Wield your fate // Ion Skin Reveal Trailer – VALORANT

(c) VALORANT Humanity’s last hope is in your hands. The Ion weapon skin line is available in the store on November 11th. Trailer made in …
The greatest energy resource is discovered, and humanity creates a Bucky out of it.
I actually like the pricing of the guns in valorant. It makes sure I will never waste my money on them
“I felt a disturbance in the bank balance, As if a thousand wallets cried out in pain and were suddenly silenced”
Can we take a minute to appreciate that the trailer is epic
The new PS5 Phantom looks nice!!!
we need lore for these skins
That trailer is insane, respect for the editors and the team behind it.
Damn, it looks so legendary. As legendary as its quality prides its power to any other common weapon, it even has the same damage as the default weapons.
Val has mastered the technique of stealing money from our wallet automatically 😂😂
Wield… me (in head): …the light.Narrator: …Ion.Me: oh.
I have never EVER watched a SKIN trailer that gave me CHILLS!!!
Очень стильно и со вкусом,таких скинов побольше бы
I need this level of trailer for the characters and map
I’m excited to pick this gun off the ground when enemies drop itedit: I found a way to ride on Sova Drones and made a video about it!
In every Valorant match I am hunting for these to pick up from enemy.
the best skin i had ever seen in my whole life
Finally something we wantedcan’t wait to pick it off the ground!
When the weapon skin has more lore than the game itself
I wanted the oni phantom but never mind that, this is so much better!
Finally, a skin that looks just as good as Prime Vandal at the same price. This is gonna be my first phantom skin lol.

(c) VALORANT VIPER /// United States “No one can hold their breath forever.” Learn more at: https://PlayVALORANT.com Follow us on Twitter: …
The only character that gets too much hate because people can’t understand how to use her skills
Honestly they should do a “how not to play” series where they show fails of each character… so like with Phoenix for example, blinding the entire team and getting obliterated… or ulting with omen and going to a place where the enemy is holding a knife ready to kill or something like that…
me a viper main wondering why people hate her 👀👄👀
Cypher: Uses next generation tracking gadgetsViper: Hold my marijuana cloud, YOU FOOL!!
After watching this i never stop running Viper with Sheriff Judge
Not everyone can use this character
Viper Ally : Dont Get my way Enemies : Welcome to my world
I loved Caustic in Apex Legends and Viper in Valorant, Damn I have something with Poison!!!
i like the fact that her and cypher has thier own theme in like an arabic way , espacially viper , it like morroco algerian way or chaabi beats , it so sick
Ela é tão perfeita 😍💚🐍 sou apaixonada nessa boneca
Insane how the game evolved
Viper is great now! Kudos to the team.
literally how valkyrae plays
if Riot had only displayed the position for viper molly when she throw, she would have been the most broken agent
for everyone wondering why theyre showcasing gameplay from the beta, these videos were first shown on twitter, they’re simply reuploading on their youtube 🙂
0:18 just imagine if jet shown up here… 🤣🤣
The fact that viper ha the same voice actor as tiny Tina is cursed af
the music in the back is very nice
Jesus imagine being 0 – 10 then losing to a 3v1
Простите , но я влюбился в этого перса

(c) VALORANT REYNA /// Mexico “What hope do these criaturas have?” Learn more at: https://PlayVALORANT.com Follow us on Twitter: …
A good reyna on the opposite team is such a headache.
“As much as this world hurts me, it’s mine. And I will kill to defend it.”Such a raw line, gives me goosebumps 💜
Reyna means Queen in Spanish & Filipino. :))
Reyna how does it feel to know that you are the most OP character in the right hands?
“give me your heart!” *aztec intensifies*
The way she says I’m still hungry gets me torqued
Fun fact:Reyna is the only agent in golden moments to technically get an ace
enemy reyna: *is 4 hp*me: *goes for the kill*the enemy reyna, after using devour on my dumb mf teammate who pushed heaven: *THE HUNT BEGINS!*
“for you hermanita” i really need this agent
Back when Reyna could pull off Dismiss and healing 4 times instead of 2…man
I love how all the youtubers that react to this trailer don’t notice that when Reyna is Ulted she reloads the gun 2x the speed
She’s perfectly an evil witch <3 Reyna my main <3
i wish all my opponents would rush in aggressively like that
reyna could definitely be a new marksman or assassin in lol!! p: reyna basic attack deals 3 hits at a time. she will deal 1/2/3 more hits when she gains x/y/z attack speed. (ref jinx). each kill leaves a soul orb (ref sena). s1: reyna chooses a location to cast an evil eye applying nearsight on the enemies in the area as well as dealing dmg (ref swain). s2: reyna consumes an orb to heal herself (ref sena). //during ult: automatically actives when s3 is activated. s3: reyna consumes an orb and becomes invincible. //during ult: reyna consumes an orb to become invisible and invincible for a short duration ult: gains additional a/b/c attack speed. refreshes s2 and s3 immediately.
Es mexicana se ve grandiosa 😍🇲🇽
Reyna Ally: They will Cower Enemies : The hunt Begins
imagine my absolute fucking confusion seeing one of these in proper use for the first time. I was just dead and had no idea how
Getting an Ace on Empress Reyna is legitimately the easiest thing you can do. I’ve done it before.
I’ve never heard of reyna “give me you harth” in the game
Wow..this looks amazing..

(c) VALORANT CYPHER /// Morocco “I know exactly where you are.” Learn more at: https://PlayVALORANT.com Follow us on Twitter: …
“This goes here””Oohh this is a nice spot”Istg Cypher is the most adorable agent in Valorant 😭💛
Cypher’s attitude and voice is just so good! He’s so wholesome and dark at the same time. Kudos, Mr. Nabil Elouahabi!!! We love him!
Ah the guy who’s always died on the trailers.
Suprised Cypher didn’t die in his own trailer
“Who are you copy of meh? Hahaha” Best line in game specially the accent.
i just really love Cypher’s voice _i always swoon-_
me sneaking for 1min 30secs and finaly got behind the enemies without them knowing cypher: i know exactly where u are
Cypher Ally : Where is Everyone Hiding?Enemies : I know Exactly Where you are
Best defensive agent IMO
I cannot see them yet , but I can feel them getting ready.
“you guys are way better than my last team”.
“Agggh one of my cameras is broken!!, oh issok”
cypher mains here? 😀
you know the reason why i recruit him as my first agent is because his amazing designs
I just realized that subconciously this is my default setup for this map and it works like a charm(with some tweaks)
As someone Middle Eastern I gotta love the respect they showed. Even the name seems good since you read right to left in Arabic. Support, info, badass, nice hat/cloak. And North African. Love this char. Kinda glad they didn’t give him Raze’s abilities.
Cypher is the Batman and joker combined in Valorant
finally a trailer where cypher doesn’t die
the guy’s voice is really cool!!
As a cypher main I love this
WATCH // Stella Mwangi and VALORANT – Official Audio

(c) VALORANT The official audio for WATCH by Stella Mwangi. LISTEN NOW: https://found.ee/watchvalorant Spotify: …
RIOT makes pretty good games for being a music company.
Indeed. Wonderful.
Riot games is the coolest game company I have ever seen
This is nice, again, I kinda need that Spotify playlist
Watch me * dies instantly *Me : told you to watch . that enemy Jetts cracked . XD
The games from Riot is so cool, i can’t even believe they are a music company
This music touches deep in my body, mind, soul, spirit, and entity.
GODAMNIT RIOT!!!! The cinematic and music production team is something entertainments wish of having…. the growth from the beginning of League up until to Valorant is just fuckn insane!!! The animated series releasing soon for Jinx is gonna fuckn lit too!
Can someone tell me what this is for? Is this gonna be in game??? If so SHEESHHH
Damn, Valorant’s on FIRE!
Didn’t really get much of the song BUT it did sound Fire!
this song playing while playing jett entering a site as attacker! Hype level: 101%
Love this song, I hope more music from Valorant will be out soon 😀
Where else can you find content like this, seriously go riot
When she said “Money Long, nothin on credit”, my friends felt that.
Riot, you’ve been posting all week long. Chill lmao
This game company produces some of the best trailers with music …. Awesome : )
Perfection, this is a hype song!!!!
I came so fast that cyper and yoru didnt even die in the trailer yet
Norwegians ❤ Gotta love the quality productions!