
(c) SoraCh. ときのそらチャンネル ちょっと観光に行こうかな? 本ゲームは Mojang に確認を得た上、Terms and Conditions (https://account.mojang.com/terms) に基づいて配信・収益化を行なっております …
This stream in a nutshell: Sora: everything is free, all my stuff free, my house free, my love free, my time free. Bae, Sana, and Ina wiping their tears: okay Senpai
The last part with Ina was the ultimate てえてえ
Hololive: “Everything has a price.”Sora: “Everything is free.”Chat & Hololive: “Understood, everything is free.”
23:20 *Sora visiting Pantsu Express*Kanata: “Look up”10/10 timing
鳴き声集 0:22 43:11 ア~ 9:08 1:22:17 1:28:11 ハァ! 33:07 ワアアア! 1:37:41 アッ ENサーバー自然と建物が融合してたり個性的すぎる建築物がまだ少なかったりして新鮮だったな~そしてイナちゃんあんなに逃げ回ってたのが嘘みたいにくっついてきててかわいいw
The sudden Sora x Ina collab is the sweetest thing I’ve seen this month so far.So sweet. Too sweet. Thank you for the stream, Sora-chan!
“We’re reaching Tee Tee levels that shoudn’t be possible”Thank you for the stream Sora-Chan, this is too wholesome, glad you like the EN server.
The two senior most chilled person going on a dateSora showing off her buildings is too cute
This was a great stream!! It’s so much fun seeing everyone playing together!!!Thank you for your hard work, Sora-chan and everyone!! Have a wonderful night!!!
Sora-chan was totally in stealth mode when she wandering in EN server until Bae and Sana found her.Well, EN server is like a “wild west” when compares with JP server.
This was such a wholesome stream, especially that last part with Ina.
5:40 No! Sokka! I’m Sora! 8:18 Sad Kanata 11:41 Who Is WHATABE 13:11 Yamete yo 14:12 Yabe 15:52 Many Torch Time 22:58 Something Wrong? 25:11 SoraEnglish 29:57 Visit Ina’s House 32:42 Oh! NO! 38:23 Visit Ame’s House 41:23 “A” 44:21 Visit Sana’s Bakery Shop 54:00 Meet EN Members & Kanata58:43 Big Sora 1:05:02 Playing Playground With Everyone 1:06:37 Ina Run Away 1:11:09 Visit Fuana’s House1:14:29 Visit Bae’s house1:21:20 Angry Ina 1:23:57 Creeper 1:29:40 Visit Fortune Telling Shop 1:32:09 Play Dunk Tank 1:37:01 Nun Nun~ 1:41:20 Ride Pantsu Express 1:43:32 Message Board 1:47:57 Loop Back 1:51:35 Message From Roboco 1:54:58 Visit Watame Night Fever! 1:57:15 Visit Sora-chan’s Tree House 2:02:59 Take Free 2:11:44 Visit Sora Station 2:22:25 Take Photo With Ina Thank you Sora-chan!! Today Sora-chan met a lot of EN members and the EN Server house tour was very fun. I’m glad Sora-chan can speak English better now. Good Night!!!
This stream was so blessed I feel like my soul has been purified.
Honestly though my favorite part about the Sora Ina tour was that Ina already had a tour of JP before and already saw things like the NePoLaBo house but she still happily went with Sora and acted excited like it was all new and so much love to Ina for that because you could tell Sora was so happy to do it.
So much fun, thank you Sora! I look forward to what Sora will make in the EN server and playing with the EN members. Sora and Ame making a EN train would be very fun!
The way she showing JP server and some of her proud building to ina….my heart….melting… send…helppp
EN鯖探検楽しかったです~!いろんな子と一緒に回ったり、イナちゃんとデートしたりと満喫されていて何よりです!もくじ7:03~ そらちゃんEN鯖に初上陸! 53:59~ かなたん、サナちゃん、ベーちゃん集合! 1:05:33 4人で集合写真!…と後ろにイナちゃんおるな!? 1:24:43~ イナちゃんとEN鯖デート 1:47:00~ イナちゃんとJP鯖デート 2:09 思考が止まるそらちゃん
Your english has improved so much Sora-chan, thank you for working so hard for us. I’m glad that she now has even more kouhais to have fun with.
I think what has to be the cutest part of the stream isn’t just Sora giving Ina a tour, but just how happy and proud she is of her accomplishments, and how excited she is to share.
it’s always a wholesome with goddess Sora ❤️
【歌ってみた】木の芽時の空 – 路地裏ロジック【soraSong】

(c) SoraCh. ときのそらチャンネル ときのそら「歌ってみた」再生リストを再生( ・ㅂ・)و▽ https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL_0A0t0-Y0AMS3OlmjziHKAetmHfcfDqI そらとも提供曲、記念の第1弾!
How far all of you have reached since this songgratz
I’ve only been in the hololive rabbit hole for just a month and Im already inlove with everyone, but Sora always has a special place in my heart. All her hardship, effort and commitment I love it all. To be honest Im very jealous of those first people on her very first livestream. I wanted to support her from the beginning. I want her to keep pursuing her dream and being an Idol~ thank you Sora for existing we all love you so much.
I wasn’t here 3 years ago, but I’ll be here from now on. I’ll support you, Sora-chan! <3
OH YES I’VE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS! I really love your voice ^_^ SO angelic <3
Finally after 3 year we got the full version/answer song”Hanadokinosora”
reading more about sora’s early career manga led me here
i want to hear sorachan sing this song again in 2021
2021 is coming,everything changed a lot ,Sora’s songs are still good.
From here on, a legend beganMany of us weren’t there from the beginning, but all of us will stay at always at her side, as she somehow is now close to our heartsThank you Sora, for believing in your dreams and giving us the strength to believe in our dreams as well
“Flowers will open” Yes Sora, you bloomed. Thank you for not giving up. ❤️
Hermosa voz, estos videos me levantan el animo aunque no le entienda nada 🙂
I dunno why my eyes teary watching this in 2021Maybe coz I see how far has she grown and went to become the foundation of one of the biggest thing in Youtube now..
Sora’s songs/covers are always bops. Even the very first one. Sasuga Sora-chan
😐 200k view’s Congratulations 🥳 one of the most beautiful song’s I’ve ever heard in my lifetime.And Utano Sora is really your nickname 😃 I thought I created it on spot but nothing can beat you huh😆
WOW, she’s improved so much since this point.
3 years already. Thanks Sora-chan! ♥
Wow this song is beautiful. The girl who sang this should be applying to an idol agency or something because god damn she is talented
Wow!Who would’ve thought something so big would start from something so small. She fought and she fought well!
Beautiful song😍Perfect singer😍

(c) SoraCh. ときのそらチャンネル とってもかっこよくて大好きなアンヘルを歌わせていただきました!! かっこよさ・・・出てたかな? ~素敵な本家様~ 「アンヘル / 鳴花ミコト」 …
Is this a re-post but still it’s like a new cover song that is a BANGERCan’t get enough of Sora’s Angek singing voice
I don’t think it’s possible to not like a Sora cover anymore. They’re just too good.
Her sheer power is the reason why even yagoo is scared on dropping the term “idol group” entirely
Even if this was a repost, we cant ignore that this is still rockin’.
My playlist will be full of sora’s cover, and I’m totally ok with it
Never have I felt something so strong for an artist. Sora’s voice is just… Magic.
Oh wow. I was sleepy and this woke me up 😅 now time to play it on loop. 😂Great song Sora-sama!!!
THIS SONG IS DYNAMITE!!!!! 🥰😍😍😍😍😍 love it!!
The absolutely goddess that rules over all of Hololive.
New song from Sora-sama, a blessing as always 🙏
Godly, Beautiful, and Amazing are three words that can describe of how good her voice is.
Amazing as always sora,i love it❤️
Seems like a re-upload. Well, get a chance to see it again. Thank you very much, Sora-chan! 🙏❤️✨
Wonderful! Sora-sama’s voice, it is…..🤩🤩🤩
Another impressive cover. You’re still doing great, Hon. <3
Absolute amazing voiceeeee 😍❤️
Never click something so quick in my life when notification from Sora-Sama appear The singingThe music beats The dance and expression Sora-Sama didThe Video Cannot be said as simply as Perfections Because all of it, are OFF THE CHARTS
i love her voice so much..
【女子2人実況】密室で独り、爆弾解除するのそら – Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes

(c) SoraCh. ときのそらチャンネル わたしたち最強コンビなら爆弾解除も余裕だね(*•̀ᴗ•́*)و ̑̑ Twitter限定「未公開シーン」はこちら https://twitter.com/tokino_sora/status/985835588682067973 本ゲーム …
えーちゃんのイラストは、わたしが描きました(*•̀ᴗ•́*)و ̑̑ すっごい似てるでしょ!(*•̀ᴗ•́*)و ̑̑ あ、でもみんな本物を見てないのか〜。
I know this was posted almost two years ago but I sincerely thank you for the subtitles.
4:10 Of course Sora’s confused; Botan (Button) won’t debut until two more years in 2020.
I’m glad to see Sora getting english subs for once.
【Minecraft】0期生ハウス補修しないと・・・【#ときのそら生放送/ときのそら さくらみこ 星街すいせい】

(c) SoraCh. ときのそらチャンネル かぼちゃでみんなが叫ばないようにしておかないと・・・。 本ゲームは Mojang に確認を得た上、Terms and Conditions (https://account.mojang.com/terms) に基づいて …
0:43 Start 2:00 11:24 27:01 57:19 鳴き声 34:47 みこち参戦 59:32 みこちのくしゃみ 1:36:31 すいちゃん参戦集合体恐怖症のすいちゃんに対してみこちはお仕置きでカボチャ床見せるぞって脅してただけなのに、どんな反応するかって理由でカーペットを水で剥がしてるのSのそらすぎて草
13:37 Sora-chan mimic Subaru voice 42:21 Talk about 0th gen name 49:55 Ankimo Chanel 20K subscribe Congrats! 52:35 Miko of Chaos 57:18 Creeper 1:11:00 New name of 0th gen 1:30:03 Let Them Fight1:31:00 Horror game sound by Sui-chan 1:38:45 Sui-chan react to pumpkin floor 1:51:20 Let Them Fight 2 1:54:31 Top Secret 2:00:34 Snow man prison break 2:03:47 Ahoy! 2:11:45 Mikochi Yabai? 2:19:25 Perfect group photo Thank you for the surprise collab stream. It was really fun! Looking forward to the next 0th gen collab!
Sora has collaborated with all Gen 0 members, we just need all 5 together at once
I really thought Miko or Suisei would bring chaos to Sora’s stream but this was unexpected Miko and Suisei are just chilling with Sora. So even the Demon Lord and Suicopath can act normal in front of Goddess Sora.
It seems Sora’s dream of building 0 gen’s house is coming closer
The surprise collab with Sora, Mikochi and Suichan is so fun and TeeTee! Hopefully this means they can organize a full 0 gen collab soon!
34:50 Miko Joins the voice chat1:36:30 Suichan joins the sudden collab
In front of Sora, even Miko and Suisei easily become Seiso.
Reality is not always as good as expectation. Sometimes reality is disappointing than what we expected, but this time, reality is way better than expectation. Thank you Miko and Sui chan for joining Sora’s Minecraft stream.
This made me shed a tear. Thank you Sora for starting it all. Without you, all of us will not be gathered here.
I would love to see Hololive staff to download and use Holoserver as Sora’s 3D stage in the future, she really love her Ankimo House 😊
Expectation: Solo streamReality: Gen0 collabSometimes reality is better than expectation34:24 Miko joined1:36:25 Suisei joined
This was an amazing impromptu collab. Miko has been stalking Sora-chan from the very beginning (she even posted a screenshot on her tweeter) than Sora finally noticed her and called her over. After a while Suityan join as well and a perfect mix of cuteness and chaos was born.Thank you Sora-chan forr the stream, and thank you Mikoti and Suityan for joining in. I’m looking forward to the 0 Gen collab!
The infamous pumpkin ceiling has been sealed, never to see the light again. But, deep down in the recesses of memory, Flare, Polka, Kanata, and other brave souls who saw it bare will forever remember it.
Quite possibly the purest Minecraft stream to date. The 0GEN collab is coming!お疲れ様でした
I guess this is the other part of the 0th Gen Collab20:44 Sora *Noises 130:11 Hey Mikochi ~Sora31:42 ww 34:50 Start discord with Miko-chan50:10 I guess Ankimo channel is gaining more subs w52:39 Oh No Disaster Miko-chan 草草I guess Bless You1:22:34 Sui-chan Ha Kyoumo Kawaii (I like how Sui-chan easily reads her greetings) 1:22:47 Run Miko (or I guess you can just fool Sui-chan or something)1:29:50 Sui-chan is here. Miko abunai I guess Sora-chan is asking them to behave1:36:33 Sui-chan on Discord 1:48:13 Soo Cute 1:51:40 That Sui-chan voice though(I think I’m gonna continue more later)
1:51:37 ここからのオタク化すいちゃんとみこちの喧嘩すきw
Explored pekoland with Kanata & Polka yesterday. Building 0th gen house with Mikochi & Sui-chan today. Blessed Sora’s impromptu minecraft collabs.