Act II Battlepass Trailer – VALORANT

(c) VALORANT Play VALORANT during Act II, earn XP and progress toward unlocking cosmetic items for your collection: weapon skins, Player …
I can’t believe even official trailers show people like raze getting absolutely baited
We need more animated videos like the duelist video of phoenix and Jett for act 1 ignition for every new act❤️❤️❤️
Damn, you bout to make me drop some BANDS!
For real, we need “Watch Match Replay” feature. For real…
0:41 Trailer: Jett actually manages to hit more than three daggers in 20+ metersMe when I am playing jett: -100 in 5 meters
I hope there are agent skins or agent accessories that would be lovely likee a Phoenix with different clothing and with new abilities design like blue flame or new voicelines and with some awesome lore! LOVED YOUR GAME
Esse passe ta perfeito, comprei e to amando.
Those gun buddies of the maps look so sick. Only saw one for Split and Haven, though there’s probably one for Bind as well. Loved the Ascent rising gun buddy from act 1’s battle pass.
Love this game can’t wait for the cinematic trailer
I love how they always make the game feel like you’re playing against brainless people who move like they’re asking you to headshot them
This music touches deep in my body, mind, soul, spirit, and entity.
To louco pra fazer o v�deo: comprando todas as novas skins raras da loja. Vai ser muito top jogar com essas skins…
I love the way they edit their trailers!
Imagine how hard it would be for someone to create the opening scene in a real comp game.
So here’s all the KillJoy voice lines we know:“Turret out!”“Alley-oop”“Found them!”“Have some trouble?”“Countdown initiated!”“Careful!”“Oh? Almost done?”“Cool.”Edit: “Found them.” Is for Killjoy, if you look at her release trailer she says “Found them.” When her alarm bot goes on.Yes, two people can share the same voice line. Omen and Reyna do the same for “Cower, run!”Edit 2:Her ultimate line is “Countdown initiated” or “You better run.” Turn on subtitles for her trailer. It’ll tell you it’s countdown.
Riot: Dont bully enemiesAlso Riot: Knifes Phoenix
The new Deathmatch mode is very great I love it, good job!
nice battlepass way better than the first one, definentaly going to complete this one, great job.
This brand building with engaging, modern design is incredible
Quality trailer for both the act and new skin bundle.
Clutch V2: Animated VALORANT Frag Film inspired by the NA Community

(c) VALORANT Presenting the first-ever, animated VALORANT frag film, inspired by clutch moments from NA creators such as Shroud, Pokimane, …
This is so dope, but TenZ is cheating 😳
Kinda reminds me of the Animatrix with the artstyle
As a cypher main, this puts a smile on my face
RIOT makes pretty good games for being an anime company.
Valorant must have a bot mode so that we can practice on the map that we want to learn. I hope Valorant reads it 🙂
Cypher Buff: No longer dies in cinematics
Can we just give a round of applause for the amazing staff at Riot, there work never seems to let us down, (ahem except ranked(but we dont talk about that)) But anyways, the skill is unbelievable- huuuuge props to their staff and not to mention riot’s never ending community service!
I would love a whole series in this style
this animation style is super amazing, i need a show with this animation style please
0:37 Reyna gets a kill and uses devour to heal and Astra says “concealment” despite the fact there isnt an Astra alive in the match
Wait a minute…*CYPHER DIDN’T DIE*
I love how they put the astra sound effect with reyna’s heal at 0:36
You forgot to animate Wardell’s mighty voice line: “WATCH THIS!1!1!”
riot really knows how to appreciate the community 😍😍❤
The one thing I can say about riot is that they allow some amazing talent to shine in terms of animation
We need more like thisWith same style
Finally they decided to use Apashe’s music on this sick animation. Massive respect!
I cannot wait for Valorant cinematic episode 3. 🙂
I love it, it could easily be a comic
YORU Fan Beat Trailer – VALORANT

(c) VALORANT With your help, the game has changed. We created this trailer in partnership with fans all over the world who clutched matches, …
0:26 AYO IT’S ME
Reality : Enemy camps teleport with Judge.
Riot really cares about fans, appreciated
This beat is hotter than Phoenix’s abilities
I’ve never seen creators who care about fan arts this hard <3
🔥 fire, Ethos clip is insane!
Yoru: I’ll kill anybody I’ll kill everybodyPheonix: I’ll flash anybody I’ll flash everybody!
This is so cool, we need more stuff like this for every character.
Pros – teleport behinds a enemy teams and get an aceMe – enemy camp tp with a shotgun And ults in sage wall.
0:26 That 123 with kills 😍
I love that valorant really cares about it’s community
I love this! Amazing fan art, do more of these <3
Damn this is amazing and also shoutout to Valorant for acknowledging talent 💯
0:24 best transition I have ever seen
Really wish they would have put a list of the artists in the description, some of that art was really good
Would appreciate links to the artists as well. This exchange between the creators in the community is great
Wow I never thought we have so much talented people in the community, these fan arts are insane!!
So cool to see Riot making this kind of videos with fan arts, Love the community
I really love these Valorant trailers!! please keep making this sort of videos Riot!!
“ill Fight anybody, Ill fight everybody”-Some asian dude
Important news on VALORANT’s launch date

(c) VALORANT Executive Producer Anna Donlon and Game Director Joe Ziegler have an update on the official launch date of VALORANT.
“Not gonna lie, they had us in the first half.”
You know it’s a good dev team when they’ve got humor
They literally recreated the meme “They had us in the first half, not gonna lie”
I hope valorant hits so hard that csgo devs actually start listening to their community.
I legit died when they sounded all sad then i shat my pants when they said in a few weeks lol
Valorant cant be playing with my emotions like that😂Nearly caught a heart attack when they said a few weeks and dropped the bass to the short cinematic. Pheonix looks amazing, can’t wait
“we are not launching in a few months, we are launching in a few weeks” biggest uno reverse card activation
N�o vou mentir. Eu arrepiei quando vi e ainda � mto legal. QUE prazer fazer parte dessa comunidade nova de um jogo t�o legal
I have high hopes for this game. The interaction with the community from the devs has been amazing.
Estoy muy emocionado de que lanzar�n el juego, a pesar de que tengo una computadora muy vieja y no puedo jugarlo, me gusta ver c�mo juegan otras personas 😀 espero alg�n d�a tener una buena pc gamer para poder jugarlo
Devs: we are not gonna launch this on a few monthsMe: NOOOOODefs: Because we are gonna launch it on a few weeks!!Me: *You had me in the first half*
I love this game, my only complaint is the afks 😞
i just had a smirk smile when they said ” we are gonna be launching the game in a few weeks” cause i was trying to play valorant before 1 week
Keep the content coming ❤️❤️❤️
I have high hopes for this game. The interaction with the community from the devs has been amazing.
Played a few games today and I’m so excited with what’s to come I really enjoy it
Legit the coolest plot twist I’ve seen in the gaming world, Valorant devs are racing for the best developer spot in my heart!
Жду с нетерпением релиза! Игра имба спасибо разрабам за это чудо!🤗🤗🤗
That drop at 0:50 hypes me up every time and end up dying all the rounds
Nice dev. Keep up this kind of updates!!!
EVOLVE OR DIE | VALORANT Masters Reykjav�k | 2021 VCT

(c) VALORANT This is the global stage now. It’s time to evolve. Tune-in to the culmination of VCT Stage 2– Master Reykjav�k. May 24-30.
Unfathomable Aesthetics, GJ Riot and editors
Dear Riot,Do not lose your editors and animators.Sincerely, everyone.
Just release a 2 hour movie like this and I will watch in theaters.
These editors better be living in a penthouse after editing this masterpiece
these editors are just something else, good job
The dislikes are from people who felt the goosebumps and pressed the wrong button due to shaking.
Riot: *disables Yoru*Yoru: Let me come in the trailer atleast 😭Riot: Sure!! *Turns him into dust*💀💀💀
Evolve or DieCharles Darwin: Oh yeah, it’s all coming together
Hats off to the editors behind this
Riot’s cinematic team never fails to amaze us.
Damn the graphic edits on this video. Hats off to the creators. Video edits like this with minute details on that ghost and omen face damn i mean. It does take time a lot of time and effort. But when a masterpiece like this comes together it is worth it ❤️
Riot: “Evolve or die”.Cypher: Guess I’ll just die lol
damn its like they use 90% of their budget for 1 trailer
Смотришь и заряжаешься желанием играть, качество и вайб от подобных мувиков всегда на высоте
The sound effects and the video gave me goosebumps. Anyone else?
valorant videos just give me chills, editors have done yet another masterpeice
Sick visuals, so so upset I haven’t been able to watch any of it live yet and I will be missing finals and every single match basically because I’m away from home, gonna have to come back to it when I’m back in a few weeks 🙁
these 3d modellers, animators and editors need a raise!
FINALLY a trailer that cypher doesn’t die first, wait nvm, they all are statues
Iceland is just the perfect place to hold these kinds of events.