Let Me Touch Your Fro

(c) DavidSo Everybody wants to touch a black mans fro. For some reason EVERYWHERE we go people want to touch Khalif’s Fro LOL. So this was written for him.
Damn… His body is fine… Khalif’s is okay too
he has a 6 pack and david has a family pack!! 😛
The amount of times David could have touched his fro without asking is TOO many. XD
This could be a horror comedy movie…if such a thing exists
at least he is polite enough to ask
Legend says Khalif still will not let David touch his fro
I wonder if anyone noticed that King Bach is not holding a gun but he’s holding a tripod lol
pulls hair back and David immediately starts singing Indian music😂😂😂😂😂
Shit been 6 years and I can’t stop loving this 😂
Those abs tho..
I wonder who’s crazier, the one who wants to touch the fro so much he got himself super powers or the one who would rather go against someone with super powers and escape all the way to africa instead of letting him touch his fro.
“bitch what are u like 12% black” IM DEAADD YALL I LAUGHED SO HARD I CHOKED
Omg David makes the best faces ♥♥♥
The shower scene made me burst into laughter 😂😂
Literally every non-black girl is like this.
“Something or someONE” 😭😂😂 Kingbach is a fool!! Then he popped up “let me touch yo fro.” 💀
wish more black guys grew out their hair.
Forget the fro, have you seen Khalif’s body? I mean, can we all just bow our heads and have a moment of silence for that exquisite physique?
dang. his abs.
Im really high and im scared that david is behind me trying to touch my hair…
Best Korean Nike Commercial: Just Do It (Part 2)

(c) DavidSo CLICK to TWEET!!! GO!! http://ctt.ec/YbJaV Apparel: http://goforbrokeapparel.com Previous Vid: https://www.youtube.com/dashboard?o=U FFF: …
I just puked all over my laptop…..
that pimple was absolutely *DISGUSTING*�
Mean smack down! love it! xo The Wing Girls�
nastiest zit on youtube!
im so disturbed right now.. PART 3 . just do it
Please make a series where you speak more Korean because i love it! feels like im watching a k-drama or a variety show.
Seeing Paul say “Fighting!” makes me lol xD
Holy shit this is the first time I saw David kiss someone. That was so good it belonged in a kdrama.
FIGHTING! LMFAO!!! This shit is legit Korean
Yo if Nike isn’t sponsoring David, they need to. Cuz these vids r funny as fuck
@David So you and your crew are hilarious! I have been watching your vlogs religiously ever since the UCLA hater one. Thank you so much for making my days a bit brighter!
LOL these companies need to start hiring David to do their commercials. It’s comedic gold. I’d buy whatever it is right away
@David So you and your crew are hilarious! I have been watching your vlogs religiously ever since the UCLA hater one. Thank you so much for making my days a bit brighter!
This video made my day! Love the humour , the acting, the boil scene was epic and I laughed instantly despite having a shitty moment. Palm’s up, high five. Good work! More of these great videos please!!!
Do more of these! They’re hilarious and for some reason, it reminds me of my Korean memories I never had
I’m rewatching this one too😁 David please make more skits like these again! They’re my fav💓
I love these nike videos! So glad I can understand korean, it just makes it even more funnier!
I love the fact that this is all in Korean, it’s so much funnier lol
Introducing Samsung Galaxy Note 3

(c) DavidSo The Galaxy a phone so FUCKEN big it’s going to make your iphone look like a piece of shit! TWEET THIS IF YOU KNOW WUSSUP: http://clicktotweet.com/a4I7P …
I can’t believe you foreshadowed the explosive battery 3:09
this is a parody video. no need to start a iphone vs android war
David So is probably the only hater that I don’t hate. That’s confusing…
looks like apple listened to david
“In fact, the stylus is a Lightsaber.”Me: Plays Star Wars theme song.
Korea never lose!!
i just realized that they just used a tv
He predicted the Note 7 blowing up lmao
You need to do an iPhone 6 and 6Plus one!
U should do more of these! I’m on the floor laughing!
lmao this video deserves way more views!
2:31 HomestucksOn the tablet:Dave striderRight bottom corner: Dave strider god tier?
I’m still buying it and this was funny as hell!!!
Every time man, every damn time u crack me up. Another amazingly funny video, keep ‘em coming!
i needed this laugh so bad, man i love you(as a bro)
Love this as much as I love my Note 3. Keep the funny coming 🙂
Love your videos, they always make me laugh. 🙂 btw Edward is adorableeeee
Damm david. Thats the fastest iv seen you run in ever
Korea never lose XP
You are the first guy to make me laugh out loud in every one of your videos!
My First Love (Part 3)

(c) DavidSo Previous Episode: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lzQYHx54vcc Clothing line/Gear: http://goforbrokeapparel.com/ The beautiful Gina Darling: Playing as my …
“And as she walked towards me in that dress.. SHE ALMOST TRIPPED AND ATE SHIT!”
one of my good friends confessed and the girl replyed with .. “K” then went offline. A MOMENT SILENCE FOR OUR BROTHERS IN THE FRIENDZONE~!
The piano really sets the mood
this reaaally sounds like a wattpad romance novel omg
Holy shit, this can actually be made into an anime…wait, no, that’s mean lmao
omg David!! You look like you’re on the verge of tears. 🙁
i wonder how Mariel must feel in competition to Gina’s ‘legacy’ that it kinda seems like
Moral of the day: Never speak up to your crush, treasure what you have and don’t take risks unless it’s a 100% go
Hey David, when you’re done with these episodes, could you do a fairy-tale fantasy-like story? With trolls, fairies, elves, dragons, etc? I think that’d be SO awesome. Let’s see…your character would fit……I don’t know. Surprise me.
Daaaaaaaaaaaaavid….You did and do deserve somebody….when you said that I got so choked up…..been there…..I think so many of us can relate to this story.
i related to this so much that it’s scary
I love how you set up your cliffhangers, always leaving me breathless, keeping me at the edge of my seat. 🙂
it feels like a best friend is telling me his story 😀
omg david stop messing with my emotions
I love LOVE LOVE the piano playing in the back! Perfect! its a great sound, how a chat is suppose to go, smoothly, funny with the cliff hangers!
“This is where the story gets interesting.”
I feel like David seems like a comedian, but is also a romantic 🙂
almost 2 years later and i still fall for it…
OH MY GOD!! each episode he say “now this is where the story gets interesting…” Its hypnotic and painful!! I can’t stand it, i want to know more!Love David and his comedy.
Aw, now that’s a man who truly knows what love is when he says, _”I wanted to be the reason she was smiling.”_ As far as this being another cliff hanger, I will take your advice and “suck it,” until the next episode comes out but I can’t responsible for my actions while doing so.
Vlog 31: Stupid People

(c) DavidSo Here are some stupid situations that i’ve been in. Contacts: Booking: davidsocomedybooking@gmail.com Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/Dsocomedy …
“A wise man learns more from a stupid question than a stupid man learns from a wise answer” ^^- Bruce Lee.
So I have this friend who said that she was going to England to study in Harvard… I really don’t think her goal is going to be accomplished.
So at one point I moved from Nebraska to Mississippi this girl asked me if I spoke Nebraskan. The fuck?
i never reed a book and im prowd of this feature.
“attach your resume… uh what does that mean?” “bitch you mean r�sum�?” LMAO xD
i had a friend tell me “ey man say some thing in buddhist”
I’m still stunned by how on point ur Vietnamese accent is
miss these vlogs david! still funny tho lmao
I have class in the AM & watching your videos brighten my morning mood to the max. Thanks so much!
Amen man.You keep nailing it every time 🙂
“L G I, son! Let’s get it! Let’s go!”My favorite quote ever since I watched your videos.
Damn Mr. So, you’re incredibly smart and funny, and you put out wonderful messages. A role model to all!
You… You are just amazing. I can’t stop smiling after watching your videos. Thank you for brightening my day up good sir!
Dude, I completely agree with you. Specifically on reading a book from time to time. Spread the truth!
I really enjoy your videos!! You are hilarious!!😂 Keep doing what you do David, cuz you are awesome😃💙💙
So glad I stumbled upon your videos. Always cracks me up. Thanks for that. Part that made me laugh out loud for real was how you described their confusion as to where to attach their “resume”. Priceless. Why don’t more stupid people talk to me. Would be entertaining on occassion.
i watched all ur vlogs from start 1. ur an inspiration to me. that sounds so homo but really its the truth. i’ve always been that lonely asian being picked on and being called names but ur sassy personality and hilariousness has really made me more of a confident asian. so thank u! thumbs up for david keep on posting!
I remember watching this and Vlogs 30 and 32 in 2012. Great videos man!
love watching your vids, keeps me laughing every time! don’t sell out!
This is the one I always loved when I was growing up and going to school, but living in the type of neighborhood I lived in *cough*ghetto*cough*…”Yea, you smart, yo. ‘Cause you be reading and stuff. You be into them books and stuff, man. Like, that’s what’s up. Keep reading, keep up wit’ dem books.”That was always my “. . . WTF?!” moment.