this video: She is from a specific region of Brazil called Bahia. It is an important region in the history of Brazil, with Salvador being the first capital in Brazil and the place where they discovered and colonized the country. It is also important because this region is where the largest black population in the country is concentrated and has many Afro-descendant characteristics in the culture of this place. For you who are not Brazilian this may seem insignificant but for us, especially in the Northeast region of Brazil, it is something very important because we have never been represented properly in Brazilian media and having a character from Bahia is something that shows that Brazil is not just Samba and Football but we have Axé, Pagode (musical style from Bahia and the same one that plays in the music of this trailer) and many other things that compose our culture. As a “Baiana”, I thank Riot for showing the diversity of our culture, even if only superficial, to the world ❤*”Respeita nós pivete, se mete no nosso baba e vamo fazer a mísera com vocês ;)”*
“The agents require skill and precision to get kills”Raze: “fIrE iN dA hOLe”
pog, Brasil sendo representado muito bem no valorant, com personagens e musicas.
I love how raze is in the middle for the Brazil version
Primeira vez que vi: “nossa, que musica é essa?”Agora: “O Saci Pererê vai dançar de uma perna só💃💃💃💃💃”Obra prima esse vídeo.
The music and the plays are the best ❤️
Mano, tenho orgulho de uma bocena tão top ser Brasileira❤
I’m so happy that brazil was prestigious for this trailer
Oh boy can’t wait for june 2..
Esse Game � muito bom mesmo, adorei vale a pena, bom trabalho Riot Games.Muito bom, eu amei esse FPS.
AMO MUITO TUDO ISSO AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA (deixa a dublagem em ingl�s dublado por uma brasileira e n�o por uma colombiana que n�o tem nada a ver com n�s.)
Really interesting to see a specific trailer for Brazil. Pretty interesting. I liked how the focus on Raze and the music poked at that too. Really great + the editing was so good!
Dunno why but a like brazil version more than English one
E mais uma vez Baiana System representando o Brasil no universo gamer. ❤️
Valorant: releases game on June 2ndAlso valorant, 3 days later on June 5th: “Hey Brazil, Valorant is releasing June 2nd, check it out!”
Champions 2021 Skin Reveal Trailer – VALORANT

(c) VALORANT Celebrate Champions 2021 and support your favorite team with this limited edition bundle, available now in the in-game store.
Riot is insane at what they do
I want someone to love me as much as Valorant devs love killing cypher in EVERY SINGLE DAMN TRAILER
What to expect upcoming trailer:1. new skins2. new agent3. cypher getting killed
poor cypher 😢 why do they hate him so much
I will always love riot’s advertising even for the smallest things like skins
this is such a sick skin collection and I love the fact that 50% go back to the players!
Valorant : *new video comes out*Cypher : My time has come
i’ll get it when it’s up and running
Not Cypher dying again 😭
The skin is fire, good job riot. This will be the first bundle i am going to purchase
My boy Cypher better get an ace in the next cinematic, he’s been through so much 😭
that knife is going to be in everyone’s hand once release
Riot’s gonna post a Cypher death montage one of these days, I just know it…
La skin est� muy hermosa y la animaci�n final est� brutal, lo �nico que me decepcion� de la vandal es que no tiene una animaci�n de recarga diferente, ni tampoco una animaci�n cuando se equipa el arma diferente, pero bueno, la animaci�n de brimstone lo compensa.
Ok, eu admito, essas ficaram show!
Will there ever be a time where cypher doesnt die in a trailer
I love this skin so much that I’m gonna go ✨broke✨
This is too good fine work im impressed 😍
I like that sales from these skins go to players, good job.