(c) VALORANT PHOENIX /// United Kingdom “You already know the name” Learn more at: Follow us on Twitter: …
normally a phenix flashes himself and dies
“Let me show you how the boss does it.”*Proceeds to flash himself and teammates*
you phoenix: proceeds to ult and acemy phoenix: proceeds to ult, flash himself and my teammates, and get knifed by a guy camping on his ult spawn point
Stay out of the fire, SUPPAH high level tactic ye
everytime he goes “Sit down!”I go “Be humble!”
The devs: lets release a decent very old clip by Volcano!!!
I always hear Pheonix saying hes gonna go for their MVP then I end up seeing him blinding himself and die
This is perfect aim
Phoenix skill “flashbang right and left””Wall fire””Ball fire””Run it back teleport”
Now i finally know that his wall of fire can change directions
Alpha design looks really cool
remember when THIS was a play worthy of being oh the valorant channel?
i love hwo they have shown pheonix as such a roadman
Literally the most charismatic character
ngl phoenix is pretty cool
I would like an option to use that male voice line. He actually sounds pretty darn good.
Can’t believe how OP his wall used to be. U could move it like jetts smoke
Me who was expecting Senna’s voice to announce “Last Player…” message: 👁️👄👁️
no one gonna talk how his ult is binded to w
This is my favorite agents on valorant

(c) VALORANT SAGE /// China “Let them try to get through me.” Learn more at: Follow us on Twitter: …
As a Sage main, this is pretty inaccurateWe just heal someone, then when we’re last man standing we rez someone and we both die
“I am not just your healer.” No sage, your the agent that your team forces you to play.
“I am not just your healer. I am also your drug dealer”
“You will not kill ma allies” Me- Here we go again
I am both shield and sword.
Sage’s voice is unique and u cant change my mind ☺
We all know that no sane person playing would attack while being slowed by a slow orb
Sage: uses slow orbRaze: hahaha RPG go brrrrrrr
I gotta say, I adore the amount of diversity in Valorant 🙂
As a sage main, im so upset about the nerfs to my girl D:
Yes, that’s my waifu. She heal, she block, she slowAnd she can make you 2v3.
everybody gangsta until sage’s heal ability is gone
Sage after an ace clutch: This is what Iam trained for.
you should add their theme music to agent choosing phase
I’m not just your healer”-every support main in league
The pain when their sage revives their top player reyna with 30 kills
You are a boulder, I AM A MOUNTAIN
Remember when Sage used to be the most broken agent the game has ever created?
Just so you know, there is Shelter on her offficial Playlist on Spotify.
I forgot this was before the massive nerfs, the slow orb stayed for so long!
Master the Moment | VCT Stage 1 Masters

(c) VALORANT Mastery takes many forms, but you know it when you see it. Tune-in to the VCT Stage 1 Regional Masters events on March 11 – 21 …
bless the animators, y’all take it to another level every time.
Okay. Riot NEVER fire your editors..
I have no idea what’s going on but the editing is insane
I don’t even play this game but I can’t stop watching the trailers cause the animation and graphics are always the best of its kind
“May the blade guide you” Star Wars moment
Editors: and how many effects do you want in the video?Riot: yes
The art direction for this game is the real Showstopper
Omg team from every region.. This gonna be epic.
Holy shit give the animators and editors a raise, this was sick.
This game just does it right.
Talented, brilliant, incredible, amazing, show stopping, spectacular, never the same, totally unique, completely not ever been done before. editing is CRAZY AND INSANE editors are literal gods.
Riot sure knows how to create hype for an event. Well done again.
Are you kidding me? what is that editing??Its so GOOD!Bravo Riot, NEVER fire your editors!
riot never disappoints when it comes to animations.
I can’t figure if the animators at riot are giving their 100% coz everytime they release a new video, it’s better than the old one.
player : “man this is so scary the whole world is watching us I am SO stressed”valorant : WIN OR DIE. THE WORLD IS WATCHING. BLOW THEM AWAY OR SELF-DESTRUCT:'(
These animators and editors have some insane skill
The editors outdo themselves everytime i swear
I want Indian teams to be recognised for the challengers. Valorant has a huge scope in India!
0:46 omen looks so terrifying lol
Closed Beta begins in EU/NA – VALORANT

(c) VALORANT The VALORANT Closed Beta is beginning in Europe, Canada, United States, Turkey, Russia and CIS countries. Make a Riot …
Respect to whoever aligned the audio of the guns to the music. Good stuff.
Let the games begin!
Thanks for using my music guys! 🖤🏴
This looks absolutely sensational! If you’re watching this now and you’re in NA/EU, best of luck getting beta early access, and have a wonderful time playing the game! Truly one of the best creations to come out in a while, I’m dying to see what the community will make of it for the future. Love you guys. <3
New character at the end, looks pretty cool with that massive rocket launcher thing.
when you watched streamers for the entirety of the drops session on april 3rd and never got into the beta.heres hoping to get in today
Bruh i never thought developers would even play their game, this is a masterpiece
Been following Project A for quite a while now, absorbing every drop of information, managing my twitter account and biggest Facebook group in my country. Now a beta went live that I can’t access. This is amazing 😂
best gameplay trailer, they gotta do more of this
it cant be just me that is watching streams all day and still dont have a codeEdit: Got a code After 62 hours ~_~
Hopefully we get an open Beta
Please make it open beta, this game looks great
I love you riot and you are doing an incredible job, also with being so friendly with the players, but this key system… it really sucks, not sure if there was a better system, but I’m not the one that has to think about it
This is honestly the best valor at montage ever made
i wish i could be part of the closed beta group i wanna play the game so badly XD
Graphics looks so much better. Hope you’ll add the HD textures pack for those who want.
To all those people who watch streams for 20+ hours and still got no code.I’ve been watching for 35+ hours and FINALLY got a permission to play. So you just need to be patient, don’t give up and don’t whine everywhere all the time. GOOD LUCK ! ❤
i’m really excited for this game, i wanna play now 🙂
Lancem o game para o Brasil por favor ಥ_ಥ
This game looks really goodPlease let us play it
Play with FORCE // BlastX Skin Reveal Trailer – VALORANT

(c) VALORANT Take out the bad guys with suction darts that pack a punch! The BlastX weapon skin line is available in the in-game store now.
Riot: Looks at sage”It’s nerf or nothing”
“HEADSHOT NOT INCLUDED”Well That’s the thing I want
“Each gun can be sold separately”
Imagine watching professional valorant and everyone is just shooting each other with nerf guns.
looks like the Valorant team has a taste of humor.
Riot: ”Scream till you get yours”Me: *still screaming*
the end 😂😂😂
Please do things like this. I’m sure its a lot of work but its refreshing to see how much care is put into these as well as the dev diaries, just to be closer to the community. It is really refreshing.
*That moment when you get one tapped by a nerf dart*
Valorant before – prime skins with sick animations and VFXValorant now – here is a gun made out of plastic which turns your enemy into a box
“Headshots not included” got me 😂
This gives me nostalgic vibes, now Imma buy singularity
If the suction bullet stick to the enemy, it will be fun. Imagine the enemy with full of dart running in front of u. U can also know how many bullet have u tag them
Nobody:Nickelodeon commercial breaks:
J� quero! To guardando radiante points para comprar elas
This takes my “it’s nerf or nothing” gameplay to a whole other level
That’s exactly what I expect in a customization
I’ve never played this game.. But this is my favourite game already.. 😍
Amazing, such a good trailer
Ok, this is actually awesome lol. How does Val keep one upping themselves.