- カワウソ コタロー マグロの刺身はこうやって食べる Kotaro the Otter Eating Tuna Sashimi
- カワウソのとなりで堂々と昼メシを食う父ちゃん Reaction of Otter When I Eat in Front of Her
- これがカワウソコタロー最強ベストシーン! Otter Kotaro Best Moments of 2020
- カワウソコタローとハナ かわいい赤ちゃん時代のハナスペシャル Otter Kotaro&Hana When She Was a Baby
- カワウソコタローとハナ ついにご対面!初めての出会い Otter Kotaro&Hana Meet For The First Time
カワウソ コタロー マグロの刺身はこうやって食べる Kotaro the Otter Eating Tuna Sashimi

(c) KOTSUMET マグロのお刺身をコタローに一切あげてみました。 最初は可愛く手でちぎって食べてましたが、我慢できなくなったのか最後は大口でペロリと豪快にいってます。
1:00 who else waited for THAT moment, finally?!
Those little hands… 😍
可愛い💕 誰か、Benedict Cumberbatchさんもマグロをあげようか~🤣めちゃワンちゃんみたい💕
Otters make a pocket out of their fat where they keep their favorite rock. Cuteness level 10/10 bonus cuteness : the male and female Otters hold hands while sleeping so they don’t drift apart 😢
He’s seating like real person amazing
First video of yours ive seen. Definitely not the last. This guys not wasteful at all. Interesting creature
i don’t remember this episode of jun’s kitchen
He sits in a chair too I love this lil guy
So cute watching this animal eat. 😂😂❤️❤️
Смотрю каждое Ваше видео и получаю массу удовольствия и позитива. Спасибо.
Какой он классный!❤❤❤😚
If you’re looking for a good heart melting … this is the place to come! What a sweetheart 🙂
Is this the best video on the internet right now?! 🙊😍
His inability to grab the meat with those wittle t-Rex 🦖 arms was giving me anxiety lmao 😂
This kind of adorable should be illegal #heartexploded
In the beginning, Kotaro is thinking, “Damn these short arms!!!”
Omggg so cute, my heart can’t stand so cute! 😻✨
カワウソのとなりで堂々と昼メシを食う父ちゃん Reaction of Otter When I Eat in Front of Her

(c) KOTSUMET ザ・昼飯って感じのチャーハンのめっちゃいい匂いがしてるにも関わらず、意外と反応が薄いハナの鼻センサーは魚の匂い以外はあまり感知しないようです。 カワウソにとって …
I am 89 years old and have always loved otters. My niece Sherry has found you for me and I subscribed to you. Looking forward to more videos. They make the cutest noises & it is interesting they eat like they are in the water on their backs. I am going to see if you have a video of just the noises they make. I live in Florida USA where do you live? 🙂🦦🦦🦦🦦
She’s very smart; she created her own game using the cat treat like a hockey puck 🙂
1:00 The otter is playing PONG with the treats! I’m done, I’ve just seen it all..
Who knew we all needed to see an otter playing with a cat treat today? That was adorable.
The sound she’s making is soooo cute!
OK watching her bat around the cat treat for the first time in my life I’ve said out loud “oh my god that’s adorable.”
Daddy: don’t play with your foodHana: I am not playing, this is a legitimate sport
Really it’s a stress reliever watching them. So adorable especially when she playing the food on the table
I laughed so hard at the table tennis game he had with himself. They are too cute and well loved.
When it starts playing pong with the cat treat, i had to punch the wall to get my manliness back.
watching her play with her treats on the table was the cutest thing I had ever seen… I just about shed a tear and imploded from cute overload. <3
Watching Hana play with a piece of cat food, ‘pong style’, on a table – my life is complete, and I can die absolutely happy & satisfied with all I have seen in the world.
I literally cannot handle the cuteness of her playing with cat treats. Too damn cute 😍
That takes “Stop playing with your food” to a whole new level.
She’s so stinking cute and sounds like a squeaky toy.
One of the most cutest thing ive ever seen in my life is when she plays with her snack on the table.
I’ve always said that if I could be an animal, I want to be an otter. They always deem to have fun!
OMFG I love how it’s playing air hockey with the kibble on the table LOL
“Eating salmon in front of Hana” torture video
これがカワウソコタロー最強ベストシーン! Otter Kotaro Best Moments of 2020

(c) KOTSUMET 今年はよもやよもやな一年でしたが、ご視聴いただいた皆様がカワウソコタローとハナの動画で少しでもほっこり気分になっていただけたなら大変嬉しく存じます。 今年最後の …
8:55 My friends when they are done with their food 🍱🤣
Kotaro stands up like a child who wants something at the store but won’t say anything because he knows his mom will say no 😭
I love this kid. He’s always exploring how things work, protects his sister (and very tolerant of her antics), loves his mom and dad and *always* up for a good scratch 🥰🇺🇸
This little wonderful creature has locked in everyone’s heart. Kotaro and Hana were a joy, we were able to forget about the problems. Thanks. Love, kisses and big hugs from Hungary ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️🇭🇺
Sooo cute!!Waiting for angel Hana’s best moments vid next!💜😇💙🥰
KOTARO is the best! Happy New Year’s, pal!
Kotaro is really very adorable. Watching him is full of fun.
На малыша можно смотреть бесконечно…🤗🤗🤗🤗💝💝💝💝😉😉😉😉👌👌💝💝💝💗💗💗💗
Неподражаемые лапусечки:активные,любопытные,смелые ласкулечки!!!Долгих вам всем годиков жизни,на радость всем нам!!!👏👍🤗🎄🎄🎄❄️❄️❄️💥💥💥☃️☃️☃️😂🇱🇹
Станет грустно или скучно- посмотри на эту совершеннейшую прелесть!
Боже мой, какая прелесть!!!!!
Красавец Катаро, наш мальчик- столбик с бровями и усами-лучиками😝🤗 какой милый)) пошла смотреть, теперь, про Хану!!
Очаровательные зверьки😁 Сплошной позитив. Рад, что посмотрел. 👍
His belly scratches and pebble eyes are so darn adorable 😍
Здравствуйте. Такие милые!Спасибо Вам за видео.
Какие милашки, умненькие и любознательные.
Everyone else are just cute otters, Kotaro is something else.1:25 best moment
We love you Kotaro. Happy new year!
Котаро такой чудесный почесун😁 любим тебя😘😘😘 С наступающим Новым годом!!! Здоровья, счастья и хорошего настроения!!!🙋🙋🙋
カワウソコタローとハナ かわいい赤ちゃん時代のハナスペシャル Otter Kotaro&Hana When She Was a Baby

(c) KOTSUMET 明日はハナの1歳の誕生日です。 今日は前夜祭として我が家にハナがやって来た日〜1ヶ月くらいまでのちっちゃちっちゃいベビベビハナハナ動画を作りました! 【コタローと …
super cudo
I want yall to know was having a terrible day and stumbled across these animals eating their salmon on hands cheat day…it changed my day around and since I have binge watched them…thanks for sharing with us
What a cute little pup. I like how she “saved” her white toy from the robot spider.
3:03 – *Kotaro, early 2019:* “Friend? New friend? I am curious about you, fellow water-sausage. Don’t leave.”*Kotaro, two years later:* “I regret everything. Annoying little sister is annoying.” *Baby Hana, 2019:* Body-slam! *Adult Hana, 2021:* BODY-SLAM!!
1 year of hana being cute. 1 year of kotaro getting bullied.
Смотреть можно бесконечно! Не знал, что выдры такие забавные, но мне кажется здесь большая заслуга хозяина. Так заниматься с выдрами надо уметь. МОЛОДЦЫ!
Нет других слов кроме как милые зверята. Хозяину их спасибо за такое чудо и за то, что показывает это все нам. Удачи в жизни и здоровья.
Awe!! Thank you so much for these. I lost my mom in June then my older sister just earlier this month and I needed these. They make me happy to watch. Thank you!!!
Kotaro has been always temperate, his personality makes Hana feeling safe. In fact whomever is with Kotaro feels so. Kotaro Hana,& Aty are healing 🐹❤
Получаю огромное удовольствие, созерцая этих милых зверьков!
*Ну и банда, такой заряд позитива от них, спасибо за позитив😍😻🤗👍*
Me: time for bedYoutube: sorry…we have cute Otter videos to watch
просто здорово!!! спасибо всем кто спасает и приручает любых зверьков!!))
Какой милый ребёнок Хана !😊💞Да и сейчас она милая. 😊
She looks so adorable.
Можно бесконечно смотреть на этих прекрасных малышек.
Ну какие же они замечательные животные!🥰😘🧸🙂😙😚❤🌴😍💕💋🍬🤩😍
Какая же она милая, мордашка такая любопытная 😘
She was so tiny. Happy early birthday, Hana
Мамзель маленькая!!! Счастливое детство у этих зверюшек!!!
カワウソコタローとハナ ついにご対面!初めての出会い Otter Kotaro&Hana Meet For The First Time

(c) KOTSUMET ハナが私達にだいぶ慣れてきたので、コタローにも会わせることにしました。 一度ケンカをすると仲直りが難しいらしく、最初は慎重に慣れるまではケージ越しで会わせます。
Kotaro “ Whats that ?”Owner “ A girl “Kotaro “ Eww , cooties ! “ 😂
The cuteness has reached critical mass.. meltdown is imminent..
Poor Hanna wanted to meet him so badly. Oh well, Kotaro is the shy guy sensitive type. Kotaro,…. I got faith in you little buddy, you’ll win her over in no time!
The extreme amounts of squeaking is melting my heart away.
Kotaro’s emotions: WARNING ⚠️ GIRL! GIRL! GIRL!!
Kotaro tried to dig his way out of there 2:08
Kotaro is frozen in front of her. Because she is so pretty and beautiful. 😘💕
Hana so cute.. those little hands.. when she hold dad’s finger with her hand.. awww ❤️❤️❤️
Котарушка, милый! Не бойся! Какая у тебя чудесная красавица-подружка теперь есть!!!!!☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺
So its not just male humans that are scared of females
Fun Otter Fact: in relationships, the female otter is dominant, though both male and female will share in child-rearing.
This looks like me trying to interact with a girl
They’re about to be the cutest otter couple this world has ever seen
Proactive female passive male?Is this some kind of 2019 slice of life manga?
Aaw he’s so shy😭❤
It was beautiful the first meeting between Kotaro&Hana 😍😘
Don’t be shy little buddy! Get in there, You can do it.
Eeeeek I have been waiting for this video
_All of this time Kotaro only know Mom n Dad, so he’s shy meeting new family members._ take your time, Kotaro.. we support n cheer on you.. ^^