Night Light

(c) DavidSo Excuse the audio issues you might have to get those headphones in and turn the volume up. Written/Directed/Produced: David So Booking: …
David and Bach are fucking gold together XD
That poster is creeping me out
I was already losing it when he was creeping in the hallway with a crutch
basically everyone’s child hood summed up in one video
imagine how hard they wanted to laugh lool
Check that footwork dawg!!
These guys remind me off the chris tucker and jackie chan days
How they act and facial expressions remind me of rush hour Jackie Chan n Chris Tucker
This IS the funniest shit i’ve watched recently, why there no million views on this video!
Why isn’t he as famous as Kevin Hart or Ellen or something???? 🍁❄️😂
David: whats in the closet Bach?Me: his sexuality!! Lol😂
I don’t use a night light, I absolutely LOVE darkness.
The only thing that made this scary was the music😂
That beat is dope af
This some academy awards acting in this one.
Am I the only one that got creeped out by the painting on the wall…
I swear I’m still watching! This is hilarious as hell😂😂😂
This is what a real life horror film would be like
I miss him making skits. Wish I could go back to 2013.
The History of R&B

(c) DavidSo This is a video I did a while back with Paul Kim! Enjoy! Wussup with R&B nowadays? hmm? Ft. a childhood hero of mine. WHO COULD IT BE?!? Contacts: …
8 years later and i’m still blown away by the fact that they did this in ONE take.
DAMNNNN Shiverrssssssss
Two of the blackest Koreans ever
Someone with David’s voice shouldn’t really waste it, hes so talented its untrue.
1. Sittin On the Dock of the Bay – Otis Redding2. Killin Me Softly – Roberta Flack3. Let’s Get It On – Marvin Gaye4. Let’s Stay Together – Al Green�5. And I Am Telling You – Jennifer Holliday6. Remember The Time – Michael Jackson7. End Of The Road – Boyz II Men�8. This Is How We Do It – Montell Jordan9. All My Life – K-ci & JoJo10. Burn – Usher11. Irreplaceable – Beyonce12. Buy U A Drank – T-Pain13. I Like It – Enrique Iglesias14. How To Love – Li’l Wayne
@an truong Otis Redding – Sittin on the dock of the bayRoberta Flack – Killing Me SoftlyMarvin Gaye – Lets get it onAl Green – Lets Stay Together Jennifer Holliday – And i am telling you im not going Michael Jackson – Remember the timeBoys ll Men – End of the roadMontell Jordan – This is how we do itK-Ci & JoJo – All my life Usher – Let it burnBeyonc� – IrreplaceableT-Pain – Buy you a drankEnrique Iglesias – I Like ItLil Wayne – How To Love
If Paul and David sang any of the classic R & B songs on a talent show they would win so easily lol
I didn’t know David’s voice was so beautiful!Please cover ‘let’s stay together’, ‘End of the road’, ‘all my life’ and ‘let it burn’ =]
Glad I was able to find this again! 🙂 makes my day every dang time! <3
History of R&B 2 please david
I always look this up at lest once a year. <3 I put it on repeat just to listen to the amazing people singing in this :3 <3
I’ve watched this video at least ten times so far this always makes me happy and it never gets old!!
Lol barely saw this in 2019, you are the best David!
3:28. I fell in love with your voice David:) oh my god and your hilarious. I love how you sing. Your just amazing:) can I get your autograph?
Man cannot believe it has been 4 years! Damn. Love you David and Boyz !
They need to make another one of these, or something similar. David’s singing voice is on point!
Yoh man, if Shawn did a full over of how to love it would be AMAZING
Unapologetically talented, and express a genuine appreciation for the music.😌👏🏽💚
This straight got me downloading all those songs I used to listen to as a kid.
David, I I randomly watch your videos and I love them. Your voice and the way you sing is awesome. I cannot get enough of it and you should really sing a lot more. this video was the bomb big props to Shawn!
In a Heartbeat BITCH I’M OUT! (Parody)

(c) DavidSo The Original Video was done by my friend Julie Zhan! I’m all for love, but I have to keep it real. LOL… Enjoy the Parody about how I truly view these on scene …
ahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha ohhh man ahahahahahahahahahahahahhahaahahhahahahaahhaha ohh so good
I’d rather have the kind of love in this parody than the one in the original video
If a tree FALL in da forest DOEEES it make a sound? LMAO I love David So.
I found motel pool a week ago lol
This is the funniest thing I’ve seen in a long time hahahahahahaha
wow good one david! Your facial expressions are hilarious!
Too good. Funny, yet it makes so much sense. So much. You really are something special David 🙂
i like the smacking sound every time the chick grabs his cheeks when their talking lol
I love how he puts serious in his videos but projects them as comedy. �I love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
that censorship on her ass at 0:10 made me a sad panda
Plot twist: There isn’t a PART 2 to this video�
David, thank you for linking Travis’s songs to your videos!! He needs more recognition.
i LOL,d when David jumped on her at 0:56 XDDDD
You always manage to crack me up! Sometimes I wonder if I laugh in the same places as everyone else, or if I’m an oddball 🙂
Lol the best part “when the tree falls in the forest” I laughed so loud at the dinner table my parents just gave me this look. Too funny !
Roll on floor laughing David, well done!!!
This is probably THE funniest video David has ever made so far. I laughed so hard I nearly peed myself. >_<
Living Out Loud – Episode 13: I messed up so Disneyland!

(c) DavidSo Apparel: LAST VLOG: LAST FFF: …
Oh my god I love them together !!!!!!! Xx
oh you so clazy… now i gotta do this orelse i get in trouble!
When David started singing… omfg he’s amazing.
Yaaas! David can sing!
I like how animated she is, perfect for someone like you David even though you deny it 😉
You guys are seriously so cute together; your personalities compliment each other so well 🙂
Lmao, your relationship is amazing. My girlfriend is much more quiet, but ive found, getting out there and going to fun places, she becomes super quirky too! It just feels special when you can get to that point. Being reserved is like living life for the people around you, in a sense.Also, my gf has an unhealthy addiction with Frozen as well. I don’t get it, but I feel like I should just support her in her…and take her to rehab.
Mmm. When David briefly sang A Whole New World….them vocals. On point.
David is such a sweet man. David you’re a wonderful person, and it’s great to see you two are having a fun time together. I wish the best for you both <3
Dedication. It’s kinda sad how hard YouTubers work for US his fans. He rarely gets to spend time with his girl and I find that terrible! Thank you David for working so hard for your fans! I really appreciate your love for us! <3
This was so cute. It got me giggling. Mariel is adorbz. I love how she lip-synced to A Whole New World.I love your take on relationships. It’s so mature. I never hear someone look or talk about their partner like that. You guys just compliment each other so well.
I wanted to hate his cause I want David for myself.. but I fucking love her and you together so cute
Yo David. This video is exactly why you are one of my favorite people in the world that i’ve never met. You are such a genuine guy. I respect the hell out of that. So many people are just the opposite.
Their relationship is my inspiration to go out and find someone that I can be myself with and not feel self-conscious. You guys are seriously relationship goals <3
Aw David, I know I am like 2 months late watching this and you prob will never see this. But this was a lovely vlog/intro. You two make a lovely couple and I can see why you would be drawn to her. Kind of like when you meet someone, you feel that you have known forever. For some reason I thought you were going to date a black woman, from your parent’s hair store. LOL Now that’s love jk
Brah, yall have so much chemistry together! 😀
I’ve just started watching David’s vlogs and for some reason when he talks, I find it so soothing and relaxing. And he gives so much valuable advice! truly the most genuine person I’ve seen on youtube
is anyone else as shocked at how good he sounds singing?
More more more!!! I enjoy watching these vlogs of you just simply spending time with Mariel. It makes me feel quite warm. 🙂 I hope you are happy and comfortable in your relationship David!!!

(c) DavidSo LAST EP: CONTACTS BOOKING: Booking: Facebook: …
whats that crazy ultra wide angle lens used?
My dream car right here, loved the review! 🙂
When David can do a cartwheel and you can’t. Also he look damn cool while doing it .
Being yourself got you this far, love the message you put out.
My palms are sweaty rewatching the auto pilot part haha
Seeing people be successful makes me realize that I need to find some motivation and try to achieve more than the minimum.
tesla should sponsor you david this video made me want to get a tesla
My sister walked in and said is that PSY LMFAO
You’re not being selfish for purchasing something you can afford and really want, you have been working hard, this is the least you deserve! Congrats David!
No lie, I was surprised that David could do a cart wheel 😂
David hitting some crazy high notes when he screams lol
I can’t stop laughing when david just starts doing the ghetto-est walkthrough i’ve ever since in my life xD
I am sooo happy for you David. You have come a very long way and I just love how humble you are and it is very nice to see you finally treating yourself. Congratulations David.
is it just me or did I laugh to the point of crying when David started screaming
I’m so happy for you David !!! Great seeing you with a lot of success bro. You’ve worked hella hard , and to see progress is amazing!
David, thank you for showing us your life so freely. I’ve been following and watching your videos since day 1. Always found you funny and I’m so happy someone so dedicated to make others happy can also be happy and successful. Best wishes for you in the future and thank you for uploading so much and making so many people’s days on the daily!
Best review ever! lol Congratulations on the new whip. 😊🙌🏽
congrats David. i love when you talk about stuff like your parents and how you have made a great life for yourself you deserve it all and more
That stunt double cartwheel was awesome
Wow I haven’t watched your videos in a long time and come back to see, despite your success, you’re still as real as you were then! Your parents did a great job. Congratulations on all the success, David!