VLOG 34: Memoirs of an Angry Fat Man…

(c) DavidSo These are thoughts of what fat people think all the time… ANGRY THOUGHTS! Contacts: Booking: davidsocomedybooking@gmail.com Facebook: …
College semester just started and I am re watching your old videos to make me feel less scared about failing classes right now. You make me feel a lot better. Thanks, David!
Funny how you are actually going through with it. Keep at it man!
“How long you been smoking for, 7-8 years? Bitch I’ve been eatin’ food ma whole life”. Made my day
“I’ve been eating food my whole life”lol. Love this David:)
I love u David XD Man, this is the best video I’ve ever seen in my entire life…it’s true b/c I too always had a difficult time losing weight.Thank you for speaking the truth.
Honestly I’m seeing results. You keep up the good work David. I support you!
OMG, thank you for this! I recently started a diet as well, and this was great!But you arent over weight! You’re cute!
THe hopes and dreams really had me laughing XDDDD great stuff David! haha
I love when David does that shrill scream xD it’s so hilarious
I lost it at the “hopes and dreams” part haha David, you’re hilarous, man! I had a shitty ass day, just came from the doctor, and yet, you managed to cheer me up. Honestly, thank you.
haha you’re so good!and don’t give up David, it’s hard for the first days but when you’ll see the results you’ll be rly happy 🙂
“Bitch, I’ve been eating food my whole life!” LOL David, you’re great. Keep up the great comedy.
Hopes and Dreams?! �LOL 😀
@DavidSoComedy, keep working hard man! I was 250 as a sophomore in HS, next year I came back 170. I did that in five months. And as for the soreness, the more you work out/run, the less often you’ll be sore. Don’t let the soreness get you down.
I picked my nose and laughed through this entire video. I LOVE YOU MAN
“I’m hungry.” LMFAO that is what I use to end conversations! hahaa this is funny shit! thanks for making my night, David!
“The hell am I supposed to fill my stomach with the rest of the day? Hopes and dreams?!?” This made my day! xD
Gimme back my puppies!
i love that sore feeling whenever I finish a great workout!!
I love your honesty. It’s something I can relate to.

(c) DavidSo LAST VLOG: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ya5Txahp5vY CONTACTS BOOKING: Booking: davidsocomedybooking@gmail.com Facebook: …
Damn this looks so good!
LOLLLLL when you’re singing WERK WERK WERK WERK WERK and shaking that pot <3!!
omg please make Chef Boyard-G an actual series!
You see, I think this is difference between Asian YouTubers and white YouTubers. Asian YouTubers actually show themselves eating with family and friends, gives a very good sense of “life”. White YouTubers are always alone, by themselves, everything is about themselves in their own skits, music videos, traveling, whatever, and when they do have “guests” on their vlogs, it’s all fake and superficial. Two different worlds for audiences to relate to, or aspire to.
David and that girl (I forgot her name) should collab on a cover. They sound bomb
Vietnamese food is probably one of the best things in this world!
Lmao David throwing gang signs at the food
well damn she can sing too !!!!! lol y’all need to do a cover together ..
I came over from his music channel all in awe then I see this…. still in awe with his voice but that soft romantic voice is now singing about shrimps 😂😂😂 All good, just made me giggle 😂😁
This episode was fire bring these back
How does David make peeling skeins look fun
when david sings my soul starts to cry
I’m loving these new types of vlogs. Especially with all the amazing looking foods!
Do more of these types of vlogs. They are awesome! Perfect combination of comedy, culture, and food porn. Please convince Linh to share her butter beef recipe with us!
Another funny cooking video. Keep it up David and friends. Always include singing in your videos. Please!! You sound great!
I still can’t get over that good ass harmony, like omg it sounds amazing. (starts at 4:22)
I love seeing David eat. lol
Holy moly,David’s voice is sooooo good!
Thank you for always cheering me up, David. I laughed so hard in the intro. Love you!
You and Haven should do a cover, she has an amazing voice! 🙂

(c) DavidSo LAST VLOG: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WEjCRCR4oQU FEATURING: SUDARSO BROS ( PETER AND YOSHI ) YOUTUBE: …
David reminds me of Kung-fu panda when he first started out
The Sudarso Brothers never fail to make an episode 10x better
that buff dude is like a more athletic Bart
i’m one of the women that wants to be in david’s place 😂😂
Yoshi straight up looks like he’s the big brother from Big Hero 6
I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again: Peter and Yoshi are too damn pretty.
“You don’t need to teach a roly poly how to roll” -David So
That Buff dude is too scary.You see a Guy who is bulky flying like a kung fu Master.If you randomly see that guy in the street flying, Run.
The look on Yoshi’s face when David says “I am obviously a 15th degree blackbelt in judo…” and how it changes when David says “hamburgers” hahaha I love their friendship!
Yoshi’s wife is so lucky.
Best Living Out Loud episode wow
I laugh my ass off every single time. You’re my favorite comedian, David. Next to me. Lol, jk.
David: “Put your face here”Guy: Ok, what are we doing?
What is up with Peter and that soccer mom haircut? I feel like he’s going to ask for the manager any minute now
I’m one of the men that would want to be in David’s place.
I love this series , its seems like you’re having so much fun thank you for bringing me with you (through the camera of course). You have shown me to be more courageous and still be happy while doing it
Tip for getting otta foam-pits: Lay horizontally and roll. It really helps, this is coming from a girl who almost had their nose broken because they couldn’t get out of a foam-pit.
One of your funniest videos, love seeing David in new situations and trying things. Some of your kicks was actually pretty good.
i LOVE videos with the sudarso brother’s. them and david in one video is hella litt and funny❤️. oh they’re also rlly handsome😍
This is a great series! I struggle with letting fear control me when it comes to trying new things; seeing these videos allows me to harness the same openness that you have! 🙂
Vlog 88: TFTI You Don’t Get Pussy

(c) DavidSo Apparel: http://goforbrokeapparel.com Previous Vlog: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iM8O817dU2s Funny Fat Fit Vlog 1: …
“No homo” irks me. There is such a thing as _platonic love,_ you know. I don’t say “no incest” after I tell my grandma I love her.
“Here’s a breath mint and holy water ” ROFL 😂😂
I would buy that Korea track David was singing.
Korea, Korea. Korea! Record it I’m buying it 😀
“Here’s some breath mints & holy water…” Lmao
Sir, you do realize you’ve just created the latest trend: Reverse Drake Hands.
when girls say “OMG i am suppppper uglyyy” and then posts a selfie..IF YOU WERE REALLY INSECURE ABOUT YOURSELF YOU WOULDN’T POST A SELFIE
I love your videos! They make me laugh. Life has been crazy for me lately. It’s important to have things cheer you up, when life is going in a weird direction. I’m happy I have videos to remind me how funny life is. Thank You David 🙂
I never heard about TFTI haha. Good to know. By the way you can upload daily and even then it won’t be enough. Looove you! 🙂
Mr. So!!! Just fell out of my chair when you said, “…hmm, ok here’s a breath-mint and some Holy Water; now get the f*ck out!” Hilarious bro! Keep up the great work.
I absolutely love these vlogs
Friggin love this dude! Always cheers me up 🙂
I love you David, you really uplift my day with your humor. When ever I see you upload I have to watch it.
Breath mint and holy water… Can’t stop laughing!!!
This vlog was EXTRA hilarious today 🙂 You made my day
This actually made me cry of laughter 😂😂😂 one of my favourite vlogs
Love everything about this. You rock!
I laughed a little too hard at breathe mints and holy water. XD
Preach it David, preach it! XDIf you decide to make a song just repeating the word “Korea,” I will definitely listen to it.

(c) DavidSo CLICK TO TWEETE THIS ISH: http://ctt.ec/a6pFN Written/creative mind/produced: David So Booking: davidsocomedybooking@gmail.com Facebook: …
my favorite Ktown show
Haha thanks for having me! Cheers!
David got that wig from his parents beauty supply store and then put it back on the shelves…
That’s the first time I’ve heard David Choi speak Korean 😀
hearing david speak Korean is satisfying for so reason. I just like hearing the Korean language. and omfg the ajuhsshi sound, I died. XD
Of all the Asian languages, I think Korean sounds the best. I’m Viet so I’m not being biased!
This was great! Now if they could find away for SOJU to work for guys with bald heads…the company would make a killing lol!
David, why are you so cute?! LOVE these skits! Thank you always for always working hard to give us a good laugh! 🙂
Dude David!! Please make a kickstarter so you can make a full length feature film!Your comedy writing is on point!!
Yes! David is doing skits again!!!😀👏🏻
It’s cool to hear David speak Korean. At the same time, it’s weird to hear him speak Korean cause I’m so used to him speaking English. Great skit. I was not expecting the ending.
David you gotta make a KDrama series!!!!!!!!!!!
i think you should do more korean skits!
We want more skits! Thank you David for sharing this with us. Was just expecting a vlog, but this was even better. Gosh, I just love you. Keep prospering and keep on heading for the top.
Finally another skit! Its been so long! Lol David Choi though. That’s the first time I heard him speak Korean.
David’s acting chops never cease to amaze me. Sometimes, when I’m watching these skits, I’m wondering why the fuck he’s not a Hollywood star. But I guess it’s cool, because the Youtube viewers get to experience his awesomeness XD
I love whenever you do Koreans skits, this was awesomely hilarious!
Yes! As much as I love David’s vlogs, his skits are definitely him at his comedic best.
PLEASE !!! Make more like this David . I loved the Korean style acting and it was refreshing to see more of your Korean side tbh .�I love how his “friends” called him David once and seki for the rest of the time lol