BTS: Kim Jong Illah #1 husband

(c) DavidSo Apparel: KJ ILLAH VIDEO: CONTACTS BOOKING: Booking: …
i don’t want to be shipped to asia either… don’t ship us guys!
This was funny hyung.
lol. oh david.. hahahhaha good times�
Who just listen to the genius brain podcast with Mariel and just came to see the bts where Mariel and David first meet
I can’t believe Arden Cho managed to keep a straight face during the interview scene where Kim Jong Illah is cussing out and kicking the bodyguard LMAO! 😀 I was drinking during that part and nearly died, fucking seriously.
daaamn , arden’s really professional , she has a straight face while david does these funny ass stuff , i wouldn’t be able to stay serious for even a minute
Oh shit Muriel was behind the scenes this long ago too? Dang David
that moment when you watch so much jknews you recognize julia’s laugh lol
i can’t get over the part where David talk about ‘We ship you two” �its soooo hilarious�
To “Ship” people, means that you like the idea of two people, who aren’t together, to be together. Basically, people want you and arden to be together.�
Can you make Kim Jong Illah a kpop star?
i was smiling the whole freaking time. i swear. people that want higher cheekbones, just watch david’s videos for hours. this guy is too damn hilarious. lol
David you got me with the ‘shipping’ part! OMG IM DYINGGGGG�
Julia, Arden and Mariel being in the same frame is my fave 😂
Please keep up the Kim Jong Illah skits!! They’re hilarious XDKeep up the good work David!!! <3
David, make more Kim Jong skits, they’re fucking awesome�
The Kim Jong Illah videos are the best”I drop a bomb, shibseki!”
David ! Make a Kim Jong Illah skit with Park Ing and Park Yu ( Bart and Joe )
Don’t know why but I love the Kim Jong Illah videos, they’re hilarious! Keep it up
“Shipping” means that we like you two together (usually) in a romantic way.
VLOG 116: Raven Symone! I’m Not Black!?

(c) DavidSo Apparel: Previous Vid: FFF: …
That quote at the end though..*David that quote gave me the ”Feels”*….lots and lots of *FEELS*…great video�
good stuff as always david!
You said it too well David PREACH it!
The way I interpreted Raven’s statement was that she didn’t identify as African American, but I don’t think she’s denouncing the fact that she is black. I personally don’t identify as African American either, I prefer the label as black because my family and I hold no ties to Africa. I know nothing of any of the cultures, languages, or traditions that are from Africa. My traditions and language comes from living in US culture all my life and and many of my ancestors. Yes, obviously I have ancestors further back that came from Africa, but I feel black people in the US are a different kind of people now. I mean we don’t call Vietnamese people Chinese any more even though far back in history they were once Chinese, but eventually they developed a different culture and language. I just wish people could just accept the fact that everyone isn’t going to fall in line with the mainstream, and people will not always fit another person’s understanding of the world.
Damn powerful message!Preach David!!!”when we look at a tree, lot of times we just fall in love with the leaves, but we forget about the roots that held it all together.”- DavidSo2014!
David doesn’t get enough credit for how intelligent and insightful he is. I agree with everything he said in the video, but his mention of social class didn’t even cross my mind. It’s so true,which is why her statement came off a little pretentious. I know she may have not meant it that way but the words she chose were not the best, no doubt about that. Not that it really matters, but did David finish college and does he have a degree in anything?
I agree 100% with what she said. America has a bad habit of labeling people because they come from a different culture. I’m not even from America but I know that if I did move there I’d want to be called American, not British American or Indian American or African American or Mexican American or any other unfair label. Every single person in that country with a US passport should be called American regardless of race, culture or religion. Putting a label like African or Mexican in front of American (in my mind) singles them out as being of a foreign culture or background. The bottom line is there should just be one name for American’s, American.
I interpreted her statement to mean something like “No one calls themselves European-American, they’re just American. Why should I have to call myself African-American when my ancestors came here at the same time theirs did?”
2:17 I know what my senior quote will be
To be honest though? She’s still not wrong. She’s not an African American. She’s not from Africa and neither is her family. If you’re going to say “well her ancestors were” then everyone is an African American by those standards. She’s an American. Never once did she deny her culture, but African isn’t part of hers. What’s wrong with that?
As a African American, I don’t necessarily think Raven said she was not African American because she did not want to be labeled or defined by labels. Personally, I think I said that because…she NOT African American. Is Raven African? No. Is she black? Yes. Is Raven American? Yes…Therefore, she’s an American who happens to be black…I understand the whole uproar because many blacks would perceive that as self hate. But, I don’t think she hates being black. If you really think about it, it’s not like Raven is the first of her generation to be born in America while the rest of her family was born in Africa. If that were the case, then she’d be an African American. Or, if she had dual citizenship in a country in Africa and the USA, then she’d be African American…but she’s just a black American.Therefore, I really don’t see the self hate. Ya know, I never understood why people have SO MUCH PRIDE for their race, ethnicity, etc. It’s not like we got to chose whether we were African American, Asian, Latino, Spanish, black, white, brown, red, Irish, Desi, etc…so why do people stand SO HARD and have so much pride for things that we didn’t get to chose?�That’s just crazy to me and it blows my mind.�
Okay, I don’t think you heard the rest of the interview. She clearly said that she doesnt know what her background is so that doesnt mean she’s African American. She could be from the Caribbean, she could be this or that, that was her point. Why should she be labeled as something that may not even be true? Thank you for clarifying that she wasn’t saying that she wasn’t black, but she is a smart woman and she was thinking when she said her statement because that is how she feels and no one, not even Oprah or an asian guy on YouTube is going to change that, no matter what the reaction of others will be.
Sorry but I agree with Raven. In Malaysia, there’s a diversity of ethnicity, religion, and backgrounds; a cultural pot in South East Asia, but judging from your perspective, I’d HAVE to be labeled as a “Malay Malaysian”, which I don’t like, because something as minute as a term like that can cause segregation between me and “Chinese Malaysians” or “Indian Malaysians”. We became INDEPENDENT in 1957. We grew up as ONE COUNTRY. And as much as I cherish my heritage and celebrate my customs and traditions, the only label you should ever put on me is MALAYSIAN.�
You’ve inspired me so much David. As a British Indian I feel like you’ve helped me to accept myself and culture a lot more, so thank you.. 🙂
loved what you said.especially the ” dont wear your label as a name tag, but as a crown.” some seriously inspirational stuff right there.kudos.
Deep shit today, bro. Loved your talk about how people are different no matter what.
“Whenever we look at a tree a lot of time we just fall in love with the leaves, but forget about the roots that held it all together.” DAYUM
From my perspective… I think what she meant was that she doesn’t see herself as a “African American” bc she simply sees herself an ordinary American person. I guess what she was trying to say is that she doesn’t feel the need to categorize herself base on her skincolor or her “roots.” But, that’s just from my persepective.
“when we looks at a tree, a lot of times we just fall in love with the leaves, but we forget about the roots that held it all together” wow david that was deep
your last quote was very inspirational and so true. accept the tree as a whole and not just the part we find beautiful.
Timothy DeLaGhetto’s Beef with $tupid Young

Squash a beef with $tupid Young, that’s mando
This is a reminder that to always come to the source for facts and not through media play. Goodjob on Tims and Youngs part for not making this into a bigger situation.
Im loving this show, you seem in your element on this type of platform and hilarious stories man, Keep it up! <3
Us Asians need to stick together like rice WTF
Young- “the homies are comin out to get chu” *in his head* “it’s gon be a murder scene”
I’m glad they squashed it lol, they’re both paving the way for Southeast Asians just in their own way
It wasn’t no jumper it was street gangs, that’s when I first seen him too. He was getting maaaaaad hate for being a “fake” crip and a “fake” banger. Until people soon to realize that this guy can actually rap and he’s the truth 😂 mad respect to young
David at 5:01 “you are a brave man, brave man” lol
I’m glad there’s no beef between y’all! Support & much love to all you guys! 🙌🏽👌🏽💯
glad youre safe bro, it is what it is. not everyone we need to cross swords with we’re all on our journey
“Pull up to the homies house” that could’ve went left real quick 😂
$Y was my favorite since freestyle. Now his numbers goes up a lot. Started from the bottom. 🙏🏼
The only thing that shocked me about this interview is Timothy and Stupid Young were both in Des Moines, Iowa. I mean they probably the only two asians in the whole state
Been following $tupid Young since 2008. Where he and his Supreme 57s homies been making rap videos before he got put on and blewed up. Back in 2011 battling it out at the Rainset battles. One of the few fellow Khmer representing out there.
Hell yeah that’s how it’s done, no beef and let’s reach the top together
Let’s unite asians and lift each other up! We need more shine on each other than hating on each other!
I remember Timothy from 2006/2007 he used to do blogs with this hispanic girl who pretended to be his girlfriend. this guy comes a long way.
“That could have been you” lol got me 🤣🤣🤣
“Almost had beef”You either have beef or you don’t. Let that petty show just go
David mentions Yung Stupid killing Tim a million times. And everytime Tim awkwardly laughs

David, I was your Lyft driver this morning to LAX. You are a very, very funny and talented guy. I never would have guessed it based on our conversation in the car because you came across quite smart and humble. You are as good as any top name out there. I subscribed. And l’m honored to have met you.HenryBtw, had I known you were that good I would have taken you on the express lane for free.
Lol Khalif’s shoulders are surprisingly not broken.
Wololololo another one converted. Nicely done Dave!! now react to PSY’s new videos!
That bird kill was epic 😂
“It looks like a paper mache project, C- at best” LMAO
“Nigales Cage” holy hell, I died! hahahahaKhalif was so freak’n awesome in this vid! Why isn’t he a movie star yet?!
The story line of your skits actually makes me feel I just got finished watching a movie. As a sneakerhead that likes wearing his shoes this is definitely one of my favorite “mini movie” of yours
Absolutely love what you do and look forward to more! Thanks so much for making me laugh!
this was so high quality, maybe one of ur best yet man keep up this momentum
The amount of joy this gave me in my early morning is indescribable. Thank you.
I honestly envy how you come up with these great sketches. Great job,once again dude
This is awesome, David! Great job, had me smiling throughout. I hope you come to Toronto one day for a meet&greet! I’m one of your biggest fans! Mwah :* <3
This skit was the best! I love David’s skits man…so freaking good. This was hilarious xD, not to mention it’s a been awhile since I’ve seen Khalif
HAHA love it! Keep this shit up man, been loving your videos from a while back and gotta say my favs are your skits! 🙂
This short was so funny, David! XD
im going through derealization/depersonalization with depression. the fact this video made me crack a smile made me feel happiness again and kinda brought me back to reality. you’re a great help you really are.
Hey David just want you to know I love what your doing, keep up the good work. Your an inspiration and I appreciate all this shit you doing.
Omg. This helped me release some tension while studying! Lawrence is the bomb, but gotta hand it to Khalif on this one. I could NOT stop cracking up! This is just too good stuff right here! I swear, I adore and love your skits and the production, editing, directing, sound effects, ON POINT!
God, I missed your skits David!! Good comeback this was genius and funny as hell