(c) DavidSo MY GOD! talk about the most requested video on EARTH!… Racist lady on British Tram here I come.. I’M COMING FOR YA!!! Contacts: Booking: …
I’m from Britain, and this video disgusts me, not just because I live in the same county and this vile human being, but because there’s so many more just like her all around the world. I fail to understand how people can think like this, and what worries me is that those poor children are probation going to grow up with the same views. Hopefully they get a better education and learn to think for themselves to grow up to be decent human beings!
I would have LOVED to be on that tram. Laughing my ass off and probably correcting everything she…tried to say >.>
I feel so bad for her lil baby.
Good god, it makes me feel uncomfortable knowing I’m in the same country as this hopeless woman.
Thank you for yet another awesome video, It is a sad fact that there is so much discrimination, in a world that is so beautiful with all its mixed diversity. Not to mention your videos always crack me up, thanks and hope to see more vids in the future!!!
i just love his analogies, they’re the BEST!!!!!
David, you are the GOLD standard in the morning! Thanks for that!!
I really like all your videos and especially LOVE when you talk about a serious topic. You are such a great spokesperson.
I love the “college words” things that you do. Best part of the whole video.
I saw this the first day it was posted. (My tram experience) I was just waiting for David to make a video about it 🙂
David deserves 1million subs.
British aren’t a race. You can be British & be Chinese or Italian or Nigerian, as long as you’re a citizen of Britain or you are British born, you can call yourself British.
ROFL “I’m Vlogging, close the fucking door” “Thats pretty intense…” man I love you David <3
I can’t wait for the child to see this video when he’s older. :DD
I loved the food references – now it makes sense. lol!
“I would have shit, AHHH i did it again” Hahaha he can find the funny in even the saddest moments
david, u always make my day <3
I love you man! You speak the truth!!
Man, I love your videos. Always puts me in a better mood. =]
David, you forgot to say “LGI, let’s get it, let’s go!!!” OMG!

(c) DavidSo LAST VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Iv2jhW17rzc LET’S DO WORK! Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/davidsocomedy/ Booking: …
David should cook Mexican food for Geo and Tiff 😩
You should do a jk party cooking competition set up like master chef and David be the judge
still dont understand why after all these years joe has not purchased a plot of land to call it jomalia
Wow I never thought you would bring the glorious Joemalian king on this series
David trying to be the jomalian chef
Yes! I kinda wanna see the cooking side of these mukbangs
joe’s basically a giant, intelligent 5 year old LMAO
You know David loves you when he cooks for you lol. He’s funny. He can cook. And he can sing like an angel omg.
Okay so this man can cook, sing and is funny 💆🏽♀️ where can I find me one
“If YouTube doesn’t work out, you always have a place in food. Except i don’t think you can run a kitchen coz you just uh-” 😂😂😂😂 ohmahlord i love joe xd and sushiii
Love it David!! You should do a Mukbang for each of the JK crew
and also david props to you for the quality of the video and different angles. SO AESTHETICALLY PLEASING I CANT.
They way Joe eat is like a little kid. His face expression and movement is like a kid and then he sometimes tell the information like kid showing off. He’s so hilarious to watch. Joe gotta film more mukbang videos
David’s so multitalented.
I want David to cook for me and then eat with him. Love watching TSB and the mukbang vids
viet food with ginamexcian with geo or tiffchinese with bart
Make this a series! Just bring the JK fam and other friends over!
Joe needs an official taste tester before he eats. We can’t have the Joemalian king poisoned!!!!
David needs his own restaurant. I will definitely fly to Cali just to eat there.
David needs to teach us how to make sushi!

(c) DavidSo LAST EPISODE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Iili7V0neuo CONTACTS BOOKING: Booking: davidsocomedybooking@gmail.com Facebook: …
“My ass is sweating” LOL DAVID KILLS ME
“My ass is sweating” LOL DAVID KILLS ME
“And that’s how dumb they are. They are young.” LOL #Preach
Lil’ Isaac seems so excited to go on the gondola with David 🙂
Did anyone else find it cute when Isaac was like we have to go on the gondala but I will be with you?
lmfao David face when his fears became realityxD
Everyone is wearing a jacket and Bart is walking in a regular shirt. What a thug.
Who else think david should just make a long ass uncut vlog??
I hope y’all enjoy these life vlogs… i don’t do them too often but ya know when I got decent footage I’ll be uploading it for ya 🙂
LOL Joe at the end was so funny xD I’m glad u made it through Japan David, i’m proud of you.
I wish you could make the vlogs a tiny bit longer. They’re so freaking entertaining!!!!
Editing on point, music on point�loving these video vlogs my dude….. Ha, David had a Sam Jackson moment on the bus… Child you can do nothing for me…
You can do nothing for me child – David So 😂😂
David vos vlogs sont la vie pour moi. Merci beacoup :)))
“David is a babyy!” I must have heard that like 20 times, but because I didn’t see Isaac saying it here, it must have been in my dream. So, relax, David. I only heard that in my dream. 😉
David is the only youtuber that can make me cry while laughing
Not going to die These Japan vlogs are my favorite videos! I watch each one like 3 times a day
David’s YouTube videos are the some of the only videos that make me physically laugh
I would love these to be longer I’m so in love with the way you film and talk💜
I love how David got the face of “oh hell no” when everyone said he was going to ride on the gondola and it stayed that way for a while.

(c) DavidSo LAST VLOG: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-FpAxLpQBFY LAST LIFE VLOG: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yk-n9TXLJiw CONTACTS BOOKING: …
This made me tear up! You go David!!
When you say David’s name.. Put some respeck on it 🔥
Mad respect to you for speaking up 👏🏼👌🏼
Really wish David is more popular. He isnt afraid to talk the real deal and he knows how to joke about it too.
This hits home except it was me on the sales side and the customer saying and doing that shit to me. Because of my job I’d get fired for defending myself and ‘causing a scene’. But I get customers doing the hand gestures all the time and I just gotta take it. They say stuff like “You give bag. Me give cash” like…bitch I know wtf you’re saying just speak normally without the hand gestures and then get all surprised because I speak english with your native accent. Or the “Why’d you come to Australia? Whats wrong with your country?”, “I was born and raised here, this is my country, and even if I wasnt, the way you are speaking to me is a bit uncalled for”, “oh haha sorry you just dont look Australian”….like wow… ugghhh makes my blood boil wish I could just say how I really feel -.-
Being a white woman, I’ve never had to experience that sort of vile disrespect, but I’ve seen it.I remember the time I took my Latina friend (military spouse/just moved) to our local Walmart. She entered before me/was stopped by the time I came up. The employee demanded he check her bag (nevermind just entering)/when I asked him if this was a new policy, he lied/said they’d been checking for a year. I went off on him, as I’d gone into that store wearing giant hoodies/jackets/with a backpack (winters are cold), had even been there the previous night like that, and was NEVER stopped. My friend was well-dressed/had a nice purse/otherwise looked way less suspect than I, so we knew what it was. When I started yelling at the guy, he stuttered/apologized/quickly let us on our way.Otherwise, I’ve had other white people make racist comments around me, thinking I’m “safe”/expecting me to agree (I make it very clear that I don’t). Some of my race are shit, and I’m deeply sorry.
David…. preach… Thank you for your story and speaking up…. I love you^-^
Omg dude! I’m Mexican and I totally get it! Everything especially the look. I’m a 14 year old and I’ve experienced a lot of shit. Once I was at Walmart with my mom right, and my mom turns and tells me “hey can you go get some sour cream I forgot it.” And keep in mind we were about to check out. Also keep in mind it’s like 8-9 am so of course I’m going to be in sweats at Walmart. Anyways while I was in the cream section of the store looking for the brand my mom usually gets a lady come from behind me and says “do you need some money? Do u understand what I’m saying?” With that exact same hand gestures and wide eyed. I turn and say ” no miss I’m a citizen here and speak fluent English and Spanish. It’s 8 in the fucking mourning of course I’m not dressed to come to Walmart. I get that you may have came up to me with good intentions but please don’t do that ever again to anyone unless there actually asking for the money.” But omg thank goodness my parents raised me not to cause a scene
When people piss me off, I just marathon his videos and I’m good.
not just asians/immigrants as a black person trust me i feel this way and not just when dealing with sales, I can’t go to the mall,….. hell any social area without feeling peoples projections of my value being lesser than them for what ever preconceived notion and merit system they have in their minds. I think david hit home for a bigger community than he thinks.
Seen the look. Hate the look. Makes me want to pull a Pretty Woman EVERY TIME….. still hoping to do that with my former accountant and the “nice” ladies at the Louis Vuitton store *rolling eyes*
You make all these valid points and keep it straight up honest but not rude, I love how you handled the situation, it definitely gives younger people/everyone a good idea of how to confront blatant rudeness by employees.
Americans think that we Asians are poor as hell like 70’s boat people from VietnamChina – 2nd largest economy of the worldJapan – 3rd largest economy of the worldSouth Korea – 11th largest economy of the worldwe Asians can buy entire America
Where is this dealership. I want my turn at it. hehe
I vent out all my anger through David
You know it’s sad to me (and probably every other immigrant who’s first language is not English and not white) that I have to try to have the most “American” accent to be treated with some kind of respect or else they’ll think I’m bad at English. No joke, I was returning clothes and I misheard the sales lady and I said “Excuse me? Could you repeat that?” She sighed and rolled her eyes and then repeated it to me slower with big eyes and a weird tone. I got so fucking pissed that I grabbed my shit and went to a different associate. Just because I’m Asian, don’t assume I don’t understand English when I misheard you.
I mean this goes for ASIAN. African American or Hispanic we are all minorities so like the discrimination is real amd I have been in his shoes
PREACH!!💙💙😢 I’ve gone through this so many times I’m so happy that you’re speaking up about this, I’ve cried and have been made to feel unwanted and disrespected in similar situations Thank You! again saying what you mean and not hiding who you are there are many people in your profession who aren’t real ,I respect you for your truthfulness and sincerity
I’m Mexican and I know what youre talking about. can’t go to a burebarry store without them thinking I can’t buy there shit. I work I have money to spend .
David is my spirit animal. ermahged
VLOG 120: Suck Some Dick for Some J’s?

(c) DavidSo Apparel: http://goforbrokeapparel.com LAST VLOG: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aduWQCR0l3M LAST FFF: …
I died when Khalif started scrapin that grill lmfao
Have you ever been so mad you started randomly cleaning a grill. This dude has XD
Michael Jordan may be one of the greatest business minds of our time. Discontinue shoes for a while, rerelease them for a limited time for a ridiculous price, watch the money roll in. I’ve haven’t seen so many people go so hard for inanimate objects since the iPhone came out
David you are so awesome man! You’re enthusiasm is infectious and I can’t help but laugh when I watch you! Keep it up, love from England <3
Why was K at the grill that had me DYING!!!!!! Love both of you guys chemistry together.�Y’all need more skits together David.�
I just realized I called my 7’s 6’s…. blasphemy.
I do like when people wear Js and everything, I love looking at em. People have some nice shoesBut I never understood why they never wear them. Like I get maybe it was raining the day you got em and you want to wait a couple days to put em on, but damn, leaving them in your room forever is such a waste of money�
This was hilarious with Khalif
out of hand?don’t you mean(puts on sunglasses)*out of foot*(explosion in the background)
j’s? i wear s’s. s as in starters. starters as in walmart. walmart as in 14.99$ on clearance. leather uppers. lasted me a year. bought 3 pairs so i still got 2 pairs to use before going back to Wal-Mart to search for more clearance shoes. michael jordan isn’t getting rich off me
*laughs until I can’t breathe* Why, people, WHYYY?! xD
When I was like 12-13? my mom bought me some J’s, she wondered why they were so expensive lol, feel bad for her now especially since we ain’t got a lot of money even now, what a waste. I didn’t even know till a kid pointed them out to me in gym, outgrew em in like a year or so and got cheaper shoes
when you held up 7s instead of 6s, it hurt me
When Kalif cleaned the grill, I died.
I’m so in love with David’s personality ^0^
I love how David says “ho my god” 😂😂 it’s hilarious
On the real though, applaud you for making this video……….the amount of times I SMH at these current generation kids at how they treat these J’s or sneakers in general
wow… vlog 120!? that’s crazy man! i remember when i used to rewatch vlogs 1-4 every day because that’s all there was and i couldn’t get enough of you! haha
I looove it when David says “HOH MAH GAWD!” Both times! Lost it so hard in this video, thumbs up David!
It’d be so funny to see David do a video of him doing as many accents as he can!