VLOG 81: Make Me Famous

(c) DavidSo In due time … fame will come if you work hard on your craft… but until then.. stop asking people to help you to fame. Especially me cause I’M A NOBODY LOL!
XD THE ENDING! Bart was freaking out!
David, I love your vlogs! They’re so hilarious, and the video edits, also. The little skit at the end was surprising but humorous. Keep it up man!
I freaking love this! David So You make so much sense! 🙂 This Vlog was one of the best ones so far! <3
David, I’ve been a fan of yours every since you started. Love all your videos! Every week you got me looking forward to seeing one of your videos. You’re the best man! You really should make a “Draw My Life”
I’m white and I know who you are…
Thanks David, you always manage to say smart things in a fun way! You’re awesome!^^
He’s right. Being famous just for the sake of being famous will do no one good! You have your close friends and family as your backbone! You don’t need more to tell you you’re great!I guess there should be emphasis on gratefulness,huh? If you’re gonna be famous, at least have a goal to help save the planet with your 10000000000000 supporters or something haha!
Omg, David, I LOVE YOU. I always die laughing within the first 30 seconds of your videos! Been watching since your vlog about U Cee a Lot of Asians video(If you get what I mean);)! Don’t ever stop making videos!
Damn David you so funny, you always make me laugh. Your important and fame is just second to that. Great vid.
Flavor craters?!? lol I’m drove. That shit is funny as F!!
David! You’re getting close to a million subscribers! Impressive! Keep at it man. Keep humble. Be you. You’ve got this!! *George Lopez voice*
David, you are by far the funniest dude I have ever seen. Keep it up man!!
I really needed this video tonight. Thanks David<3
Flavor craters! Gosh, you never fail to make me smile. 😀
“i do that shit for free, mm” xD
Hahahah every video you have truth within it <3it’s funny but you inspire us and give us a wake up callLOVE YOU, DAVID <3
Your an awesome person david so keep up the good work. I really believe you can make it bigger then alot of these other youtubers
Honestly, this video was like perfect. The perfect blend of comedy and inspiration. Keep it up bro!
I’ve seen every one of your videos. You’re hilarious & also a very gifted singer. You have a fan here in Jersey!
Please, David.. Make a Draw My Life!
Vlog 10: Your comments again! common questions!

(c) DavidSo There have been recurring questions that have been popping up so I’m gong to address 4 of the most common questions RIGHT NOW ! in this vlog that is.
When he started singing with the asian accent i started cracking up! xD
You’re an amazing ass singer!
He is hilarious one of my friends showed me his video’s and I thank them for it 😍😍😍
OMG his singing just gave me an eargasm Lol. Love your voice, David.
Relationship – friend zone – hatred – creation of a typical male with no interest in love.
OMG! Your voice! It’s amazing!
Anyone else flip their shit when he started singing
when you fall so hard for a guy it hurts Q~Q ( Wow That was really girly and dramatic ) XD
Your an amazing singer, and a hilarious guy! Keep up the good work, bro. I’m always so excited to see when you post a new video. Love you David! Once again, keep up the good work!
oh my gosh you sing so well!!! :DD ~_~
Now in the present David So gets his ass beat by his girlfriend LOL
You have such an amazing voice David!
God damn David, I didn’t know you could sing that well
Your voice is amazing, David!!!!
Damn he can sing!!! Ur amazing David
Hey David you helped me out with so much brother this was my first video i saw and been a fan forever keep it up homie
Your stuff is great! :)Keep it up~ Always looking forward to new Vlogs!
I was having a bad day… your videos just cheered me up, thanks. Your singing voice is tremendous, thanks for sharing 😀
Hahaha, I LOVE watching your video David, they’re always so unexpected and funny and everyone can use a good laugh!! Keep making videos! 😀
Wow David can really sing!
Why Boze Left Smosh… Defy Media, DSLs, and Shane Dawson – Ep 10 – GeniusBrain w/ David So

(c) DavidSo LISTEN ON ITUNES!! http://bit.ly/GeniusBrainPodcast Other Audio Platforms: Spotify: https://spoti.fi/2sN5SkT Castbox: http://bit.ly/2FPUeyj FOLLOW BOZE: …
Yo… talk about an entertaining podcast… shit i was entertained as fuck LOL! I love this girl… how are y’all liking the conversation so far??
It hurts my heart knowing Boze didn’t always feel welcomed at Smosh. It is hard joining a group so close late. At least Courtney has a great relationship with her. When she said no one really wished her happy birthday I felt my heart crumpled. We love you so much boze, and are so happy you are succeeding. You’re a queen!
It’s been a while since I heard Boze’s laugh, to be honest, really missed it.
Yo.. JK should hire Boze in the future. She seems like she fit in more with JK than Smosh if we go by her experience. JK should revive their merch and have Boze do the marketing side or whatever (I have no idea how all this works btw).
David and boze is a duo I never knew would be so perfect
If y’all remember way back when Boze, Damien, Wes, and Flitz were on JKP, you could clearly see the dynamic between Boze and JK, it was meant to be ❤️❤️❤️ I’m glad Damien has gone on JKN and seems more comfortable this time around. When Smosh went down, it was weird seeing some of the crew still hanging out together all over their social media, and always wondered why Boze wasn’t in it all. Makes sense now. 👀 Thanks for this podcast! I was glued to it every moment. ☺️
Boze: Is there a better word than woke?David: awake 😂😂😂😂
this is the most relatable podcast. Not in terms of entertainment but school, I’m in my final years of school and just realizing that I hate my major. I feel like I worked hard for nothing and didn’t like or enjoy my achievements. I did discover a passion I like but have no idea on how to turn my life 360 and pursue it. Boze’s drive and David’s explanation of success really helped get my priority straight.
Who secretly wanted Boze to name drop that bish? I know I was not the only one. Way to stay collected Boze! You’re the realist.
Boze is a real one. most people would’ve just panicked Boze made moves and hustled.
“I don’t know them on a personal scale””Me either…”DAAAAAAAAAWGGG!!!😂😂 Like damn!
“This is why I stay poor.” Says the man who owns a Tesla Model S😂
It takes a lot to openly talk through what Boze just did. I have a lot of respect for people like her because they are the good boss’, leaders, inventors.
You guys have a dope connection ! And another good podcast bro !
I’m so glad Boze is so successful, but I do really miss seeing her on YouTube. Best of luck to you Boze I hope you continue you journey to happiness and keep being the boss lady we all know you are.
30:33 breaks my heart. Because there’s times in life where I feel everyone feels like that. Where they just don’t feel like they fit in even though ideally they should. And you just internalize shit and say something is wrong with you. It’s nice that Boze found JK cause those people are super authentic. Smosh games never felt that authentic to me compared to JK
When Boze said “I’m a vulnerable person, I’m happy to open myself up…” I FELT THAT
im heartbroken, i saw boze as a key member of smosh/smosh games and hearing her say that she didnt rlly fit in kills cause i felt like her shayne, damien and her husband courtney had genuine connections and friendships but it just makes u realise that shane was right, u rlly cant believe everything u see, but her and courtney are amazing
“I love seeing people succeed..”-Boze 2019 Yo, Boze!!!!!!
This was really entertaining!!!!!! Boze needs to come on more to tell us about Smosh and how it was cold to her. Like I thought that she had great relationships with the people she worked with and it surprised me to hear that it was cold.
Living Out Loud: Episode 3 – His Penis Looks Huge!

(c) DavidSo Apparel: http://goforbrokeapparel.com PREVIOUS EP: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4cud_wVQk4A VLOG: …
I love you man
I love how you can hear them calling for him as he’s talking about appreciating his life more. It was perfect.
Loved that reflection on life during the sunset. You the man…
David, I don’t know if you’ll ever see this comment but time and time again I come back to watch the last scene of this video to humble myself. Love you dawg, keep going on and inspiring people through who you are.
David sometimes we end up in places or positions that might feel like we do not deserve, but at the end we are there because we did something right and done something the keeps on that path, being happy with who you are and what you do that is all the should matter, the past are lessons to make rights In our future. I do not know you, but I have respect for what you do and the amount of courage it takes to share your life to this Internet thing. Wish you the best and just keep doing the right thing, kina Ole I believe that’s how you write it
That surprise heart-to-heart at the end caught me off-guard. Been following your vids for a while now bro and it’s inspiring to see how far you’ve come
David you rock! You do deserve it!!
Thanks David for being real, how you got deep at the end reflects the kind of person you are, and shows why you are so deserving of your achievements. The whole JK crew/family is awesome!!
“im not that great of a person and i have done things that i have regretted in life. i know im not deserving but im glad to be where i am and i feel really blessed.” Great reflection by David, missing my vacation times!
That ending was so real. You’re blessed and you deserve it D-So. Live it up.
I loved this! You deserve everything David!
an inspirational speech to end it off. GOOD SHOW MAN!
One of my goals is to meet you one day, you are such an amazing person 🙂 and you have been my motivation to be a better person and to keep on working out and getting healthy. Thanks David!
Dude I’ve been watching you for so long you’ve also made me laugh for so long and now it’s amazing to see how far you got, you deserve every bit of happiness.
dat speech in the water though. #HEART �
Honestly, whenever I’m down and then watch your videos. I have bursts of laughter and end it with a smile. I wanted to commit suicide because of all the shit that is going on right now. But once I watch your videos, I completely stop thinking about all the bad shit and just think about with all the good shit. Because of you, I know that life isn’t always fair and you all get hurt from it. But you find ways to push through that and bring happiness to others. By doing that, their smiles will bring your smile.
David, you’ve come so far! And you work so damn hard. Been following you for a long time and I just want to say, keep on hustling! <3�
That ending was dope. Love you David.
David that end speech made me have a whole new level of respect for you, honestly iv been in your situation where you just have a moment of *I did it, I made something of myself* and just appreciate the moment. 🙂 I bow down to you with the most respect humanly possible 😀 (made me tear up)
This luau was so awesome , David chose a good one . Beautiful place with a beautiful sunset . Wanna go back

(c) DavidSo LAST VID: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FSosBYfgVcQ GOFORBROKE: http://goforbrokeapparel.com/ CONTACTS BOOKING: Booking: …
Who thinks David should put the recipes in the description or something? Thumbs up for him to see it please !
Mariel: Im telling your mommy! David: * wide eyes* WHY!?! 😂😂
Is there a way that you can you post your recipes somewhere when you make mukbangs?
Awww I love her!! Put her in your vids more often David!!!
“I’m telling your mommy!””WHY??” LOL it’s all fun and games until a Korean mom gets involved
Mariel is so cute and pretty😫😩
LOL you told her her rice sucks, isn’t there some sort of taboo for that? 😂😂 It’s like stabbing her right through her heart with your japanese sushi cutting chef knife.
David’s Brother : Oh I made a mess !!! When u look down , there was just one drop ……..When I say ” I made a mess ” it looks like a ocean …… 😂😂😂😂😂
David you’re really showing progress and losing that extra weight boooi you’re glowing💫💫
I think david is the only person who actually Laughs out Loud when he types “LOL”
“I’m going to tell your mommy ” “WHYYYYYYYYY” The pure fear in davids face 😂😂😂
Yo prime example of true love: when Mariel was putting the beef into David’s bowl when he was talking.
you’re my favourite youtuber David and always inspire me to do whatever I want without caring what society think.
3:57 so this is David’s brother. The guy he idolized when he was younger because he didn’t apologize when beaten by his mom Korean style and then he fell over and David was like wtf
David should make a mukbang with his brother
please have Muriel in more videos she’s so cute and funny! also you should post your recipes somewhere!
I love her lol y’all are too cute 😂😂
“if my heart heals.” I LOVE HER!!! Mariel is so cute and sweet. I love it when she is in David’s videos.
David your food looks so good!!! Can you do a cooking episode sometime? ^_^
after David tells the story she stays quiet for like 2 minutes eating the wings and all of a sudden she brought that shit back while he gone 😂😂 girls be pettyyy