Episode 2 Act II Gameplay Trailer – VALORANT

(c) VALORANT Squad up, it’s time for Episode 2 Act II. Dominate as a new Agent, tear through the new Battlepass, and more. Play VALORANT: …
0:11 Spawning in deathmatch be like
0:05 Phoenix flashing himself0:06 Sova shock dart himself
The most unrealistic part of the trailer is that yoru somehow manages to not get instantly killed after his teleport
lets goooo
just noticed in the intro…jett dashing in and dying, omen pushing out of his smoke and dying, phoenix flashing himself and dying and ofc the sova shock dart
Next up the next agent will have different abilities depending on the phases of the moon.
0:52 That transition was sick!!
0:52 this is how riot wants us to play against skye flashes..
0:53 the transition is smoother than my life wtf
0:41 Raze really focusing the turret
Someday we will look back on this trailer and remember how “simple” Valorant was.
Valorant dev’s exactly know what their players need just loved the new update
in 2 years from now this game will look so different! more maps more agents and maybe new guns
These trailers always make me hype to play the game
I love how the trailers always have fast paced gunfights where they each shoot and they take a second every time to line up the shot and account for recoil, when we all know damn well that in game your gonna push B site then get body shot instantly by some shitter that just peaks that sight line the entire time
Riot’s doing such a good job with these trailers
Dark Burn Creative always nailing the gameplay trailers!
This is for sure the best battlepass so far!
Such a stunning game and new agent! The Dev and Marketing team for Valorant are CRUSHING it
astra is top quality love it hopefully we can have a brim 2.0 thatll be so much fun or 2.0’s of every character
Arrive on Breeze // Map Reveal – VALORANT

(c) VALORANT You are now arriving at our Caribbean getaway, Breeze. Don’t get too comfortable. Open spaces and long range engagements …
Another map for me to be stuck in Silver on, cant wait!!!
I swear everytime cypher appears on a cinematic he instantly dies
“How do we nerf the judge?” “Make a map that makes it so you literally cant use the judge””Incredible”
If i can’t shoot a crab i’ll be disappointed
Valorant Episode 1 Act 3 : FreezeValorant Episode 2 Act 3 : 🅱reeze
I can’t wait to feel like a 4-year-old who lost my mom in the mall.
After few days…Breeze:Everyone hates meIcebox:First time?
“blinding beauty”-Skye flash”great for a pic”-Sage gets a pick”find your resting place”-Dead people
i hope valorant develope more maps in the future, this is so exciting. thanks for ur hardworks valorant developers
Hey, im just here to tell you guys i love this map. So far one my favorite maps on valorant (Ascent, Breeze). I know many ppl giving their negative feedbacks on this map. I think its great. And you should make more like this.
Valorant developers were Movie directors before 😂
Breeze was my most favourite map and now it’s beauty increased ten times ❤️❤️🎉
Once again, Riot don’t lose your devs, they’re the most amazing people I’ve seen
The games trailers never cease to amaze me
“discover a place full of blinding beauty” say less all i need is an iron 1 phoenix
Can’t wait to throw my Skye flash in the air and blind the WHOLE A site I love it
This map is so good. I love how open it is, everything is so long range and it makes you practice your aim. honestly i want more maps like this
Finally, the Valorant beach episode
Poor cypher, he just wanted to plant the spike and play with his teammates
That cinematic was just great! The way its told like ad for vacation place, nice! 🙂
Episode 2 Act III Gameplay Trailer – VALORANT

(c) VALORANT Episode 2 Act III brings clear skies and sightlines. Reach for Radiant horizons on our new map Breeze, collect exclusive content in …
The track is “Picture Perfect” by Little Simz.
Your editors keep getting better by every video lmao
Only Editors will understand the true satisfaction of those sick transitions
Please add a replay mode, this would give the opportunity for so many more videos for content creators
Cypher Ultimate : Give me a corpseValorant Trailers Ultimate : Give me a cypher
The editor knew exactly what to do with this gameplay.I’ve watched this multiple times already and even though it’s just a trailer, it’s so entertaining to watch.
Gonna get the high ground for Ep 3
Petition for Editor to direct a Valorant-lore movie.
good video, good transitions, good music, good gamedamn, everything is there
always have to appreciate the editing on these trailers, the transitions are so smooth
Keep your animators and editers, they are doing an AMAZING job.
When the bucky is good in the trailer but sucks in game 🙁
The way astra’s nova pulse syncs to the beat at 0:19 👌
All of your trailers are so well made my goodness.
What Valorant needs to add in the future :🔴Knifes with finishes 🔴Agents with different skins 🔴More skins in the shop to buy
One thing good about new map is that Yoru can be really helpful. It’s so open that getting near his teleport for seeing it or getting near to him while ulting is really difficult, leaving many easy kills for him
Cypher dying in every trailer is now a normal thing tbh
Honestly this map I’m excited to try for the for the first time, it looks like a pretty good map
Yo well done Valorant the beat is sick 🔥🔥🔥
best battlepass yet, nice new skin set release & great map, gj on the edit as well guys!
Weaponized Perfection // Prime 2.0 Skin Reveal Trailer – VALORANT

(c) VALORANT Embrace excellence with Prime 2.0. The Prime 2.0 weapon skin bundle is available tomorrow in the in-game store. Trailer made …
I like how the trailer is like a new iphone is coming out
You know it’s gonna be so expensive when there’s a type of skin trailer.
Can’t wait to pick this up after people die XDEdit: Picked up the Prime Phantom once and it’s 🔥
the team that made this animation deserves a raise
how is no one talking about how beautifully animated this trailer is..
Riot: “Taking your money isn’t just our goal, its our passion!”
when you realize their skin reveals are better done than an Agent reveal
Glitchpop 2.0: ok wallet, just one more I swear!Prime 2.0: I swear to god this is the last.*elderflame 2.0:*
Who ever made this trailer deserves a promotion its absolutely amazing
My god that is an amazing trailer, whoever created/developed this. Kudos
This is an amazing trailer and the animations are clean 👌 so satisfying to watch
I would gladly buy this masterpiece
This got me so hyped that i forgot i wanted a prime op.
Ah yes, this is gonna look so good in my Iron rank
10/10 would definitely pick up off the ground
Editor: How sick you want the trailer?Riot: Yes.
lowkey jealous of the creators of this trailer, seems like such a fun render
This is lowkey one of the best trailers I’ve ever seen. 🤯
the sound producers of valorant do a really fine job all the time wow
I am a learning Motion Graphics artist and I just want to let every single person on the Riot Art team and the studios involved in these productions know that the videos y’all put out literally gets my heart racing and I dream of doing stuff as magnificent and mesmerizing as these one day
It All Starts Here – VALORANT

(c) VALORANT The path to greatness starts in Ranked. Are you ready for the climb? Play VALORANT: https://riot.com/3idlntG Join the Discord …
Ah. Yes. Finally introducing ranked.
Expectations: “The road to radiant starts with one match”Reality: The road to get demoted back to iron starts with one match
Riot :- always keep climbingAlso riot:- win= 15 plus Lose = 30 minus
Riot:- “Always be Climbing”Also Riot:- Matches silvers with irons
I love dis game
Make some change such that you don’t lose too much RR when you’re the Match MVP or Team MVP. It’s so hard to rank up doing Solo Queue. And when you get toxic teammates, you know you’re gonna lose.Edit: I know MVP doesn’t mean you’re doing good everytime, but when you’re clutching 1v3, 1v4 or even 1v5 and then someone goes afk in your team or goes 1 by 1 and get killed by a single person, then it’s now really your fault.And I’m only talking about extreme cases when there’s like 15-20 kills difference between the top and 2nd player.They shouldn’t be so hard when you lose because of someone going afk.
Sova just shock darted himself at 0:12 this is truly rank.
0:12 sova shockdarting himself is literally me when I play this game
I swear RIOT’s editors should get a raise. The transitions so smooth.
“Always be climbing” Smurfs – “Naughty naughty, you teasing me”
“Always be climbing”.Me after Overtime for 17 round and then Draw. Ok then.
0:36 Rush B No Stop
can we please take a minute to appreciate the editors? like holy shit this is amazing
Riot: “always be climbing”Also Riot: Win :+14 lose: -32Welcome to Valorant
Valorant is the best game ever I just love it so much I love all the agents and everything is awesome in this awesome game GG
Rito games: The road to Radiant starts with one match!Reality: The road back to bronze is every other match.
This gives me motivation like I’m gonna be radiant in the next match!
Hype! Suggestion to help ranked: extend the /remake option to 4 rounds instead of two. This would help with teammates who leave at the beginning of round 3 and I feel it isn’t too much time lost. Thoughts?
I love how after they say “Find your rank”, we go from iron to silver and it ends momentarily