Cool I got a Shin ramen advertisement before thisAnd omg it’s midnight but now I’m so hungry. Why am I doing this to myself
If anyone eats ramen with anything less than a soft boiled egg and some meat, then they ain’t eating to live; they eating to SURVIVE.
We need a “Cooking with David” live stream
Omg David looks so good in this video!!!! I mean I always thought he was hot fat or not, but damn. I really enjoyed this mukbang more than others too~
The sound you make when you like your beer is the sound my dad makes when he’s pissed at me😂😂 poly families man🌺
I would love to see you continue doing mukbang! Seeing you cook some of your childhood foods and some Japanese food would be awesome but I’ll watch whatever you decide to make 😀
This makes me a little sad in a good way. Last summer I went to my Korean language camp (because I live in the midwest, they don’t teach many asian languages anywhere), and we would eat this everyday for the 2 weeks I was there. Every time you took a bite, it brought me back to exactly how those things tasted. From every warm noodle, to the crisp bite of the pickled radish. I miss it all so much! It brings me back to my home away from home.
I’d love to see you cook and do step by step stuff. Korean, Japanese food are always a plus!! But anything you enjoy I will enjoy as a viewer 🙂
I’d love to watch you make budaejjigae (부대찌개). Everyone has their own way of making it and I’d like to see how you do it, if you have done so before 🙂
I feel like david is really talking to me when he does this. Keep up the good shit David.
I’m so happy that David makes mukbangs because I only watch them to make me feel better when I’m craving things and to see him making mukbangs makes me super comfortable
david uses chopsticks like a white person 😂
Hey y’all decided to do something that was HIGHLY requested. As I mentioned before I don’t have too much time anymore because I’m auditioning running a few side businesses and working on a really amazing project that I want to share with y’all soon. So at the end of the day I’m just going to film fun things when I can and whenever I can. I said from the beginning no matter how busy I get I will always try and stay connected with y ‘all. Thanks fam love y’all!
Yes! I like how you talk to us versus us just staring at you eat which is creepy. Thank you for explaining what you’re eating, and giving us a little background.
love it David! Just love having you here doing whatever you feel like sharing with us! You look so amazing!! miss your singing too tho!
I make my cup noodle and put it in a bowl so I can feel special…
Yes please do more of these!! I love your calm story telling voice and also learning how to make these is awesome! Listening to you how to make these and about your childhood, how you used to make them for yourself and still do till this day, helps me calm down somehow, I dont know what it is, but this was so soothing to watch and listen to! I hope you make more of these! 🙂
You look a lot more skinnier David, keep it up! And treat yo self like you did today, you deserve it! 😊👍🍥🍜
I love this mukbang! Keep up the series please! Omg listening to you eat makes me want to eat so badly 🙏🏻🙏🏻
Role Playing with Julie Zhan

(c) DavidSo This is a collaborative piece that Julie Zhan, Kane Diep and I did. As all of you know Julie has been in a lot of my skits playing a strong role and she has …
She was perfect as bella!
the twilight bit was priceless. �Her Bella inpression was spot on
“It’s a me Pinocchio.”-I died
david and julie have really good chemistry
When I saw David dressed as Edward just creepin in the corner I almost fucking died
Her Bella is on point!
All he does is bake cup cakes and shit XD
There literally was a fifty shades of grey trailer before this video 😂
Thats a great bella impression
that bella impersonation is amazing lmao
Y’all played Edward n Bella so well lmao
Want more of julie and david .. They make great vids together 😉
‘ ive been watching you bella…’ I spat rice all over my key board XD
Her accent for Hermione cracked me up with their facial expressions! 🤣🤣🤣
That whole twilight role playing part was hilar…..mostly beacause Julie’s Kristen Stewart impression….and a little bit of when David had that glitter�gunk on his face…….LOL!!!
David… I just wanted to tell you (although you’ve heard it a thousand times) you sing like an angel! Love you tons your comedy is spot on!
Julie does an amazing Kristen
dude im cracking with all these old shit lol i mean i love David’s content now, but this sure was hilarious as well lol
I wish I could forget everything that I’ve watched on your channel just so I can re-watch it and laugh my ass off.
Why I’m Leaving JKNEWS for good!

(c) DavidSo LISTEN ON ITUNES!! Other Audio Platforms: Spotify: Castbox: FOR ALL BUSINESS …
The support from yall feels great… Love you all. Forreal 🙂
You’re dead to us.jk love you
Jkfilms stopped, Jkparty stopped, askthefeels stopped, Julia, Tommy, Daniel and Byron all left, Bart vlogging with his loud ass zooming, David (Julia kinda) left Jknews, Geo (Bart and Joe kinda) left jkparty, Brown, Tyson, and Briggie passed, Joe and Jessica broke up, the crew hating on Geo for disliking McDonald’s, Geo vs David. Oh boy 😭😭 End of an Era.EDIT: 12/05/19, I’m still adding stuff inEDIT: 01/23/20 JKPARTY STOPPEDEDIT: 02/20/20 JULIA LEFT JK
JKNews is the reason I heard of David… now I am kinda sad, well I guess see ya
Noooooo, I watch JKNews primarily for listening to the crazy but relatable things Joe and David have to say.But I guess Send foodz will do 🥺
When he said it was clickbait I felt so relieved until I realised it wasn’t clickbait :’( But I’m glad David found something he wants to do 🙂
I’m so sad because Jk won’t be the same without David😭 but I understand everyone has to grow and move on to pursue better things.
Damn it won’t be the same I’ve been watching jk news since I was like 15 I just turned 20 two months ago
“Ft David So” I never thought you were officially a part of JK to begin with 😂
I was kinda hoping this was clickbait 🙁
an end of an era, left gracefully. Hi David! Love your classic rant videos. Your authenticity brings the best out of your comedy.
Man, it feels like an end of an era.
Damn, change is hard; however, it’s a must at times. I’m sure we’ll see you on JKNEWS once or twice in the future as a guest. I don’t think you’ll refuse to ever do at least one little episode in the future. Best of lucks, man!
You’re not interested in coming back at all just now and then, like maybe when you have some more free time in the future? Regardless, I wish you all the luck in your future endeavors, man. Keep on grinding!
I stumbled upon you on Jknews when I was pregnant, seriously shat out my baby watching that shit. I’ve never laughed and cried so much in my life. Wish you well with your new endeavors David ❤😁😂
So glad to hear all the positive things you’re planning to do in the future! Best of luck to you David! I will always be a fan!!! Breaks my heart to see you leave JK News but I also look forward to what you’ll put out in the future!💕
Your fierce rivalry between Geo will be missed 😢 however, good luck with you future endeavors! Hope everything works out 👍🏻
At least be the occasional guest, bro. PLEAASE! 😭
David’s been evolving for a while now. It was a matter of time before he left JKN. But it was so nice to watch him over the years. I’ve laughed so much at David from him making fun of Ryan Gosling to commenting on Bart’s farts. We love you David 💕
I use to look forward to seeing “ft David so” maaan 😩sad to see you go David it won’t be the same with you support you all the way ❤️❤️ look toward to seeing your growth
VLog #7: Interesting Comments/ A little Rebecca Black

(c) DavidSo This is REALLY SHORT… I have been super busy but you I promised to give you all A video every week… next weeks vid will be interesting because it is what …
Chun is so adorable what ever happened to him
Your vlogs make me laugh so much and so hard. Seriously, my face hurts.
I never get tired of this video. always makes me laugh. I miss Ngabo and Chun!
David, love your videos, you’re funny as hell and it is not common for a 6’0 tall Asian, though they exist. You shouldn’t give up on trying a sista… you’ll find one that isn’t as strong as myself, cause personally I find that most of them are weak, strength wise anyway.
Can Chun make a comeback in your vlogs? ;A; He looks like BamBam from Got7 and I just.. //not to fangirl or anything//
I saw Chun! He was my waiter! Great guy.
I think Chun kinda looks like an Asian Joseph Gordon Levitt. Not being racist or anything, I just think his face is pretty similar…�
Pause on David’s face at 0:04. I am lauging too hard.
Chun is so adorable with the fruit snacks! I just want to hug him!!!
I love how chun is just sitting there eating fruit snacks while david gets chocked out
Aww, why is Chun so adorable? Especially when he said, “Don’t go 7 chins” haha <3
yo david happy birthday i wish you well in everything. you’re frickin hilarious man keep doing your thing 🙂
david so, you’re awesomeeee!!! watching all your videos make me laugh during a stressful time!
Love your videos! They always make me Lmao! Please keep making videos 😀
LOLOLOLWhat I love about your channel (and I only found it today) is how you’re so hilarious even when you’re not trying xD
Chun, I love how you’re just sitting in front of the camera eating fruit gummies x]
Chun’s so adorable! 🙂
you’re all awesome! You, Chun and Ngabo 😀
Lmfao. I freaking love these videos!! They’re hilarious!!(:
I miss Chun so much >_< But I’m guessing they’re just not friends anymore, that’s why David doesn’t talk about him anymore.

_”Remember that time you stood up in Japan and everyone thought you were Godzilla?” I DIED_
Out of all the Jk fam’s vlogs, David’s is THE BEST for the editing GAWD DANG
“grandma what big hands you had” I nearly choked on my food dude lol.
David and Geo’s love hate relationship is soooo cuteee
the “FAT” edits kill me 😂
Why I always Like and Favourite your videos :1- Editing is fucking hilarious2- Music is fucking dope3- Filming quality is dope af ( crispy af… time-lapse my life )4- Content is always funny, and enjoyable
“Remember that one time you stood up in Japan and everyone thought that you were Godzilla”- David So ( That was too funny)
Lol David and Geo are definitely friendship goals!
Why do your vlogs look like mini movies? They’re so clear and hd
omg when David said to geo ” grandma what big hands you have ” had me😂😂😂
The timelapse at the end of the video of you and Tiffany really reminded me of “My First Love” for some reason. I know I’m not the only one that wants you to continue it! Please do continue the series! TELL US WHAT HAPPENED!!! Like so David can see
Get is so funny XDDavid: first of all, I’m cuterGet: who said? You’re mum’s not here
Hey, David what camera do you use for those crispy ass shots?!
David is like everyone’s big brother
These Japan vlogs make me feel really calm when I watch them. The editing is on point, the music is bomb, and you and the JK crew are really down to earth. Can’t wait for the rest of the videos ☺
Barts end of the year quote “I can’t wait to bust nuts in you” 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂#RIPGeo
So I just started bingeing David’s vlogs and I freaking love how he films and edits his videos. It’s so professional yet personal at the same time it’s amazing
David So’s videos are just art.
I love David’s friendship with Geo. It’s hilarious and cracks me up so much.