- DIY☺︎ miniature Aquarium made from candle 小さな立方体の中にアクアリウムを作りました。水中、雲、魚etc~の作り方
- DIY☺︎miniature Realistic kitchen fan /ミニチュア『台所のプロペラ換気扇』を1/16サイズで作ってみた!
- UVレジン☺︎Spirited Away DIY/千と千尋の神隠し 白龍 DIY
- DIY☺︎miniature dollhouse & diorama collection 2019 Q&A、よく使う道具・材料、craft roomを紹介します!(2019Ver.)
- DIY☺︎How to make miniature Fruit parfait – Polymer Clay ミニチュアパフェ&フルーツの作り方【樹脂粘土】
DIY☺︎ miniature Aquarium made from candle 小さな立方体の中にアクアリウムを作りました。水中、雲、魚etc~の作り方

(c) Hanabira工房 こんにちは。Hanabira工房です☺︎ 今回は100円ショップの材料で「ミニチュアのアクアリウム」を作ってみました! ある日、DAISOの …
Your aquariums are beautiful . Does the gel candle have any long term effects on the stuff you put inside ? Thank you for sharing and inspiring me . Also thank you for the English captions !
Those are beautiful! When my daughter was in school, she had to make a cell diorama so to be original we made it out of clear gel candle wax in a round glass and all of the organelles out of beads and wire. The teacher loved it! No one had ever done that before. My daughter let the teacher keep it.
This music is like staying up late on a friday night after a long day at school and playing Animal Crossing. Fishing and collecting bugs late in to the night. Waiting for Nook’s Store to open.
flawless as ever 💙💙💙💙 i wanna start doing resin as a hobby, your works inspires me too muchi look forward to future uploads 💙💙💙
You inspired me to make my own miniature worlds 🙂 i started with a little pond with fish inside. And a nice table for outside. Now i need to make shelves for plants^^It is a really calming experience to watch your videos 🙂
They’re so pretty!! You’re videos are always so soothing and calming. How do you come up with ideas like this?
Wonderful! I’m going to use this idea to make a space themed miniature aquarium!
Thankyou so much for sharing this! I have tried making an aquarium from resin and every time the sides draw in from the heat of curing! This is a wonderful alternative!Keep up the great work you do!
I’ll never do any of this… but omg, this is so beautiful and relaxing.❤️
That’s so nicely done ^^ I love your DIY’s so much ^^Thank you for that ^^
I haven’t seen gel candles here but I will look for them because they work amazingly well.
While i would watch your videos no matter what, i really appreciate the subtitles 😍😍🥰
Невероятно красиво))))
Holy crap you are awesome!! I always love your work, can’t wait to try this out too. 😄
i love the music! makes me so calm and goes well with your videos! please make more, would love to watch them! ^^
Your works is so amazing !! Ill be waiting for more uploads 😊
DIY☺︎miniature Realistic kitchen fan /ミニチュア『台所のプロペラ換気扇』を1/16サイズで作ってみた!

(c) Hanabira工房 こんにちは!hanabira工房です☺︎ 『台所のプロペラ換気扇』のミニチュアを作ってみました! サイズは1/16の2cm×2cmです。 【2020年 …
You inspire me so much. The attention to detail and the amount of work you put in amazes me every time. Thank you for posting these videos and keep up the good work!
YOU. ARE. AMAZING. Thank you so very much for the entertainment and the inspiration. I would find it difficult to proceed with my own miniature hobby without your knowledge and inspiration! Thank you.
I love how you make them all look old and used
Please NEVER stop posting!!!
Love how you built it from scratch! Wow. Just wow.
There is a kitchen for that fan … Coming soon … Too excited … 🤩🤩🤩
Mis respetos que paciencia 👏
I love your videos! Your work is really inspiring! Sending you good wishes from South Africa
i love your videos, very calming and relaxing!
Amazing!I can watch your videos all day long. You r so genius with working miniatures.Cant wait for your next project.Take care 🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗
Absolutely amazing! So very life like, in every detail! Thank you for sharing this video. Have a great day 🙂
It’s so tiny 😻And it works 😊
Hello. I really adore your works! Can you make tutorial about how to make your self-made vacuum? Ty ❤️
I can’t believe you made it actually work!?! Sooooo cuwte.I would love to see how you make the moulded plastics, in detail!
I like to imagine that you are the old guy from toy story that fixed woody! Makes it so fun and cute for me💕
Awesome, really inspiring!!
Bello tu trabajo me relaja bastante me gustar�a que subas v�deos m�s seguido
UVレジン☺︎Spirited Away DIY/千と千尋の神隠し 白龍 DIY

(c) Hanabira工房 千と千尋の神隠し DIY☺︎ チャンネル登録よろしくおねがいします.
It looks so beautiful ♥️
This is breathtaking. I’m beyond impressed 😍😍
C’est magnifique💙💙
When is the child, I very like to watch this.I’m open a CD almost everyday. I never got bored 🙂
This is so beautiful
レジン高額みたいなのはよくわからんがハクがめちゃくちゃうまい事は分かる 細かい、、
So lovely ❤️❤️
Who cares if this is years old, I’m so glad I found this!
DIY☺︎miniature dollhouse & diorama collection 2019 Q&A、よく使う道具・材料、craft roomを紹介します!(2019Ver.)

(c) Hanabira工房 こんにちは!Hanabira工房です☺︎ 今年は登録者数2万人くらいからのスタートだったので、26万人 という数字を1月頃は想像もしていませ …
My granddaughter believes there are “little people” living in my home.So, when we watch your videos, I tell her your are making them for your “little people”.Thank you for your art!!! Much love from Houston, Texas!!!🥰
I have loved watching you build each of these projects I can’t wait to see what 2020 will bring I wish you a peaceful happy and prosperous new year
Thank you for all your hard work this year. You have inspired me to work hard to create things I will love. We visited Daiso today, and I’ve been making miniatures ever since! It’s wonderful to see your beautiful works from the whole year. Thank you for sharing everything with us!
You’re such an inspiration, thank you for doing what you’re doing to create a beautiful world of miniature, I look forward to see more of your amazing work. 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻💐😊
Thank you so much for this video! I’ve always wanted a studio tour and a tour of the tools you use. This video was awesome 💚! I wish I were this organised… my work table looks like a disaster zone after I’m done using it, and then, I keep procrastinating about cleaning it until the precise moment before I need it again.
Thank you! I just started building my very first miniature house two days ago and this video is right on time!
I really, really, love your videos!! I love how detail oriented you are, which makes these little houses seems so magical!! I hope that your channel receives the attention and love it deserves! <3
i don’t mind the lenght of your vedios,its very thereputic that you show every single step.all the best for 2020 and plzz don’t change the background music..❤️❤️❤️
I love all your works, especially how you make things from scratch! Its also clear that you have improved with every new piece 🙂 have a happy new year and I look forward to seeing you make new things!
Seeing the space in which you create your amazing miniatures is as inspiring as the process itself. Thank you for the tour, and for sharing your wonderful creativity and talent this past year, and I look forward to next year’s videos.
I wish I could live in those miniature dollhouses! They are gorgeous!
I loved seeing how you began mossing the backs of them some time through last year ! Looking forward to seeing you grow and have more ideas this year ! ♥️💕
Oooh! I loved seeing all of your art supplies but absolutely adored seeing your tools! From the mini hand files to the battery powered ones-I want all of them so badly!!! Thank you for sharing this special video with us!
J’adore tes dioramas et la mani�re dont tu mets en sc�ne tes vid�os, merci de nous faire d�couvrir ton univers (tu as un tr�s bel atelier ), et j’esp�re � bient�t pour une de tes nouvelles magnifiques cr�ations :)!
Your miniature flower shop was the first video I watched! I loved everything about it: the background music, all the little details, everything. Thank you for sharing your art with us!
I really love your works! you’re actually one of my inspirations in making dioramas and miniatures. also I always use the ”Sundial Hill” song whenever I’m working ^_^
I wouldn’t have expected any less from such a meticulous artist. Your room is so well organized and gorgeous! Thank you for sharing your talent with us. Love from Canada
One of my favorites of yours is the matchbox koi fish ponds/fishing. Super cute! I really like your miniatures, u put so much detail and heart into each one and it definitely shows. I just started making miniatures myself and u have been an inspiration to me, I’ve been working on my craft for about 2 years, but lately I have been at a block and not very motivated to do it. But watching your videos definitely gets my creativity flowing, so thank u for sharing your work with us, because it is beautiful work! Love from Salt Lake, Utah.
I shall never get tired to watch your amazing creations, thank you for share the beautiful miniatures you make with people like us, cheers and greettings from Mexico (I live here, and I love it, despite some issues like bad public officials or organized crime)
Thank you so much for showing us your craft room. It’s nice to see where all that magic happens. I so need to get organized like you!
DIY☺︎How to make miniature Fruit parfait – Polymer Clay ミニチュアパフェ&フルーツの作り方【樹脂粘土】

(c) Hanabira工房 こんにちは、Hanabira工房です☺︎ 今回は、前回作ったパフェ屋さんの動画に出てくるパフェとフルーツの作り方です。 粘土はすごく苦手で …
You are truly amazing. Keep up the great work you are doing!
Looks absolutely beautiful! And with so much details, you a really good at this
You say you’re not good at molding clay, but I think you did a fantastic job. 😊
Absolutely beautiful craftsmanship. Thank you very much for adding English subtitles.
gorgeous!! did you make the plastic heat former? i’d love a video on how if you did! ^_^
Love all this! Love miniatures… Love the way you work on it! 😘
Could you please make a video or list the basic things for making diy mini houses?That would be amazing.Also love your videos !
the mango and blueberry parfait looks so yummy 😊.. you’re amazing
Everything is perfect. You have a real talent.
You’re so inspiring and omg those MELONS!! I’m going to Daiso today but I bet they don’t sell everything since covid started. I want some resin so bad because of you. The moss you use is so hard to find.
Absolutely stunning. You’re such a wonderful inspiration ^^(Also, I love the music in this video. Does anyone perhaps know what the names of the songs are?)
What you do is so magical and soothing to watch ❤ I love it.
Such attention to detail and amazingly steady hands. 😍 very talented 😍
Amazing detail! They look fantastic!
Impressive!!They are so tiny but very detailed!!Good job!!! 🙂
I absolutely love watching your videos and this one especially was amazingYou have such an amazing ability to createWell done 👍💜👍
You are truly talented. The coloration and design were awesome. Please continue to make these videos for us YouTubers. Thanks.
So talented! So much work. Beautiful!👏🏻 I dream of doing this.💭
You’re very talented! This is so relaxing to watch.I love the musics you used😍😍😍
What heating tool is used and what kind of plastic I wonder. Love watching this. The details are amazing