
(c) SoraCh. ときのそらチャンネル わたしが初めての音楽イベントで歌った思い出の曲だよ(๑╹ᆺ╹)✨ ぱっぱっぱらっぱぱっ!(*´꒳*)゚*.・♡ 「スイートマジック」 原曲:Junky様・ろん様 動画:ろくんし様 歌:ときの …
スイーツ食べたくなってきちゃうよね( •́ .̫ •̀ )ぐぅ
Late to the sora party but damn better late than never. Happy 1 year of the cover! May the many years more of this bliss that you and the rest build!
Love this song, great cover Sora!the ankimo dancing is great lol
Ah sora sing this… And it has different soothing voice… 😍😍😍
Lovely as always ~
めちゃくちゃ可愛い!そらちゃんの 声が好き!

(c) SoraCh. ときのそらチャンネル 無個性なときのそらが、クリスマス生放送をさかいに「お姉ちゃん」「ママ」と呼ばれ始めた。 果たして、クリスマス生放送だけが本当にきっかけだったのか。 われわれ検証班 …
Sora casually roasting her elementary brother lol
These vids popping up in my Recommendations after reading the Sora manga… It’s like an anime just for me.
I just cast glimpses, when sora did do 3D stream like this again? I just wanna to see it
you look very cheerful tho,Merry Christmas Tokino Sora-chan! : )
This is something I didnt know I neededSora-neechan

(c) SoraCh. ときのそらチャンネル 4周年ありがとう!! 5年目もよろしくね♪ スペシャルゲスト AZKi Twitter:https://twitter.com/azki_vdiva …
4周年おめでとうそらちゃん惑星ループ 1:21そらわたメランコリック6:49そら彗星打上花火 14:01そらAZOnly my railgun 23:22そらAZわた彗星Dream Story 32:16そらちゃん夜に駆ける 41:33アンドロイドガール 45:57KumoHurray! 52:53
Sora 4th Year Anniversary Timestamp1:20 Sora Started With The Golden Song4:50 Introduction: Konsomme7:00 Watame and Sora: Melancholic(The Fluffy Goddesses)10:40 Tsunomaki Watame and Tokino Sora: Dododon13:10 Watame Kneeling To Sora (Like A Knight, Also Adorable Fluffy Duo)12:20 Kawaii Idol and Sheep Teetee14:00 Suisei and Sora: Fireworks (Hololive. . . ಥ‿ಥ Arigatou! For The 3rd Time This Song and Now, Sora, Suisei, Every Holomembers or Everyone Singing This Song is One of The Greatest Combo Ever )18:45 After The Emotional SingingLove Seeing These 2 Goofing Around Together23:20 SorAZ: Only My RailgunYagoo: Changed That To “Only My (Idol’s) or Everyone’s Idol'”27:30 SorAzki Teetee31:00 IDOL’S!. . . ASSEMBLE(Blessings From The 4 Goddess)32:15 The OG 4: Dream ⭐ Story37:00 TeeTee Blessings37:30 New 3rd Album Re:Play Also The New Outfit(Congratulations Sora)40:50 Arigatou Watame Azki and Also Suisei Train or Idol Train41:30 Racing Into The Night *Sky*46:00 Straight To The Next Song (Singing With Power) Sasuga Sora47:00 Strong and Powerful Singing Love It52:35 NUN NUN53:00 Encore- KUMO HURRAY!56:00 Arigatou Sora(Nun Nun ぬんぬん)Happy 4th Year Anniversary an Thank You For Everything SoraCredits: Big Thanks To Vieron For The Full Song and Artist Name and Title Also To Everyone Helping in The Comments Edit: I Cried Watching The LIVE, and Now I’m in More Tears of Joy For The Heartwarming Replies ಥ‿ಥ(╥﹏╥) Thank You ❤️ Everyone Enjoy And Have A Blessed Day
_”In the beginning was Sora, and Sora was with Hololive, and Sora was Hololive.”_-Holobible 1:1Congratulations Sora for your 4th anniversary!!!
Sora owning the stage with the song choices and how energetic she is. Happy anniversary Sorachan ❤️ Congratulations on the 3rd album and another great year. Thank you to the guests, the knights and soratomos who keeps supporting her 🙌☺️
It was my first time seeing Sora-chan on stage. It’s one of the best things that I have seen in my life. Happy 4th Anniversary Sora-chan!
This was an incredible live. It was so exciting and fun seeing her jumping so lively all over the stage. It’s wonderful that she and to an extension hololive have made it this far and looking forward to how the 5th year is gonna shape up. Happy Anniversary Sora-chan~!!!!🥂✨
47:00 Sora-san’s voice was so Strong and Powerful in this Performance. She can make her own Rock Album If she wants to. Congratulations, Sora-san!!! Happy 4th Anniversary!!!
Even though we are late to see a beginning, let’s follow together and see the current journey nowHappy 4th Year Anniversary Sora-chan~
Congratulations on your 4th anniversary Sora! You have such an amazing talent and I have all the respect in the world to you! Thank you for carrying Hololive and giving us the entertainment it is today. Also, the setlist was such a banger!
Man I’m so bummed that I missed this. Thanks for leaving the vod up Sora. Congrats on 4 years!
Happy 4th year soda-chan! Cheers for more years to come!! <3
Thank you so much for being the lead ahead of this idols for 4 years now already! Wish I could and know you since debut. Anyways, as a hololive fans, I’d appreciate everything you’ve done so far. It’s not easy to reach this far but you’ve made it. Good luck for futures onwards and may God bless you always. Stay healthy and make sure to have enough rest, Sora chan! Ganbatte 🙌🏻
I like just how energetic Sora-chan is, it’s like she’s just had a bottle of soda and chilled on a sofa in Tokyo or something! It just rubbed off on me so much that I started to just do little bobs while working~ Daisenpai, here’s to another 4, 5, 6, eien years to come!
Thank you sora for the wonderful stream, it give me chills while watching it.
I know i said this already but, Happy 4th anniversary Sora-chan! we’re proud of you for making this far and of how you changed the whole world of virtual entertainment so far! Thank you so much for everything and your astounding performance tonight. Hololive wouldn’t be where it is right now without you. ❤️
Thank you for 4 years sora, its so amazing can meet with you, I hope we can always together ❤ Congratulations 4th anniversary ❤
*Congratulations on your Forth Anniversary Sora!* 🎉🎊❤️I may not be one of the 13 Knights from your debut stream but I’ll continue to support you just as hard as they did (๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧
Congratulations to Sora for her 4th anniversary! Our goddess put on a truly magnificent show today! You can tell she put a lot of heart and soul into this special concert! Each performance was nothing short of divine! Having Watame, Suisei and AZKi join her on the stage made those recitals all of the more joyful as their voices sang in beautiful harmony! The friendly interactions amongst the four were adorably wholesome too!Sora has come a long way and I am also really happy for her! It is thanks to her that Hololive came to life, bringing us so many happy memories throughout the years! Just like every one of her fellow idols, she too is an amazing person! Let us continue to support her and smile towards an even brighter future! 🐻❤️
This Live was so much fun! Four years already for the girl who started it all. . . I’m so proud and happy for Sora-chan for everything, and I hope she sees even more success in her 5th year as well!! Thank you for Hololive Sora!!! Thank you for all of your hard work!!!

(c) SoraCh. ときのそらチャンネル 2nd LIVE「パラレルタイム」のBlu-ray3/24発売決定(•̀ᴗ•́)و ̑̑ 初回限定盤特典CDには収録されていない「好き、泣いちゃいそうだ」をアコースティックver.の収録風景を特別 …
The First Take, Hololive edition feat. Tokino Sora.Edit: This is wholesome. Keep pursuing your idol dreams Sora!
Whats amazing about Sora’s singing is that it isnt that “typical” idol singing voice where its very high pitch and has that feel of rush.Her voice is pretty low, but that’s what makes her great. Her songs sound like something anyone can sing in a karaoke and just enjoy it with your friends. Which really shows here, she’s not trying to reach those high notes, not trying to do anything special. Just Sora-chan enjoying her time.
the cuteness level is over 9000
I don’t think there are even words to express how amazing Sora is.
3:46 right there, That’s the money shot!
I think we all know that she’s not the only one who’s crying rn.
When you start to forget that hololive is an idol group, Sora does thing like this to gently reminds you that they’re an idol group
Just today I was called a man child by my friends just because I like watching Tokino Sora. Aftter that, I got mad because Tokino Sora literally gave me the drive to continue working hard. Tokino Sora showed her strong resolve throughout her career, that beautiful dedication made me want to become better as well. Thank you Tokino Sora !!!!
The Cuteness are reaching max level
1:13 start of the songbut you’re going to miss Sora’s heavenly giggles
Sora’s like that one friend you got, the one who always asks you the small questions that you tend to think as trivial, but in reality, she’s paying close attention to you. You tend to don’t realize it, but she’s always there for you, even if she’s only doing mundane/trivial stuff while being around you. Welp :vv
Sora really saved my life. If I didn’t found her, I wouldn’t discovered Hololive. I always depress with my life and even have suicidal thoughts. But the one who makes me forget all of it is Sora. Every day is really fun for me, I always looking foward to her stream and other members as well. Thank you so much Sora for saving me. Your voice is like a hand that reach me and pull me out from the darkness. Really thank you from the bottom of my heart ❤️
When I first saw Rikkun doing this, I knew that Sora would fit so well in this. Please more of this.
I love how sora started getting the recognizement she deserves. She doubled subs in like 4 months from 350 to 700 and now aim to 1m
Sora’s voice makes me think that everything is fine in this world.
So this is basically “The First Take” but Vtubers version*That’s even better!*
Man just the way she talks at the start seems to radiate Kindness and cuteness, and I have no idea what she’s even saying XD very lovely singing too.
Her voice, her laugh, her perks…Everything is perfect about her
THE FIRST TAKE Sora-chan!!The start was so cute 😭😭and got blown away by her voice as always!!! 😍So we got Pol, Ricchan, and now Sora-chan doing FIRST TAKE style

(c) SoraCh. ときのそらチャンネル 今日でわたしも3周年! 今までの放送の振り返りがしたいな(๑╹ᆺ╹) がんばって練習したお化粧も見てほしいの(*´꒳`*)゚*.・♡ ~サムネ~ 友人A(えーちゃん) …
Without this girl, Hololive probably wouldn’t exist. Every new generation is walking the path she pavemented.She’s the legend, she’s the queen, she’s the idol. She’s Sora.
That letter by A-chan really hit the feels of everyone live, even the translators started crying and couldn’t translate anymore, thanks for the stream!
been 3 years since hololive started I wish I found this community sooner but still thank you faith for bringing me here and congratulations to you Sora Senpai for celebrating your 3 years anniversary to Hololive your works end effort Didn’t go to waste and now your one of the most popular vtubers out there remember that “YAGOO’S HOPE IS STILL NOT DEAD”
Ok seriously sora-chan is the most adorable but who dares to dislike this?
“You can’t upgrade perfection”Sora: _Try me._The journey was long and it all started with Sora. I may have been a little late in getting into Hololive but everyday is always fun when I came here. The chat is sometimes wild, the girls are a little crazy, but we are all united. And all this is all thanks to you and your hard work, Sora. Thank you. Congrats on the 3 years Sora! May many more anniversaries to come! Kanpai!! 🍻
0:43 開始 4:12 そらヒストリー 38:44 お化粧お披露目 45:59 えーちゃんから手紙 54:34 Dream☆Story三周年本当におめでとう!お化粧物凄く可愛い!!前の時点で世界一可愛かったからどうなるのか少し不安もあったけどおるだん先生のイラストに似せたんだね~でもさらに若返ってるような気がするw
I did not understand a single word of the letter but I still cried. Music cheered me up
Tokino Sora’s first stream back in 2017 only had 13 live viewers according to some of the veteran fans, and when Sora became famous, some of the fans then called those 13 viewers from the first stream as “The 13 Knights of the Round Table”
When you think of how many viewers Sora has helped bring happiness to over three years with her vtubing, and all the success it has led to for others as well, it is really impressive.
Its been 3 years since your first stream……….and now look how you’ve become, i shining, beautiful, and amazing idol……I’m so proud of you, keep up the good work Sora-sama!We’ll always support you no matter what happen!
Congrats on 3 years Sora! You paved the way for the future generations and made hololive what it is today
Happy 3rd anniversary. Hope you can keep going and becoming even bigger and happier than you are right now.
Happy 3rd anniversary!!気持ち切り替えられなくて涙声のまま歌い続けたDream☆Storyがホントに印象的だったお化粧も上手でかわいいよ~(*´ω`*)
Just realized that the song she sang at the end was also the one she sang at the holofes with her fellow Gen 0 members! But during that event she changed the lyrics instead of “Tokino Sora dayo” it became “Hololive dayo”.
A-chans letter had all of us in tears its really great to see how far Sora came when she debuted and worked really hard ever since thenSo glad to be with you on this special occasion Sora!
Fly high, pure angel of Hololive.You’ve been through a lot, you’ve showed how much you really loved ur stay at Hololive for the past 3 years already.Soar higher with newer things to see and experience, Sora.Happy 3rd Anniversary.I’m late for two days since I was busy Heck
It’s so rare to see her this emotional, even though i missed the stream I’m absolutely blessed to witness this momentsI want to say everyone to watch her 1st ever live stream and see how she started this hololive, it wasn’t easy for her for sure. She confronted many hardships and troubles.But look, now new generation of hololive hits almost 100k subscribers before even debut, that’s the community she started and built with the others and staffs. Her only dream is to make her mom happy and witness her performance on biggest stage in Japan. We have make sure her dream come true even if it’s our last thing to do 😭