The TRUTH About Why I Left SMOSH

(c) DavidSo Watch Full Video… LISTEN ON ITUNES!! Other Audio Platforms: Spotify: …
Wait, Boze actually made Smosh & Order? I always thought “created by Boze Bozington” was just a punchline based on her fake name. Holy cow, that’s impressive.
So basically, boze realized that Smosh (as a company/brand) wasnt a good fit for her and what she wanted out of life… good for her! I love boze <3
I had no idea boze even left Smosh will this very video
Boze is so down to earth, I hope she succeeds
From the videos of her on JKNews she fits in way better with the JKcrew than she did with Smosh. They all have the same humor and can bounce off each other
I love boze hopefully she can join jk
It sucks that she sells herself sort like that. I genuinely believe Boze does have the drive and ambition to make it as an influencer (or in any field for that matter), but I am glad that she is chasing her bliss. I’m gonna miss her at smosh but I can’t wait to see the new things she’s gonna do
Okay but legit I wanna see that Survivor Show Boze was planning cause that sounds amazing!
Apparently she’s a digital marketing manager for a company now
Ugh I wish we could have seen a survivor-style show with Smosh – it would have been so good!
So with SmoshGames coming back I wonder what they’re gonna do. I feel like her leaving might have been a bit of a knee jerk reaction considering that Smosh is no longer with Defy and now under the Mythical branding. She seemed to have gotten along with the majority of the guys and considering that they’ll have MUCH more leeway under Rhett and Link it just seems sad now. That literally only leaves Mari, Jovenshire, Damien and Wes in SmoshGames. I can MAYBE see Lasercorn and Sohinki coming back, after it seems that ToasterGhost has unfortunately fallen through, and I always hope that Flitz would come back but I don’t know. Who knows, maybe they’ll even get in new people or something. I will admit though that the fans weren’t very welcoming to Boze upon her being brought in which was very unfortunate.
So basically like Sohinki and Lasercorn was just going to leave Smosh one day even though everything that happened going into her leaving made it seem like she was happy there. And Youtubers wonder why rumors of conflict inside of a channel happen. Its because of that.
I think her thought process was very mature and honest and would’ve been correct if it wasn’t for Smosh being bought by Rhett and Link and getting back their creative freedom, she could have had great opportunities even just to experiment in different creative endeavors solely for her resume
Wow. What a down to earth and wise person. She will be successful. She just nerds to find her place in the world. With the level of maturity she has demonstrated I’m sure she will.
Boze was (is) genuinely one of my favorite people on the internet and my early favorite when i started watching smosh, she literally got me into that channel. and i hope she can keep working with them occasionally, but im happy to see her working toward what she wants and doing whats good for her.
Is everyone leaving Smosh now? Jeez… (That survivor thing sounded amazing. I wish that would have become a reality. She would be a great director or writer.)
I love Boze as a character and a person, she is so real and even though I’m watching this in 2020 I respects her. If you look at my YouTube search history it’s all about Boze, I envy you, not for your success but because of you as a person. I hope you know we, the smosh fans, all support you and respect whichever life you choose!
I’m grateful for the time Boze spent with Smosh Games, and I would like to hope that things ended on good terms, but above all I’m happy that she’s pursuing what she wants to do. You’ve got this girl!
That’s survivor parody would’ve been funny af
Man, I’m really proud of her for doing what’s best for her. I’m definitely going to miss her on Smosh though, I hope she still hangs out with the cast and crew once in a while.

(c) DavidSo LAST LIFE VLOG: CONTACTS BOOKING: Booking: Facebook: …
“one more time” LOL
So happy for Bart & Geo~~
Hahahaha David is way too hilarious
David you the real Mvp 😂😂
Tiffany has the curves of a nice & slender kawaii potato.
Tiffany just inspired me to actually work out! If I’m gonna look like that… Shit I’m going to the gym 😩
I swear David is an awesome friend.. So nice of your to recognize Tiff for everything that she is..
YES! All the Wedding Vlogs are rolling in and overlapping!
Tiff is such a sweetheart, I look up to her 😊
If you had watched tiffany’s how we met episode, you would understand why marriages mean a lot to her.
tiff looks soooo good! I love the jk crew. u guys help each other promote each other in such a great light that only real friends can do! So annoyed that the top comment is about some guy being insecure and sensitive af about this, why does he have to be so bitter about it? but haters gonna hate, as always.
Tiffany seems like that sweet wholesome girl next door 😍.
David’s choice of music in these videos are always great. Paul is one of the few YouTube artists I listen to. I can only express my joy by using the f word… It’s fucking awesome.
damn, david, fair play to you — your vlogs are of pretty high quality! they’re hella enjoyable too =]
He just sang a part of Primary’s Love feat. Bumkey!!! David, you’re the true MVP.
His singing 😍😍 gives my life
Thanks for keeping it real David and for giving a honest opinion. Keep it up.
seriously tiff, way to go!! It’s hard not to go downhill after having kids lol
Great timing, just watched this one after Tiffany’s story. Loved it! #tearsofjoy
On Geo’s vlog when Bart started to tear up and look get in the eyes, I was fuckin balling and I think I also went gay for a sec
The Proposal

(c) DavidSo LISTEN ON ITUNES!! Other Audio Platforms: Spotify: Castbox: FOR ALL BUSINESS …
First… thank you all for being patient. Legit didn’t want to share this for the longest cause I tear up every time I watch this shit lol haha. But enjoy family. I hope this candid moment makes you feel butterflies you bitches lol hahahaha
How dare you make me cry my own tears. CONGRATS!!!
“Are you going to marry me or what foo” lmao 😂 🔥🔥
this is beautiful and i love you, all the best to the two of you <3
YOU MARRIED BART & GEO, AND TIFF & CASEY. Who is gonna marry you two??
You know how Mariel is the “Disney Princess” and all, but then it was David crying here 😂 Totally got hit in the feels! Congratulations to the both of you!!!And Mariel just reacting in multilingual is soo cute idk. How does David not combust every time??? 😂😂😂
Usual proposal: girl starts cryingDavid proposal: David starts crying 😭
Love how they do things very simple and casual but still very cuteLike David was crying And Mariel was just screaming from being so happy looking like a little happy kidLove this so much I actually cried a little
This is wholesome. The moment Mariel wiped your tears, I started tearing up, too. That’s love.
I’m really appreciative that he did share this moment with us. Even though he didn’t need to share this with us, it’s amazing to see what true love looks like, and see a precious moment looks like.
I actually prefer this. It is none of our business. And no one should be offended by this. This is your life man. Good luck to you both and congratulation!
This is so perfect, it is a privilege to share this with you two, it’s so pure and genuine, ahhh I love it, and are overjoyed for you two!!
This was such a sweet proposal, I can see the genuine love of yall. Many blessings and much prosperity to y’all ❤️❤️
David wipes his tears like he’s trying to wipe the skin off his face 😩😩😩😭 this was sweet though omg
Congratulations to you and Mariel, I have been following since i was in like the 6th grade and now I’m a Junior in college, your videos definitely helped me in so many ways and I am glad you decided to share a moment like this with us. Thank you for everything you’ve done up until now and what you continue to do, I am wishing for the best for you and Mariel.
Does this mean david is gonna officiate his own wedding since he’s officiated everybody else’s wedding?
I love the mix of English, Japanese, and Korean languages. 😭♥️ Super happy for you both!おめでとうございます!
This is RAW its freaking amazing man CONGRATULATIONS to both of you!
I swear she was gonna roll down the hill when he first proposed

(c) DavidSo Special thanks to Verizon Wireless! Check out the new Samsung gear s powered by Verizon 4g LTE at: Special thanks to Cassie ho!
had so much fun doing this with you David!!!
Verizon 4G LTE……Vere-zon Foh-jee LeTay…..Omfg.
This was entertaining haha! Love Cassie! <3
Yep..that was hilarious!
That segment with Kalif got me laughing
OMG when I saw the thumbnail I knew it was Cassie but I didn’t even think it was possible for my two favourite youtubers to be in the same video… But it is! The YouTube gods have blessed me
You want Do do ri???Do do ri??Doritoz???Best part of the entire vid!!!!
LMAO David’s face after snatching up that hotdog! OMG xD
Two beautiful worlds on YouTube collide. Cassie is such a natural at acting, you go girl!
-U want sum do do ri?-Do do ri?-Do do ri.-Do do ri ga mwo ya?-DO DO RI.-DORITOS? I’M DYING :DDDD
#TeamSingle Where all my single people at?!
wow that product placement was really smooth i didn’t even notice that it was bc he was sponsored haha
Cassie: Ok, heart rate?David: Athlete!C: Huh, deceased. Steps taken?D: Marathon!C: Negative fifteen. How do you even HAVE negative steps!?D: That’s because there’s a negative south way. You don’t go to school? You didn’t go to college, did you?C: Oh my god… Sleep time!?D: … i luv u…C: UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGH!!!
Two of my favorite YTers in one video kyaah >w< It was great! And David’s face when he saved his food really cracked me up hahaha xD
Lol! When he grabbed the hot dog instead of saving her… I just couldn’t stop laughing… That expression is hilarious every time!
thought it couldnt get any better but the end was the nail in the coffin lol thats how u successfully promote a product
ROTFLMFAO….David you are the master of comedy. Every time I watch one of your videos it’s better than the last. They have got to put you on the big screen bro…thanks so much!!!! And I also thought |Cassie was awesome!! she was a total natural….epic win
This was hilarious! I’m also a blogilates follower so to see Cassey act so angry really impressed me! It was a new image of her I was so not used to seeing. Otherwise it was a great collab!!!
DAVID!! I really hope you see this. I’m a really big fan of you and jkfilms I watch all the videos. I truly agree with most of the stuff that you say and I’m always happy when you stick with what you say. You don’t cave in under pressure, you stick with what you believe in. Congratulations on literally everything you’ve achieved. You deserve everything
Cassie did a great job for her first acting gig! Kind of odd to see her mad. XD I definitely laughed a great deal at this video, bravo David.�
LOL EP. 27: I Hate Geo!

Man David I am loving your ‘LOL’ videos more and more! They’re the perfect combination of you as a vlogger/comedian but also an artsy type vlog/travel video! They really sum you up as a YouTuber so well and I really enjoy watching them! Keep on inspiring people!
Geo is gorgeous, i mean look at her without make up, damn. She also strikes me as one of those girls that acts likes she doesn’t know it. Good stuff.
I hope y’all enjoy these living out loud episodes! This series took me a while to adjust and get down but I hope you enjoy the format that I’ve created. It’s not the vlogs that you’re used to but its different ya know? I want y’all to understand that I edit, shoot, and write all my stuff. I know not all of these might be AS entertaining as some of my other content but you really get to know me in this web series a lot more than anything else you’ll see on this channel.
holy crap i am in LOVE with this lighting set up. also the aperture of whatever lens is used is amazingggg.
Your voice is damn epic in that NO Damn Good song, David. I wish you had done a serenade or some sort of RnB love jam at Bart & Geo’s wedding. If I had your voice I’d be singing every chance I got.
Okay, I’m ready for that video about Julia.
Geo actually looks really good without make up.
“KEEP THE FIRE GOING ITS GREAT FOOTAGE!!” me too, David. me too.
David,You are a natural speaker…your tone, cadance and pace are very good…it’s the yelling that drive me nuts.
When David said MY TURN i thought he was gonna do the sexy dance with the music
David, I love these Living Out Loud videos. It’s wonderful to see all that happens behind the scenes, because it makes the comedy and the music all the more enjoyable. Thank you!
I fucking laughed my ass off at that part were you compared that song to yours David, I love you so much man you the best I’m enjoying this #DavidSoMarathon
its weird how I’m in love with David
I’m loving these videos more and more! I’m currently locked out of my house and have an event to go to in an hour but this video made me laugh really hard and forget the stress a little bit. Thanks David!
*That burning aluminum wrapped food on plate* David: KEEP IT BURNING, ITS GOOD FOOTAGE!*When the fire grows and burns the whole restaurant* David: KEEP IT BURNING, ITS GOOD FOOTAGE!
“Keep the fire going it’s great footage” lol
OMF– DAVID!!!! I love the music that you have in this video. It gives me a good vibe and I wonder, what is your main source of where your songs come from.💖
Yo David this series is so dope! Your edits with the background music just creates an amazing vibe to the whole video. Keep up the great work mah G.
I absolutely love your living out loud vlogs, they show so much joy