PSA: Love Your Mother

(c) DavidSo Apparel: Previous PSA: HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY! Love your mom or else.
This made me regret ever disobeying my mom. I’m gonna call my mom right now.
I used to threaten my mom by saying ” I’m gonna run away”, she replied with, “Don’t run away,walk away, because no one is going to chase you”, I stopped that real quick.
Oh my GAWD if I EVER talked to my mom like that I’d be spending the day picking my teeth up off the floor. How could anyone ever curse at their parents like that?! Damn…..
a year later and after watching a shit ton of JKNews. i realized one really unnecessary thing but worth knowing. It was Julia saying “But I love himmm”.
I obviously love David’s rants but I think his sketches are even better and should do more.
Shit! MAN! DAVID!! Seriously!! You deserve to be in a Hollywood movie, seriously!! You would be SO successful in comedies like Hitch and it would be a blockbuster!!It’s such a pain in the ass to watch you just in these short sketches and feeling that you deserve to be in a real movie instead!! Did you ever think to shoot a movie with the help of your friends?? It would be So amazing!!
Can we all just take a second and appreciate the beautiful eyes on that woman…?
Everytime he said a curse word. My body tensed and I was expecting my mother to slap me. Not because I ever cursed at her, but because it’s instinctively known that an ass whooping was soon coming. lolol
“Pray for rain; build an ark like Noah did” 😂
I am surprised that there are no comments about how beautiful the mom is she is really pretty
That was a lot of comedy with a lot of heart. David you outdid yourself.�
“Sideshow Bob looking ass” xD LOL Im dead from laughter
“How am I suppose to get around?””I don’t know, pray for rain; build an arch like Noah did, I don’t care!”LMAO!!!!
if I spoke like that to my mom, shit would have been real with that switch, belt, slipper, hand…
-But I love him! :(-SHUT UP, JENNY!!!LOL
Lol that sound and action David made with his tounge xD
Really like these sketches David! High production quality and very entertaining. This one had a great lesson inside too. Nice work!
“sideshow bob lookin’ ass” LOL
As a teenager, good shit like this brings me back down to earth.

Kinda wish I lived in California ㅋㅋㅋ
I want a guy to look at me like david looks at meat.
Why does Geo always look extra good in David’s vids!? Maybe because the daylight shows her properly? Her skin is so tanned and glowy. Her body is perfect in all the right places. And her hair is on fleek.
why is geo likeable everywhere other than JK? lol
David is completely right, searing meat doesn’t actually “lock in” juices, but the glycogen in the meat is caramelized and it is the flavor that is sought after. In French cooking, bits left stuck on the bottom of the pan after browning meat are often deglazed with wine and/or butter to make the sauce. The “essence” of the meat is integral to any true pan sauce.
David needs his own sitcom on TV. He’s hilarious!
Geo has more fun on David’s channel than she does on her own channel.
FUCK I want to go there so bad. Too bad I live in Canada…
DUDE you should’ve brought CASEY with you! he would’ve loved this
My girl crush on Geo has reached new heights since she brought them bangs back.
I love coming back and watching these all over again, it’s awesome seeing everything David has accomplished since this 🙂
11:30 The way David looks at the meat. Relationship goals
We all know that David covered his body with some fat to protect his amazing body
This really makes me hungry and fly to LA now! Lol Geo is like a little girl so happy with her food. So cute! Hahaha!
corn cheese is like the Korean elote
Geo looks so beautiful 💖💖 I love Geo & David’s friendship, so cute 😂
I love this episode it’s calming to see how people react to good food plus going with someone that you have a very good friendship with is even better lol
I’ve been loving Davids new crew!! So fun!
David and Geo, in an alternate universe, I’m sure are a legitimate couple.
Omg it looked soooooo good! Especially the beef! Like, my gooooosssssh. Their reactions too haha
Dating Game – Arden Cho

(c) DavidSo NOTE: MUST WATCH IN HD to get the right video ratio! DATING GAME IS BACK… special project that I’m putting up NOW cause i will be busy for the next two …
This turned out great! Thanks for the great experience! 😉 I had so much fun and can’t wait till the next project! haha! You are the bomb digity!
“My love is like quicksand, the more you fight it, the worse it gets” Oh David�
It was so hard trying to watch this skit XD When the Karaoke �came up I was all like “No. no no no no Don’t do it David. Don’t do it~ Don’t do-. He did it.. it fucking did it…
She is absolutely beautiful
Wow David’s singing was actually pretty good
Archen Cho is literally the most beautiful women, most attractive women I’ve ever seen. I’m crushing hard.
“My love is like quicksand…the more you fight it-the harder it gets.” Love this! LMAO
3:03 I listened to this like 30 time lmao. David’s got so much soul
Her voice is so soothing 🙂
watching this again and comparing to how your looking now. Really well done on the fitness can see the amazing progress and change so keep it up David
I love how versatile of an actress Arden is! And as for David? Kepping an eye on him now…using a mechanism known as subscribing!
You’re the highlight of my day.Whenever my friends and I need something to talk about, we talk about you.
dude I know this was 5 years ago and I just want to say Arden cho is amazing in teen wolf 🐺 I love how she’s an kisune
“My love is like quicksand. The more you fight it the worse it gets” XD Classic
I can’t stop crying, this is so funny xDBut you really do have a nice voice when you sing
David, you look so adorable when you do the nervous laugh!!
Freaking epic one liners.
This Video is so EPIC, i was surprised u actually did a video with Arden. KEEP IT UP DAVID!!!!
What a great business relationship! I envy thee!
Vlog 30 : 7 vs. 1 asian

(c) DavidSo This is some messed up stuff. I got something say about it son! Agree or disagree it’s up to you. Contacts: Booking: …
David So is a cool homie to watch. Watching his speech making through filming just make you forget about stress on your head lmfao.
I almost cried because my parents came here to improve my life I didn’t know how big of a deal it was until now, thank you
That was really well said man
Damn David speaking so much truth at the end!�
Kid that got beaten goes to my school, he got justice eventually, I knew like 4/7 of the people that were beating him up. This is so old. Chicago violence, just so messed up.
the last part got me in tear. 😂cause I know my parents work really hard to get me here to the US but I wanted to suicide because I get bully in school. 😂Kinda pathetic when I wanted to kill myself and trying to help my “friends” to not kill themself, I think they’re stupid for doing that and I do think that im stupid too for having suicide thoughts. They call me names, talk crap about my accents, im the type of person that get emotional very quickly so it hurts to hear those things. But they don’t know that. Maybe its just a joke for them but for a shy Asian girl its super painful. Just hating myself for thinking of suicidal thoughts. This might lost somewhere in the comment section but who knows, you might read this whole thing and think I’m pathetic too lel.
This video brought tears to my eyes. David So is an inspiration to all. Thank you for your powerful words. Faith in Humanity: Restored.
I really thought you were going to say something that’d piss me off and make me want to leave. But damn i stayed for the entire video and even subscribed
I love this. Thank you for saying aloud what I couldn’t form but felt in my gut. You’re an amazing person David!
I love how you can be funny and still bring about great life lessons :)You are the best David!
I never comment on videos, but I just have to say: Thank you. For sharing a thought and feelings that rarely get expressed from the heart. Mad love for ya <3
That was so inspirational! Your words are so true, and wise!You’ll be a great father!!
whoa that ending was deep
David, this is your best video yet. Thank you so much for the message. I shall do my parents proud 🙂
This was the video that started it all for me david, its been a good 3 and a half years
I’ve been watching your videos and I decided to make an account to just tell you that you are an awesome role model to people who don’t have one. You are extremely hilarious but always have a great meaning to it. Keep doing what you are doing.
Well said David, your ending speech brought tears to my eyes.
Damn… I was almost crying at the end because I can relate with you about the whole asian sacrifice thing, as I’m also asian. *claps* Great video David
I respect you so much David. you are SO wise and amazing. Thank you for making these videos 🙂
Roomies Episode 2: The Intervention Ft. Ally Maki

(c) DavidSo The roomies are faced with an awkward situation where they have to confront Ally about her singing. Things get out of hand when Ally takes their criticism to …
ahahah this is epic!
LMFAOO IM DYINGG.”Gio, dont laugh. You know you smell like sht.” ROFL. this is one of David’s best skits.
“So now I want David to walk up to the gate all by himself…” *gate opens* ……..”Faaaaaaaat”I’m dyingXD
6:14 “Das what I dun said, Burd” funniest shit ever!!!
So I was rewatching this again and omg. Khalif. I can’t.
Please do more Roomies episodes more often! You’re an awesome writer/
2021, I miss this shit, good shit, funny shit, just watched it again, still luving it. Thanks you David, thank you to your crew
that was hilarious when the gate opened up when David went up to it as she said “Faaaaaaatttttttt” XDDDDDD
LMFAOOO! I didn’t get the last scene at first, that’s fuckin hilarious! Much respect to David so and the rest of the cast. XD
Lmao, that blasian guy 😂
I can’t get enough of this episode and the whole series! Is there any chance there will be more?
LOLLLLLLLLLL Please keep making this series with these people. I love how everyone has their own personality to contribute. Thumbs up if you agree!
5:45 that part got me laughing so hard and for so long . Just the way he said it and all, it was on point ! XD
Still one of my all time favorite skits!
Woah! David has worked super hard over the years
Woah! David has worked super hard over the years
I’ve been revisiting a lot of your sketches and this one makes me think, “Shit. I think I’m good at singing. Am I actually a bad singer?”
I am totally loving this Roomies series so far. So extremely funny!