KAY/O Agent Reveal Trailer – VALORANT

(c) VALORANT Seek all Radiants. Suppress their powers. Shut down your enemies when KAY/O initializes with Episode 3. Play VALORANT: …
The practice range bots finally had enough of us
Would be interesting to see him countering Reyna, because he’s a robot and doesn’t have a soul for her to consume. And since we saw her in the trailer and with so much hate in her eyes, it might even be him who originally killed her sister. Since he is killjoys creation, it makes sense for Reyna to be kind of mad at her too.Oh yeah, it’s all coming together.Edit: Killjoy did in fact NOT create kay/o
This trailer is so amazing. It shows how Kay/O as a bot learns everyone’s moves by pushing at same spot every time lol
Kay/O after getting killed be like: “Brimstone is a fucking baiter”
‘Who needs training dummies when you have real dummies!” – Someone who is very afraid right now
A new molly,a new set of lineups.
So no ones gonna talk about how freakish and amazing Reyna looks in this?
In Valorant, you practice and kill the botsIn Russia, the bot practices you
1:41 i’m italian and the text says “after centuries since its ascent, Venice sinks” so yeah, kay/o is literally terminator, he comes from the future to stop radiants from destroying the planet probably. Also one of his lines towards enemy skye says something like “we need to stop her when she’s still weak” assuming that she will probably start destroying kingdom in the future. Another thing is that radiants do probably live way longer than normal peopleEDIT: also the fact that he plays the same scene over and over at the start of the trailer and the parts where he “mind uploads” himself made me think that he probably can go back in time by uploading his “brain” in other copies of his body in the past. That’s a lot of Eren Jaeger there
To this day, I thought kay/o could go back in time for a few seconds because of this trailer
This robot teaches us some big lessonsa) never give up and keep trying even if you go downb) if that doesn’t work just implode into another timeline and 1v1 GigaReyna
KAY/O : ExistsKilljoy with an emp grenade : *It’s free real estate*
I LOVE how this trailer is basically “machine learning” for Kay/0 to be a killing machine towards all the agents!
I love it whenever games have trailers that get players motivated to get better. You die, you learn, you dominate, repeat.
damn, he’s so strong he kill 6 out of 7 enemies in a single round.
This agent looks insane
My R6 mind only hears one thing:“Devices going dark…”
I think everyone can agree that we have a love/hate relationship with this game.. 😛
I’m so proud of Reyna for finally being involved
For anyone who wants a bit of Kay/o backstory, here it is: Basically, Kay/o is mentioned to be a robot purely made to kill radiantes. Kay/o was most likely made by the Company Kingdom after they had the pressure of a lot of radianite problems around the world. In the trailer we can see Kay/o and Reyna having a stand off. This is also proven as one of Kay/o’s voiceline says “I killed you Reyna before in the war, I’ll do it again.” Kay/o could also be possibly the one who killed Reyna’s sister. Now, because of the hard relationship between Kay/o and Reyna, this could also mean why Reyna hates Killjoy. After all, she does make robots which affiliates with Kay/o thus why Reyna hates Killjoy as well. I’m sorry if you didn’t understand or you think it might be wrong (after all it is my theory I thought off)
The Round // Gameplay Preview – VALORANT

(c) VALORANT More info on our website: https://PlayVALORANT.com VALORANT is Riot Games’ upcoming 5v5 character-based tactical shooter.
CS players: The abilities seem like too much.Overwatch players: Doesn’t seem to be enough abilities.
Can we like, take a minute to apreciate how the devs made this game as it is right now ? they actually made an insane job at developing this game
It feels so weird looking at it now, I’m so glad the team reworked on the graphics and everything. Game is so much more amazing and better now
1:07 hold on let me reload my knife
this game is lit
Omen Before the release: No eyesOmen in the Beta: 2 eyesOmen after the release: 3 eyes
Game looks promising. I hope there isn’t too much flash and abilities that kill, say for example a grenade launcher in the game.
can not wait till it comes out !!!
0:40 can we take a minute to admire phoenix’s hand, lol
Fun fact: the highlighted part above the characters’ icons on the top is showing that they have their ult. I think it is very important because you can see the enemy’s ults as well.
I remember seeing this back in the day, I was so excited I never played any other game, now I want my classes to end asap so I can play this
i’m rlly amazed at the progress and the current quality compared to this vid, thanks you for the effort !
Eu amo esse jogo. Caramba riot! Voc�s acertaram muito!!!
Wow an actual gameplay preview where the players don’t speak like they’re being held hostages.
I like how they called the operator as ‘bolt’. You can actually still see the name in game when you have a slow hard drive and you go to collections and the guns haven’t loaded yet. They will be all named ‘bolt sniper’.
game has came so far the devs did really well
a highlight vid to show off each character (similar to champ spotlights) would be really nice, and go pretty far toward getting information on the game out, as well as putting out a vid detailing guns and the shop and such. getting to know characters and what they can do through official channels would be really cool.
Sou o �nico brasileiro por aqui?? Sinto que este jogo vai ser incr�vel!!!
Kinda crazy how different the game is 10 months later
amazing!!! can’t wait for this game to come out
KILLJOY Agent Reveal Trailer – VALORANT

(c) VALORANT KILLJOY /// Germany “Relax, I’ve already thought of everything.” Killjoy arrives in VALORANT Act II. The latest Agent is a genius …
Track is Du Bleibst – SAM
Valorant players when killjoy is guarding a site: let’s rotate
Everybody gangsta til you hear “you should run”
Sova : *”This is not your turret, This is *Our turret.”*
Killjoy: *is german*germans: hippity hoppity, this trailer is now my property
The dislikes are from the people who got killed by killjoy’s turret lmao
“Don’t worry boys. The engineer, is engihere.”
whoever designed Killjoy’s everything is clearly listening to the entire album of Danger Days by My Chemical Romance
Me: “Mom can we get Dokkaebi?”Mom: “No, we already have Dokkaebi at home.”Dokkaebi at home:
Killjoy is living proof that German Science is still the world’s finest.
Viper: ults at A siteKilljoy: ults at B siteAttackers: Let’s save
I love how valorant’s promo material is like an actual montage someone would make
Whos here after the Skye reveal, rewatching how we were hyped for KJ?(Lol rewatching this after getting Yoru and Astra)
As much as I like Killjoy, she’s a pain in the ass when it’s the opponent (a good one)
Just got my first ever ace using this defense specialist. I think I’m in love.
” YOU FOOL, German engineering is the best in the world!” – Stroheim
I joined the game only 4 days ago and got her immediately at that day. My first and best character.
Overall you guys really did great with this character and im using her right now shes not to underpowered or overpowered but perfect 🤤
Even after this video was released i still get chills despite some nerfs
Sin duda la mejor presentaci�n de todas, pero no el mejor agente
SKYE Agent Reveal trailer – VALORANT

(c) VALORANT The pack leader is on your tail. Heal your allies and tear down your foes as Skye on October 27. Featured song is “TIME” by Alison …
Skye: “I need to protect my land sage”Also Skye: “SPIKE PLANTED”
Skye : can heal whole squad Sage : crying in the corner
Omen: Get’s flashedOmen: *Enemy spotted*
skye: Alright sage, I am in.also skye: Headshots sage.
Bruh she has a lot more muscles than brimstone
Skye: *Runs out of ammo*Also Skye: *incoherent screaming as she chucks birds and wolves at her enemies*
Players: We need new agent. Riot: Let’s put all spike rush orbs into a character.
Skye: joins to protect the worldAlso skye : plants spike
Why doesnt Skye have a cinematic like Yoru? We want our girl😭❤️
For those wondering what the song is: Alison Wonderland x QUIX – TIME
When you realize the wolf doggies in spike rush was just a test by the devs to see how Skye abilities would work. 200IQ
Skye: “I’m used to working with humans”Omen: Am I joke to you?
honestly this is the better agent reveal trailer amongst all of them, this has cool animations other than gameplay, a really amazing music, and some backstory about skye. we need more of these…
Love this kind of agent trailer hope that the rest are like this
The names on the healing ability are “Jett revive me please”
Sage: Skye… I got nerfed so badly ,i need a substituteSkye: Alright Sage I am IN…
Desde que empecé a usar a Skye, salí de hierro 😳 es muy genial este agente
As an Australian Hispanic and seeing both my culture represented, I feel the respect and love. Valorant thanks
Skye: Good on yaAs an Australian that’s used as an insult in that tone
Muito bom! 🥰
YORU Gameplay Reveal Trailer – VALORANT

(c) VALORANT If you can’t see him, it’s because you have no vision. Take the enemy by surprise as Yoru, the newest Agent in VALORANT.
The animators and artists at riot are just too good!!
Be like Yoru. Wear a mask and stand 6 feet away from everyone else.
0:20 早 means “early”. 0:28 破 means “break”. 0:32 悪 means “badness”. 0:36 瑠 means “lapis lazuli” or “lazuline”. 0:42 瞬 means “in a flash”. 0:55 夜 means “night”, and is read as “ヨル(yoru)” in Japanese. 0:53 ヨル(Yoru) = 夜 I apologize for my poor English. I am very much looking forward to the participation of Japanese agents in VALORANT!
Even in his ability trailer they don’t use his footsteps
I don�t even play this game but the character looks cool
Yoru : “I’ll fight anybody”Teammate: *blames Yoru for flashing them repeatedlyYoru : “I’ll fight everybody”
“I’ll fight anybody, I’ll fight everybody”*Shoots his own team’s Phoenix out of pure spite*Love that x)
“I play anybody, I suck at everybody”
Even after chamber release, this trailer never gets old
Am I the only one who thought that the meme song would play after the song says “Run.”
Omen: can teleportYoru: *And I took that personally*
Everything of this is beautiful. The art, the music, the visuals, the effects, just everything. Well done fellas
I need a longer version of this trailer. Music + video = dope 🔥
“If you can’t see him, it’s because you have no vision.”Well, it’s not like I can ward over the wall, now can I?
Can we just appreciate how the developersa and creators are making a good animation?
The whole Yoru aesthetics is just Rad n Mad 🔥🔥🔥
“Looking for me”Me a Lucio main: HEAVY BREATHING
This guy is exactly the character the game needed
The art designs getting better! Awesome character!