RAZE // The Color of the Town – VALORANT

(c) VALORANT VALORANT is celebrating its YEAR ONE. The Riot Brazil team created “The Color of the Town” to celebrate players from around …
Riot: “You don’t kill with abilities. Abilities create tactical opportunties to take the right shot.” Also Riot: Introduces Raze with 2 Grenades
Raze: **looks at her phone and got kills**Me: **looks at phone for a bit and suddenly I’m on team sova’s pov**
Riot, after this cinematic we need a map inspired by Bahia.
I wish cypher had a video like this that is John Wick inspired.
Let’s be honest: Everyone wants to use her, but nobody wants to fight her
1:30 gives me life everytime.
You’ll never find such a big game that cares so much about its community.
I love how KillJoy is just there in the window looking at the town while Raze walks to her garage
RAZE: THE COLOR OF THE TOWN YR // 01 00:20 I’m gonna… 00:23 Fix you up today, Beebee. 00:25 Poor guy! 00:27 Long time coming, huh, buddy? 00:33 Let’s do it. 00:49 Uh-oh… 00:53 My bad, Beebee… Rain check? 01:00 Time for the showdown! 01:02 ♫ The ghetto, the street, the faith ♫ 01:05 ♫ I’ll walk around The beautiful town ♫ 01:11 ♫ The beat of the Afoxé ♫ 01:13 ♫ And the strength of where it comes from Nobody can explain, it is magnificent ♫ 01:18 ♫ The ghetto, the street, the faith ♫ 01:20 ♫ I’ll walk around The beautiful town ♫ 01:30 ♫ Wooo-oh-oh True love ♫ 01:34 ♫ Woo-oh-oh You know you go where I go ♫ 01:38 ♫ Wooo-oh-oh True love ♫ 01:41 ♫ Woo-oh-oh You know you go where I go ♫ 01:45 ♫ Don’t tell you don’t want me Don’t tell you don’t want more ♫ 01:49 ♫ I am the silence of the night The sun of the dawn ♫ 01:53 ♫ The world spins thousands of times But there is an ending ♫ 01:57 ♫ I am the first one to sing I am the carnaval ♫ 02:00 ♫ I am the color of this town I am the tune of this town ♫ 02:07 Go get’em, Beebee! 02:09 ♫ I am the color of this town I am the tune of this town ♫ 02:23 ♫ Wooo-oh-oh True love ♫ 02:26 ♫ Woo-oh-oh You know you go where I go ♫ 02:30 ♫ Wooo-oh-oh True love ♫ 02:34 ♫ Woo-oh-oh you know You go where I go ♫ 02:38 ♫ I am the color of this town I am the tune of this town ♫ 02:46 ♫ I am the color of this town I am the tune of this town ♫ 02:59 FROM BAHIA TO THE ENTIRE WORLD! THANK YOU FOR AN INCREDIBLE YEAR ONE! MUCH LOVE, FAM
That’s why my aim is bad as raze, she’s blasting music the whole time
There shud be a series of vids about the backstory of the agents and how they became what they are now
is so cool see raze representing our brasil, i love this game!<3eu amo muito a raze cara, ver uma personagem t�o boa representando o nosso pais, � incrivel<3
Valorant is just not a game, the whole cinematography, animation, music composition everything is on next level, giving all the characters their own life!
2:17 this is literally precise gunplay
Al�m da estatua da killjoy namoradeira, tem o nosso saudoso vira lata caramelo e uma carranca.. kkkkkk Muito boa as referencias!
This is literally the reason why Raze is my favorite character!!
1:25 gives me chills everytime and makes me wanna dance in my seat and then try to play Raze and fail miserably.
This video makes me cry lol. Its something about the music mixed with the amount of work that went into this character to represent her country along with the fact that Valorant took community clips from that country and other counrties and highlighted them in america. For once a top game dev put focus on another country and idk something about the way Valorant is running this fps game is different and I have a strong feeling this game is here to stay for a very long time.
No matter how many times you upload this, I’ll watch it every time

(c) VALORANT Join us as we unveil VALORANT’s first ever skin collaboration: SPECTRUM. This collection of weaponized color and sound was …
Honestly seen ZEDD live 4+ times, love to see him working together with Riot (again) ❤️🔥🔥
the finisher is so pretty
Shroud : “The reason I use skins with no animation is because they’re too loud.” Riot : *releases skins that play music*
Apparently theres a lot of subtle sounds/animations and i cant wait to figure them all out 👀
I was happy Cypher isn’t the one who gets killed first, but damn no, he’s the one who gets freaking backstabbed.
“turning you from a player… to a payer” sounds more accurate.
My teammates: Yo! Help us!Me: I’m not a player, guys. I’m a performer!
THIS IS DOPE AS F! :D! Great idea, nice project, I cant wait to see and hear it in the game! :3
i love this skin, it makes us scream “put on the music!” everytime we searching the last enemy remaining, good time
2:33 – 2:48 I love this tune! please release a longer version!
Damn, Super Stoked with this new Weapon Skin,Can’t wait to to pick this up from my enemies
Coolest part about this is now that zedd has made a collab, other djs and artist might also start doing collabs as well! Cross those fingers!
“Hey looks like presenting a new apple product” – looks at the price – “Hey looks like a new overpriced apple product. Nice”
this little song that keeps playing when you see the gun is so cute, i loved it. the weapons are really pretty
It looks amazing! I love the simplicity of it but the colorfulness of it too, and the shooting sound is t as loud as some other guns which makes it SO good either way im broke as f so i cant even get it :P😩
The dev team is just doing an incredible work on this new content, super excited to play the new act!
this was so well made good job guys 🙂
This guy: does anythingThe crowd: WOOOO SO LIFE CHANGING I LOVE IT
I love how active riot is like the game is so young and already a wildfire cause of all the hardwork riots been putting in… The future is here❤️
Es asombroso !! Qué gran trabajo✌👏.
It Starts Now // Episode 3 Kickoff ft. Community Creators – VALORANT

(c) VALORANT Over the past year, we’ve seen our community erupt with creativity as they shared their unique VALORANT experiences with the …
Im so happy to be part of this!! I hope you liked the video! GAME ON!
So happy for participating in this one! THANK YOU!
I am so excited! Cannot wait to try the new agent weeeee
Therapist: Jumping bucky headshot can’t hurt you. Riot: ~dink~
One day i hope to be in a video like this 😍
The amount of effort everyone put in makes this game have a strong community
I’m so glad dopatwo is here, getting the attention he deserves
This music touches deep in my body, mind, soul, spirit, and entity.
I love how valorant makes animations like this, it like a sign they listen to the comunity
this is a masterpiece. the effort and talent of these guys is off the scales
Holy shit, enigma’s part was insane. That man is a fucking editing god
Why does riot have to be so good at getting me hyped for valorant
They really care about their content creators 🤩
The trailers keep getting better 🔥
omg everything fits. the beat when the headshots, clean transitions…. amazing
God dang, we need more of this!I love how much connected to the community Valorant is!
My favorite detail in this is that at 0:35, all the agents Kay/O is facing off against are the radiants from the protocol.
Episode 2 Act I Overview Trailer – VALORANT

(c) VALORANT Welcome to Episode 2 Act I, with a new Agent, new Battlepass, and new ways to dominate. Build your collection, style on your …
Dear Riot,Protect your Editors + Creative team at all cost!, everything they do is 🔥🔥🔥
RIOT.. Don’t ever lose your editors.. keep them well paid and fed. coz they do hell of work ! 😍😍😍😍😍😍
Raze: Jett.. my sister from another mister.. lets have some funOmen: Yoru.. my brother from another mother.. watch them run
1:10 the play with the beat gave me chills, what a way to end the trailer lol
Tbh valorant makes the best trailersThey listen to their comunity And make everything hype
0:19 That transition was sick af
0:21 was the smoothest transition ever holy shit
Me stuck in iron, but getting so many wins, wanting to see how close I am to bronze.Valorant: here’s a leaderboard and rank system.
I don’t even want to make a joke about giving the editors a raise anymore.Absolutely stunning.
When you realize you love the trailer more than the actual game…
Everyone talking about the rad transition but not about that Omen tp to escape Breach ult. Overall, the edit was LIT!
me : gets inspired because of all the one tapsalso me : *gets one tapped*
Imagine, from Project A to this upcoming update. 💖🔥
Video : 1 Tap EveryoneReality : Im The Enemies In This Video
The editing was awesome! Valorant’s trailers and the game itself is outstanding!
You gotta hand it to Riot. They make amazing hype trailers that wants to make everyone just get on and grind to radiant
I’m so hyped for Yoru I’ll get him in a week or two
Man those editors putting in the work, making the game look a lot more exciting than it should!
Que buen trailer
Kudos to Riot for doing most of the things right by listening to feedback from players and constantly updating the game to make it feel fresh! Kind of reminds me of the hyped up game Battalion 2 years ago, and how their lack of frequent updates caused the game to die within months after release
Turn Up the Pressure // Episode 3 Act II Kickoff Trailer – VALORANT

(c) VALORANT Explore a world divided on our new dual-biome map Fracture, polish up your collection with the Battlepass, and prepare …
I swear you guys could make a video about ‘paint drying’ seem insanely hype
at this point the devs are just trolling every cypher main in existence LMAOOO
laylow getting the recognition he deserves
The song is LAYLOW – MEGATRON, It’s a French song hinting and confirming on deadeye.
tbh i fee like sage saying “your duty is not over” is like a manager telling someone who quit to come in for a shift
I love how this trailer showcased a lot of the community’s plays. Like with Jett’s ult in Split.
its insane how good their trailers are
I love the fact that riot is so active in the community and literally gives us anything we want. Riot is spoiling us ♥_ ♥
Riot games you all made a best tacticle shooter I really appreciate it and the utility management is amazing you did really good job
This is where all of our money buying the skin goes. For paying their staff making this hype trailer!
Valorant is the king of hype trailers, change my mind
Can we appreciate how damn smooth this entire video is.
Very good graphics, with a very interesting theme, thank you very much for sharing 🙂
I swear to God ! this video is so good, unique editing style, love it !
The team work in these adds is so much more corodinated than any valorent match ever
i think the back ground music being french, confirms the theory that deadeye is french. i T H I N K
This is exactly what we’ve been waiting for.
Honestly I want a theater mode for replays
ta muito daora esse mapa!
Add reverse private chat option in custom games. It will keep voice chat on between enemy and teammates by default. And you have tp press a button to talk privately.