【LIVE】ときのそら 2nd LIVE『パラレルタイム』【#ときのそらセカンドライブ】

(c) SoraCh. ときのそらチャンネル ときのそら 2nd LIVE「パラレルタイム」 ・2020年11月29日 (日) 0PEN:18:30 / START:19:00 □Tokinosora 2nd LIVE「PARALLELTIME」 ・2020/11/29 (sun) JST …
32:09 ぐるぐる・ラブストーリー 40:08 ベノム 46:33 リア/リモシンパサイザー 50:44 ブルーベリームーン こうして書いてみると無料分でセカンドアルバムの曲が3曲も生で聞けたのか~太っ腹すぎない?本編はもっと太っ腹で豪華なセトリ&演出があるからみんな見よう!
Sora-chan is such an amazing singer and it looked like she had so much fun performing. Congratulations and thank you for the 2nd live, Sora-chan 🥰
Saw the whole paid event live, best money I’ve spent in a while. You’re the best Sora!
Sora-chan’s performance on the free live was really good… which makes me want to watch the whole concert 🙁 Someday, I will definitely be able to attend every sora’s concert in the future.
It was an amazing concert, you can see all the effort she done for the past months practicing really paid off. I’m still amazed how vast her voice range is and her high note is perfect
The free live was so beautiful what more the paid live i know it’s truly MAJESTIC!
That was a very good show, you don’t really get the whole perfect idol thing until you actually see it, just wow. very much worth the money.
This is one of the best birthday presents ever. Hololive has inspired and helped me so much this year emotionally is embarrassing. I am truly grateful to have found Sora and Hololive in general.
Congratulations on a successful live concert, Sora-Chan! I couldn’t buy a ticket today but next time for sure I will support you with all my might!
The full live concert Sora-chan dancing and choreography was amazing. The concert was on 🔥.
You can tell that Sora loves singing and she is such a great dancer! She is seriously so talented
It looks like Sora Chan is still having so much fun performing. I hope her passion never fades, because she is so entertaining to watch.
Ah, even tho I don’t have money, I enjoyed this free 30 minutes of Sora’s live nonetheless! It was really fun! I hope you take a good rest after your live, Sora-chan! I also wish you good luck on the upcoming Holo 2nd Fes! owo
Thank you for the grate live show….I really like how energetic you are
I haven’t seen this live before, sora-chan is too kawaii !!
本公演のアーカイブのチケット販売を2021/01/04まで行っていますので、ご興味ある方は是非!Tickets for this concert archive will be on sale until 2021/01/04, so if you are interested, please buy it!
No doubt that Soda-Sama is the best Soda in all Hololive!! <3
【歌ってみた】わたしとあなたと皆さまと! – 逆襲の明智【soraSong】

(c) SoraCh. ときのそらチャンネル ときのそら「歌ってみた」再生リストを再生( ・ㅂ・)و▽ https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL_0A0t0-Y0AMS3OlmjziHKAetmHfcfDqI 無限大ミラクル〜!୧(๑•̀ㅁ•́๑)૭✧ …
Am i the only one who decides to go back to the roots and binge all old songs of every hololive members in order?
Still so addicting(Cant get enough of sorankimo voice)

(c) SoraCh. ときのそらチャンネル スタッフさんもマネちゃんも笑ってた( •́ .̫ •̀ ) なーんでなんだい(๑╹ᆺ╹)! □カバーアルバム『Re:Play』11月24日 …
Sora not having enough reach for the handle is weirdly adorable. Worth the 45 seconds.
“What is Sora doing?”Being f**king adorable!
Sora: Can’t reachSora: Can’t reachSora: I don’t need my hat (helmet), do I?
Sora’s really been upping her prop game lately, now with a cute helmet. Really fun and cute video as well.
Sora: “A-Chan, I need the greenscreen room for a bit”A-Chan: “Why?”Sora, dragging an exercise bike up the stairs: “The people need to know”A-Chan: “Know what?Sora: “I can’t reach”A-Chan: “…….”Sora: “I can’t reach”A-Chan: “…….”A-Chan: “Well at least wear a helmet”
That was a work of art.I always enjoy the goofier Soda-chan moments.
I like how sora chan haz helmet when the pedals arent even working w
For all the English fans :Sora is saying とどかない (Todokanai)Which means : I cannot reach
Sora should definitely do more shorts like thisKdisisidin adorable af
This was the most beautiful this I have ever seen 10/10 would watch again
I’ve waited 1 hour and 40 minutes for thisworth it..
I like how her arms are just floating in the air instead of holding the handles LMAO-
Sora: tries to reach for the handlebars for 45 secondsEveryone: *She’s extremely precious and we must sacrifice everything to protect her.*
Everyone:You can’t do Cute, Sexy, Funny, Yabai in 45 secondsSora:**Hold my Tokyo no Soda**
I’m convinced that Sora-chan could being doing literally anything and everyone would agree that it was cute. And they’d be right.
ときのそら「HOT LIMIT」MusicVideo(Short ver.)

(c) SoraCh. ときのそらチャンネル ときのそら 3rdAlbum「Re:Play」より「HOT LIMIT」のMusicVideoを公開! https://jvcmusic.lnk.to/replay 音楽ストリーミングサービスおよび主要ダウンロードサイトにて配信 …
The artstyle and effects really feels like a Gacha game and you just did a miracle pull of Sora-chan
Yes, it’s very hot, hotter than the sunEdit: and having Ankimo here made this even better
What the heck?! This is the one song I never expect Sora-chan to cover. This felt like when Uzuki from im@s sang this lmao.
Dude, Sora is such an incredible idol. Her singing is amazing. This is a bop. Going in the Favourites playlist for sure.
You can’t sing this song without wearing TM Revolution’s swimsuit.
Now i want the full version cause this is so GOOD
This was an unexpected reminder that Sora isn’t only an amazing singer and very beautiful. Was absolutely amazing
Great cover, really nice illustration.Guys, remember that if you want to check the full version of this song and the rest of the album, there’s a link in the description.
Dang that image is bright!This song suits your voice very well, Sora-chan! You did a great job!
The most unexpected song for Sora to cover wowie
Song Cover: Hot limitMe looking at the art: There is no such thing as Hot limit, only Unlimited Hotness-Very Amazing Cover Sora-Chan
This is my first ever album i get in my life, and i’m so excited for it to arriveGood luck Sora chan senpai.
This is hot indeed… And as usual, great cover Sora-chan! For anyone who wants to hear the full version, it’s available already on streaming services too!
Ankimo in a bondage outfit… I didn’t you have that hobby Sora. Don’t worry, we’ll still support you!
Banger music, and Sora-chan looks so hawt in the MV.
I literally spent 6 hours straight today listening to this on repeat after buying it on itunes and going to the airport.Amazing singing
this is so good! we’re breaking all the limits with how hot and amazing this song is!
Wow Sora chan, i never expected you to cover this and im all up for it ❤️Tokino Sora swimsuit: *sweats profusely*Ankimo swimsuit: *N E U R O N A C T I V A T I O N*

(c) SoraCh. ときのそらチャンネル あれ?オレンジが、たいまつがたりないぞ(๑╹ᆺ╹)? 本ゲームは Mojang に確認を得た上、Terms and Conditions (https://account.mojang.com/terms) に基づいて配信・ …
I can’t wait to see Sora collab with some of the EN girls. I am sure her and Kiara will be super awesome! Keep doing your best Sora!
3Finally Sora has finish building Ankimo but she probably need to do more stream if she want to finish the next part lol.3:18:02 Goddess sneezeSomeone clip this or I will do it myself3:20:24 Sora found Hachaama and try to stalk I mean follow her
After all this time shes the only one who truly represents yagoo dream at this point. Watching her streams is so relaxing its like slowly floating in a cloud. Its almost a crime she doesnt have more recognition and subs. Sure the other girls are more on the comedic side and are super fun to watch but you cant negate she is the more idolish of them all.
LOL Watching Sora and Haachamas’s stream at the same time was fun towards the end when they interacted, also Haachama pro gamer move at 3:31:20
1:07 開始11:51 13:42引き千切られたカエル 1:22:18 1:39:37 2:27:57 鳴き声2:30:19 チャット欄のお菓子を食べてくれるそらちゃん3:18:02 くしゃみあん肝ハウス(外観)完成おめでとう!素材さえあれば割と早めにできそうだったけど足りて良かったね~
3:23:10 for haachama’s prank on sora, which ends up backfiring lolthis stream was great, and the finished ankimo house looks cool
Thank you for the very calming stream ありがと癒し配信 ! Ankimo is kawaii!
3:23:35 cute sora noisesI hope we can see a collab with some other members soon, i want sora to have some fun times in minecraft with other hololive members 🥺
Thank you for yet a other relaxing Minecraft stream! The Ankimo house is so cute! 🙏❤️✨
Haachama * dies *Everyone:…Sora * dies *Everyone: SORASENPAI!!??
3:18:02くしゃみしてる そらちゃん可愛い
So close to 500k bois you know what you gotta do.
Holy moly i just woke up to see the stream finished. Dang it Sempai you have the best BGM for Minecraft! Ill just finish the rest of the stream thank you!!
Sora-sama is legendary dai-senpai. Best idol.
Ankimo kawaii~ I have listened to Sora-senpai’s On Stage album, and it’s really good! Her Dreaming album is also seriously good! I hope that she will achieve her dream someday.
3:31:20 Did Haachama just fall again?