
(c) SoraCh. ときのそらチャンネル はーい、バーチャルYoutuberJKのときのそらです!(๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧アッパレ!! 初生放送〜! まったり雑談しながら企画も用意してます゚(๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧ 皆さんとたくさん、お話しできると …
Congrats, traveller. You have arrived to the origin. Where everything began.Pay your respect to the 13 Knights, and enjoy the show
22:29 the very first simp of Hololive.
3 years later this girl put down hololive resistance by herself
Everyone talk about 13 knights. Meanwhile i’m amazed how strong she is, Just imagine you are applying for a job at a random new company (like Hololive in early days). Then you stream just 13 people watch your stream. If I was on her shoe I would resign after the first stream. But she keep fighting until hololive become these day one of the best vtuber company. Then till this day no one notice you as real person, and your subs and views lower than new member. Yet she keep strong and fighting. For me she is my number 1 vtuber, even maybe not watch her more than my favourite vtuber Pekora. But i do respect and love her more than Pekora.
Came here because I heard the story of the 13 knights
as a new hololive fan, its an obligation to watch the very first video of the very first member.
Wouldn’t this be the very first hololive YouTube video?I mean she is the first hololive member
Sora-chan 1st video, she seems genuinely excited about being a Vtuber, she must have passed an vtuber audition and that is why her speaking is kinda rushed/excited. Nevertheless, her emotion in this video stands out. She seems like the person who really works hard to earn recognition. May we continue to support her in her endeavors. You could faintly hear *_people_* in the background at 3:55.
“Mitemasuka?”And just like that, history was written
She started from zero to hero. She is the Ironman of Hololive.
This is the beginning of our beloved idol group, HoloLive
*YAGOO, rewatching this in 2020:* Where did it all go off the rails?
Going back after the latest debut with IRyS. We’ve gone a long way
Yagoo’s hopes and dreams begun and hololive was born
This is the bottom of the rabbit hole, where it all started. This place is a shrine, so please pay your respects to our goddess and her 13 knights.
So……This is where the dream and legend starts
Little did she suspect that this stream was going to be the foundation stone of something that would take over the world in a short time.
I’m watching this again after that holotalk episode. Thank you, Sora-chan.
【ON STAGE!収録】Step and Go!!(Short ver.)MV【ときのそらオリジナル楽曲】

(c) SoraCh. ときのそらチャンネル ときのそら「ON STAGE!」特設サイト https://www.jvcmusic.co.jp/tokinosora/65433/ iTunes Storeにて、対象期間内に2ndアルバム「ON STAGE!」をご予約いただいた方 …
Now I understand how she made all this become true. She is like pulling an SSR character from a gacha game. Perfect at all!
The idol who haven’t crushed Yagoo’s dream.
I really enjoy Sora’s singing and music videos, but honestly, I started falling for her when I watched her gaming clips with A-chan and just seeing her have fun with friends. She’s such a great person and I can’t wait to enjoy more of her creations.
Sora-sama here bringing out real pieces of art
When I heard this, I thought it was a cover, but apparently this is 100% original. Sora continues to impress with her songs.
I love it already. Sora-sama is impressive indeed.
This is just perfect. Truly a Goddess*her dance is just so cute*
Let us bless Sora for her continuous hard work these past few years, and lastly, for being a positive example for the Vtuber community in many ways. She is a shining example of someone who has worked hard and chased her dreams of being an idol, eventually reaching it. She’s come a long way, she shouldn’t just be known for carrying hololive in its early years, Sora is her own identity and is still shining as brightly as ever, if not brighter, in recent times. Bless you Sora, for being a lovely vtuber! You’ll forever be among the icons of the vtuber industry!
That was a very cute MV. Sora doing those little movements while singing was such a wonderful sight.
step and go〜(๑╹ᆺ╹)( ๑╹ )( ๑)( ╹๑ )(╹ᆺ╹๑)可愛くてノリノリになれて思わず手拍子をしたり回りたくなるなる曲でした
0:01 Ste—damn perfection 😩👌
Every true idol knows these two important words: “Step” and “Go”.
Sora sama…You’re AMAZING!!!really love all of your cover
omg, this is so cute, my heart can’t take this much cuteness. Her voice is great!! it’s too short, i want the full verion.
The idol everyone would ask for ❤️
This is very good, really fits her voice and vocal skill.
Can’t stop going back to this song. What I really love about Sora’s singing is that her live singing matches the quality of her singing in her studio recorded ones.
listened since its release and still listening till now. cola-sama really is great,
『e-ma e-ma』歌って踊ってみた【ホロライブ / ときのそら】

(c) SoraCh. ときのそらチャンネル キャンペーンの最新情報は下記特設サイトやYouTubeチャンネルをチェック! □「e-maのど飴」特設サイト https://e-mae-ma.com □UHA味覚糖【公式】 …
It feels like I’m watching a child morning exercise show.
Now I’m having a hard time explaining to my homies that I’m still a straight boy after they see me copying her dance
Translation starting from 1:15 Sora: Hello everyone! I am Tokino Sora! I will be participating in the “e-ma e-ma project”! This video I sing and dance the e-ma e-ma song. It is basically like :”e-ma e~ma o~ e-ma e~ma o~” which the catch phrase are easy to be remember! I hope you all will also hum the “e-ma e~ma”. For the dance, it might be quite hard for someone who are new but if you practice it and become able to dance it then you will find out that it is fun. Please do practice and try to challenge the dance! “e-ma e-ma project” will still announce more announcement! So please do check the project channel! For more details please check the description~ Please do look forward for more “e-ma e-ma project”~!If there are any mistake I made in the translation, please do correct me!!
Never forget that sora chan has top tier skills not only in singing but dancing She is also responsible for very catchy songs
This hypnotic song is back, and in full version wow
I like how you can see all three of their personalities in this dance. Aqua with small, compact movements, Suisei with precise controlled movements, and Sora with precise but free movements.
Sasuga idol chan
someone has been attending Aki’s belly dancing lessons I see
Be careful minna San. This song makes you want to dance
Man we really don’t talk about Sora’s hip movements enough. She always does it so smoothly it’s impressive. It’s really cute!
This is actually addicting to watch.. Look at those hi- I mean the dance.. It’s so cute
2:08 really cute expression whe she started looking for textSORA CHAN! AI SHITERUDEE!!! ♥️♥️♥️
So this is the power of an idol…It’s beautiful.
*Sora danceMy negative feeling inside my heart: ADIOS BRO
The cuteness in this video is too much for me to handle

(c) SoraCh. ときのそらチャンネル 今年もお誕生日迎えました!! ちょっと変わった演出になってるかも? がんばるよ~! ☆Special thanks☆ 銀河アリス …
3:12 wonderland 7:12 ファンサ 16:17 Alien Alien 19:27 Sora and Kotone duo! コネクト Connect! 27:01 SorAZ duo! 刹那ティックコード 31:44 SorAZ duo! 紅藍クロニクル 40:47 Sora-chan and Aoi duo! チューリングラブ Turing Love 50:57 KumoHurray!
Perfect duets with 3 people without them physically being there, a bunch of classics, and some announcements including new songs, all within 50 mins. Simply, the number of people who can do that can probably be counted by fingertips.Congrats on 750k achieved, Sora! You’re on good track. Keep this up and you’ll have 800k by the end of June, and 1M at the end of year.
3:07 Start 3:13 Wonderland 7:12 ファンサ 16:17 エイリアンエイリアン 19:27 コネクト(天神子兎音) 27:01 刹那ティックコード(AZKi) 31:44 紅藍クロニクル(AZKi) 40:47 チューリングラブ(富士葵) 50:57 KumoHurrar!(new)26:18 鳴き声改めて誕生日おめでとう!しかし過去にみんなコラボしてきた曲からの初披露二連発痺れたな~チューリングラブ初めて聞いたけど良い曲だね!葵ちゃんだいぶ低いパートも担当しとる(๑╹ᆺ╹)そしてKumoHurrar!は今までのとっきーの曲とは違うエキセントリックな感じで飽きが来なさそう!ヤメテヨーとかソッカー入ってるのは草
Happy Birthday to the founder of the Rabbit Hole we all fell in. Happy Birthday Sora/Soda-chan, hoping for more to come!
Sora went full on Idol mode with the dancing and singing! Alien Alien was a nice surprise for me!Sasuga Sora-chan!
I never thought one day I can attend a concert which I don’t pay for the ticket with money but my heart.Happy Birthday Sora you’re an idol among idols.
16:17 エイリアンエイリアンそらちゃんの「エイリアンエイリアン」が、ホロライブにハマったきっかけであり、そらちゃんを好きになったきっかけだから、このタイミングで聞けて嬉しいです!お誕生日おめでとう!
More people really need to see this. It was amazing.
Sora sang completely live without any backing singers/voices. Respect to that.Many idols don’t even sing live
I had to get up at 5 in the morning, but it was worth it! Happy birthday, Sora-chan !!!
Another day of Sora proving what being an idol means
Wonderful stage presence and Sora-chan’s interactions with the guest display made it feel as if they were together on stage. Her energy was through the stratosphere.
Happy Birthday Sora and thanks to Alice, Kotone and Aoi for showing up! I hope you all can collab together again soon!
Birthday collab is a blast.Happy birthday Sora-chan.🎊🎉🎉🎊🎂
Happy Birthday Sora-Chan!Also congratulations on 750K!!!Thank you for everything.
16:16 Personal timestamp cause Sora-chan’s vocaloid covers are amazing (Alien Alien, Dance Robot, Remote Control, Solar System Disco)
Happy blessed 21st birthday to the goddess of Hololive, Sora-sama who descended from the heavens to bless us and make history with the foundation of one of the greatest Vtuber Companies, Hololive. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for the memories, the experiences and for all your hard work and effort. You are a mythic legend, a gift from the gods themselves and the greatest miracleand it is thanks to you and your hard work that made everything possible. We gather around to congratulate and commemorate your birth anniversary and cherish the memories and experiences we had together and create history with the new ones as we move forward towards a bright future.
As expected Sora-chan is always amazing when she’s on stage. That Alien Alien live is proof that she is a human vocaloid. I’m also glad to see Aoi Fuji was there to sing along with Sora-chan. Happy 21st Birthday!
Happy Birthday Sora-Chan!!! Muchas gracias por el stream ❤
【歌ってみた】おかえり – 瀬名航【soraSong】

(c) SoraCh. ときのそらチャンネル 泣きたいときも きっとあるけれど 我慢はしなくてもいいからね? …おかえり(*´꒳*) 素敵な本家様 → https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QYD3ZYbQgcY 『おかえり』 作詞・ …
I don’t know what to say except *I love this song and it’s message, and I love Sora’s voice.*This brightens my day…
I can feel such great warmness here.The world should know this video exist.
Wow that was beautiful!*I think I’m in love…….*
My friend and me got in a fight with each other and this is the reason I forgave her, the lyrics man the lyricsThank you so much Sora!
This is such an amazing song, beautiful lyrics and beautiful singing. Really underrated sora song .
Another song? Okay. 😊Your voice is beautiful.
Sora’s cute movements stopped my heart, and lyrics pierced through my heartThis song is very great and super duper underrated
I love your voice so much Sora-chan! This song is so good it warm my heart(˃̣̣̥ w ˂̣̣̥)
Love your cover song, Sora!❤
歌動画これだけ見落としてたから見たんだけど…何だこの浄化力!?(驚愕)なんでこんな素晴らしい歌を見落としていたのか…毎回仕事帰りに聞いてます、疲れとストレスが嘘のように飛んでいくのでそらちゃんの歌に毎日助けられてます(*•̀ᴗ•́*)و ̑̑ (長文すみません!)