【ときのそら】からくりピエロ / 40mP【歌ってみた】

(c) SoraCh. ときのそらチャンネル 今回はMVも本家様の動画をリスペクトしています(๑╹ᆺ╹) 是非本家様のMVも見てみてください✩°。⋆⸜(* ॑꒳ ॑* )⸝ 作詞、作曲:40mP(@40mP ) MIX:けったろ(@kettar0) …
You actually can tell she’s getting better with every song.
This song really made me suddenly understand how much I want to hear Sora sing Daughter of Evil and Mothy’s other stuff.
She sounds incredibly good. This is some of the best music ive ever heard!
Ahh i suddenly miss the vocaloid era btw this cover is very good
I see Sora crying, I cry too 🙁
Man this song really hits home for me. Thank you for covering it Sora-san
I like this cover and listen to yours every day.
Even years ago Sora’s voice is so wonderful!
感動しました。いい声をありがとう。I was impressed. Thank you for the good song.May the song continue to satisfy the hearts of people all over the world.
This song always makes me tear up :’)
woah this cover is so good
Thank you, Sora-chan. This is a lovely song. 🙂
She has definitely the sound fo an angel
肉声の良さを最大に伝えられるそらちゃんの歌声の魅力!!切なさが溢れだします( ᵒ̴̶̷̥́ ^ ᵒ̴̶̷̣̥̀ )良い楽曲が更に素敵になり感動の一言😭💘
for some reason this version of this song just pops up in my brain from time to time

(c) SoraCh. ときのそらチャンネル みんなもココロ奪われてくれたかな…?(。•ᴗ•。)♡ 『メランコリック』 作曲・作詞:Junky(@Junky_Box)さん 【 素敵な本家様 http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm10444862 】 …
still amazing song…. even after 2 year
Glad to see this reappear in my recommendations. Im no Sora Tomo since im broke, but I shall always support you and your Kouhais Sora-san!
It’s amazing how much she has improved after all these days. This is good but her recent songs are awesome
Sora sama is true IDOL
Increible canción sora-san :’3 Gracias por tu musica 😀 Te queremos!!! ❤❤❤
I don’t know what is happening now guys, it suddenly pop up in my YouTube recommendSora chan I love you
How far she has gone now :’)
This is actually pretty good!!!*added to playlist*
太陽系デスコの時も思ったけどそらちゃん本当にボカロ似合う次は是非just be friendsを…
really nice singing. Sora-chan. ^___^

(c) SoraCh. ときのそらチャンネル 夏は水着!もいいけど、浴衣もいいよね(。•ᴗ•。)♡ 一緒にりんご飴食べて、線香花火してるみたいな浴衣デート気分で見てくれたらうれしいな(*´꒳*)゚*.・♡ 『夏 …
華やかだけどちょっと切ない名曲だよね!でもイベントいっぱいだから、まだまだ夏も冬も楽しみ✩°。⋆⸜(* ॑꒳ ॑* )⸝
Going to a summer festival with a goddess is definitely a faraway dream
Wow this song is amazing, my absolute favourite right now. People should come back to the Hololive classics more often!
Bro I didn’t even know this existed, thanks for bringing it to light
Man, I recently heard this from playing a friend’s copy of Taiko no Tatsujin, and to find that Sora’s made a cover is a gosh darned blessing.
YUKATA!?!?!It looks very good! Her songs are good and her costumes are cute. I am sure she is an angel.めちゃすこ
Damn, you nailed it, truly a beautifully well done covering this song. Amazing
She kind of look like Matsuri in this artstyle
I don’t know but this just gives me goose bumps! Its supper amazing it its giving me the chills! Ahh what a thrill I can’t wait for this year’s summer! 😀
This cover is so beautiful!
With the UsaKen summer festival coming up, time to put this on loop again!
I want Sora to get OG song with amazing visuals ^^ <3
Back here after the amazing sports festival! This song is so good for that.

(c) SoraCh. ときのそらチャンネル 久々にJ-POPの歌ってみた動画だよ♪ 大好きな曲だから、みんなにも聞いてほしいな!! そばかす 作詞:YUKI /作曲:恩田快人 instrument:ORYO(@ORYO_FAULHEIT) …
It really is crazy to think how far Hololive has come. From Sora’s 1st livestream that peaked at 14 viewers, to now sometimes having having streams that break 100k viewers, and none of this would have been possible if not for all the hard work that was put in, and in no small part from Sora herself, being the only member for months. She may no longer by the most popular in Hololive, or the one that brings in the most money or whatever, but there’s a very good reason why every other member holds her in such high regard.
First time I made it for the premier and I wasn’t disappointed, Sora is a truly a goddess
Remembering when there’s only one person that has TV in my hometown, and watching the series with my childhood neighbors, then we sang together at the opening and ending as wellI am literally crying in nostalgia hearing this at the Premiere, while filled with joy when you’re the one who’s covering this…..Thank You So Much Sora-Sama
How many times you save Hololive as a idol group?Sora: YES
I missed the premiere, but listening to this song immediately brings me back to the good ol’ memories of watching Rurouni Kenshin on TV (and singing along to the opening song). Thank you for this wholesome video, Sora.
I think Sora needs some backpain pills for single-handedly carrying all of YAGOO’s hopes and dreams
Ah, it’s been ages since I remember listening to this song.Perfectly done too, as expected of Sora-sama.
the nostalgia hits hard, and it hits better with Sora’s voice.
I’m glad I made it to premier! Thank you for covering this lively song! Listening to Sora-chan always makes the day better! Sora-chan always brings a smile to all of us! 🙏❤️✨
This brings back a lot of memories! Thanks for singing this sora ~
Sora-sama’s voice really fits so well really perfectly amazing ❤️
WOAH! I was *not* expecting this! I couldn’t read moon runes, so imagine my surprise. Long live Kenshin, and thank you so much Sora!
This song always brings back pleasant memories, thank you sora!
i really love this song, the cover is amazing.
Yep. My 90’s to early 2000’s childhood is flashing before my eyes. You’ve killed me Sora. You’ve killed me with this song. Nostalgia overdose.
My childhood flashed in front of me.
More of this nostalgic songs! I love listening to her voice 😍
【ときのそら】恋愛裁判 / 40mP【歌ってみた】

(c) SoraCh. ときのそらチャンネル リクエストの多かった恋愛裁判を歌ってみたよ(๑╹ᆺ╹) いつも見れない表情にも注目してね!! 恋愛裁判 作詞、作曲:40mP(@40mP ) Mix:アンジェリーナ・フジィ …
Sora: said oh jesusMe: well actually i’m kind of a christian myself
The mv look clean … The colour palette matching perfectly with sora outfit ..Hololive definitely an idol agency after all.. both sora and korone cover were really awesome.
For some reason this is underrated
It’s a great cover but I think the reason it’s underrated is there’s no actual story like the original and korone’s version(maybe)
Sora: Oh Jesus!Sora Worshippers: **sweats profusely**
This is how Hololive’s leader asserts her dominance
I love how animated and expressive Sora is. I hope the others can get close to this soon.
I love videos that present their lyrics like this. In English it’s a lot harder to create a good stylistic lyric video because English only looks good written left to right, but in Japanese you can basically display it however you want…left to right, top to bottom(most commonly right to left), the only thing I don’t believe Ive seen is having to read from bottom to top, which while possible, it would definitely feel awkward lol
Sora’s smug face on the thumbnail is just amazing
Sora in every single MV: *D A N C E*
This needs more views. It’s top tier among hololive covers!
Miss Sora your singing is amazing :)Thank you for your continuous hard work :3
<3 Sora does a really great job with these virtual music videos! <3
Your singing voice is so good, awesome job 👏👏👏
I’ve been waiting for Sora-chan covering my dear wife Miku’s song!!This epicness knows no bound!! Thank you so much Sora-chan, you have beautiful voice!
I have no words to describe how perfectly clean, cut and well done this this was in a manner that perfectly suits the quality of this video so this is the best i could do.
Sora has a really pleasant voice. This cover sounds great
gave me goosebumps, i love it