【歌ってみた】サンドリヨン / ときのそら & バーチャルゴリラ

(c) SoraCh. ときのそらチャンネル ときのそら「歌ってみた」再生リストを再生( ・ㅂ・)و▽ https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL_0A0t0-Y0AMS3OlmjziHKAetmHfcfDqI サンドリヨン、とっても歌ってみ …
Finally, a Sora/Kanata collab
Cute, fun and a great singer as well. What more could we possibly ask for in a vtuber?And well, Sora was also pretty nice
VTuber Gorilla: _kicks ass in APEX tournaments_Also VTuber Gorilla: _does amazing in a duet_
This is a fantastic cover! Also, how is that gorilla not more popular?!
I couldn’t believe my eyes when I saw that thumbnail. Then, I heard the gorilla sing. This is amazing.
ngl, got caught off guard with the Gorilla’s voice
美 女 と 野 獣この絵づらなのに、悔しいことにこのゴリラ、クッソいい声なうえに歌激うまなんですよ・・・
I can’t believe what I’m seeing but the rest of hololive could learn to be more seiso and well mannered from a freaking gorilla.
Feels like I’m travelling back in time when Vtubing was at its infancy and people were experimenting with many themes and gimmicks. Ranting aside, this song is such a banger I should’ve discovered it earlier. Also, that gorilla be emitting a very strong Chad energy.
Im now addicted to this song. Both have outstanding voices! Omg what have i been missing these past two years!?
This is such an unexpected collab that it’s great 😀
the gorilla is actually an apex god that reach predator and also he is one of the original vtuber
How did I not know about this? Did Sora literally just return to Monke.
why havent ive learned of this masterpiece before?
The gorillas voice is really good ngl.

(c) SoraCh. ときのそらチャンネル ヨルシカさんの「ただ君に晴れ」を歌いました。 さわやかできれいな曲! ずっと歌いたかった歌です! ~素敵な本家様~ ヨルシカ – ただ君に晴れ (MUSIC VIDEO) …
As one of the people who supported Sora from 2017, I’m so proud of what she achieved today and all the blessings that will still come her way. She really made YAGOO’s dream come true.
her voice is so beautiful and she is really good at singing
When Sora upload a new cover it never fails to impress me all the time
I may not always be able to tune in on every stream, but DAMN her singing is still as awe inspiring as always!!!!Here’s to another amazing cover release! 🥂
She is like the sky full of stars (空) , just like her name “Sora”.I love the MV so much (๑˘︶˘๑)
『Just a Sunny Summer for You』(Covered by Tokino Sora)Original: ヨルシカEnglish Translation:The moon that floated in the night like a jellyfishHas split openWhen I glance at someone’s back at the bus stopYou, as you were that summer, are in my headOnlyTorii gates, dried-out clouds; the scent of summer strokes my cheekUntil I become an adult,Look, I’ll keep standing on tiptoe to make myself tallerTired out from playing,behind the bus stop I could even see the skyEven if the summer comes to an end soonI’ll definitely, definitely rememberBecoming an adult without being able to catch upNight blooms in your pocketIf I can’t put it into words I’ll be aloneBut that’s all right, I’ve already resigned myself to itOnlyA summer day, dried-out clouds, Nanking cherry trees, a rusted stoplightIn my memories, it always smells like summerPhotographs are just scraps of paperAnd memories are nothing but garbageBecause I didn’t understand that, I kept my mouth shutIn my memory, you rest forever on the single stone in a summer fieldBecoming an adult while looking downI can’t catch up, it’s just a sunny day for youUnable to put things into words, we climbed the hillIn our shadows, night is bloomingWe’ve become adults while looking downClap your hands how you likeClimbing the road up the hill at sunsetOur shadows…Becoming an adult without being able to catch upNight blooms in your pocketEven if we can’t put it into words, we are oneThat’s enough, I thinkI’m only chewing over memories Of you.
I didn’t know Soda-chan covered this! Great singing as always!
Really love this cover. Wish she can cover more songs like this. I feel like her voice suits ballad-ish song very well.
Sora is impressive as always but whoever edit that cover deserves a raise
Sasuuugaa sora-sama !!This really beautiful cover ❤
as always, a great cover by Sora. You can tell how much effort is put in by Sora in these music videos.
just want to say Sora’s voice is beautiful as ever… thank you for making my day bettr keep chasing your dreams! ^^
*My Goddess singing is as good as ever*
Ahh this song is one of my faves!! Glad that she did a cover on this! Thank you Sora-san!!!
『ただ君に晴れ』(Covered by ときのそら)作詞・作曲:n-buna【歌詞】夜に浮かんでいた海月のような月が爆ぜたバス停の背を覗けばあの夏の君が頭にいるだけ鳥居 乾いた雲 夏の匂いが頬を撫でる大人になるまでほら、背伸びしたままで遊び疲れたらバス停裏で空でも見ようじきに夏が暮れてもきっときっと覚えてるから追いつけないまま大人になって君のポケットに夜が咲く口に出せないなら僕は一人だそれでいいからもう諦めてるだけ 〜間奏〜夏日 乾いた雲 山桜桃梅 錆びた標識記憶の中はいつも夏の匂いがする写真なんて紙切れだ思い出なんてただの塵だそれがわからないから、口を噤んだまま絶えず君のいこふ 記憶に夏野の石一つ俯いたまま大人になって追いつけない ただ君に晴れ口に出せないまま坂を上った僕らの影に夜が咲いていく 〜間奏〜俯いたまま大人になった君が思うまま手を叩け陽の落ちる坂道を上って僕らの影は追いつけないまま大人になって君のポケットに夜が咲く口に出せなくても僕ら一つだそれでいいだろ、もう君の想い出を噛み締めてるだけ0:000:000:00 0:010:010:010:000:000:00 0:010:010:01
My ears are blessed after hearing this beautiful cover! Thank you for the amazing song sora-sama
Still my fav cover of this song! Listening to it in a summer afternoon makes it even better.
Fantastic cover as always.Thanks for your hard work!
Sora-sama is really an amazing singerThis is really so beautiful that it reached my heart
【しっとりと】ダイアモンドクレバス/Diamond Crevasse(cover)【歌ってみた/ときのそら】

(c) SoraCh. ときのそらチャンネル 今回はしっとりした楽曲を歌ってみたいと思ってチャレンジしました! とってもステキな楽曲で大好きなので、聞いてもらえるとうれしいな♪ ~素敵な原曲様~ 「ダイアモンド …
Sora is really skilled, it’s a shame that her covers generally don’t get more views.
Every once in a while, a hololive fan commutes to Sora-sama to cleanse their tainted souls and remember what the other idols from Hololive wish to achieve.
Oh Lord… this gave me actual chills. Sora’s gorgeous singing, the incredible visuals, this video is a work of art! Thanks for blessing my morning with this.
I watched Macross Frontier not long after my wife passed away, and afterwards I must have listened to Diamond Crevasse hundreds of times (even if it does sound like the nickname for an expensive prostitute). Your cover is definitely one of the better ones I’ve heard, and when I’m listening to it “namida afurete tomerarenai” (I can’t stop the tears from overflowing).
this is insanely amazing, and doesn’t get enough attention at all. Sora is an underrated queen.
Sora and AZKi are the only thing keeping Hololive as an idol agency. I love all the girls but these two are true artists !
when I first heard this cover I thought it’s beautiful. Then I looked up to the original singer, and yes, it’s also beautiful. But somehow, sora’s voice giving more serenity. True idol indeed
Thx Sora-Senpai, just made my day! Everytime i listen to her voice singing it gives me the chills 😌
This is what, like the third song from Macross Frontier she’s covered? She must really like that show.Amazing voice from our true idol Sora, as usual.
Right now I’m so thankful to anyone who made it possible for this cover to exist, from sora to the composer. The song is beautiful and so is the cover.
Amazing!!! すごい!!
Six minutes of Sora’s greatness…… *PERFECTION*👏👏🐻👏👏
I love Macross covers and Sora does this good. Someday they’ll sing “Do you Remember Love?”. Looking forward to that
hermosa canción cantada con una hermosa voz❤❤❤
Such an inspiring and powerful song from Sora, gave me shivers listening to this song of hers, had me enraptured and excited for more songs to come from her!!!!!!Was exquisite and emotional, loved every single mnute listening to this beautiful single from Sora, wished this song could go on for longer, another addition to my slowly growing library of quality hololive hits!!!!!😁😁😁😁
This is just so fantastic! I love the macross franchise and this is a great rendition of Diamond Crevasse by May’n.

(c) SoraCh. ときのそらチャンネル やっぱりお歌は楽しいね!! ~素敵な本家様~ DECO*27 – ヴァンパイア feat. 初音ミク https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e1xCOsgWG0M ~Illust~ 氷鷹さや …
No premier? Soda-chan Just drop masterpiece cover naturally.
All of the other hololive vampires have bite marks on their necks. Except Sora. Because Sora is the original vampire(/holo)Edit: don’t believe me? Check out the other girls vampire thumbnail art.
Its always amazing that Sora can sing all type of music genres.Its always mind-blowing for me.
Once again, our soratomo ears have been blessed…..Also feeling a bit dizzy….did someone just took my blood?
Sora: UploadsSoratomos: I am speed. **transforms into convertible**
Sora’s voice on this song is really good. And also the musical arrangement gives it its unique vibe from other covers, making it sound a bit like a live performance. Really good.
Ahh my soul has ascended, Sora-chan really knows how to make me feel blessed.
I love how they wrote “Vanpie” instead of Vampire on Sora-chan’s mask
Sora chan’s singing is so versatile, she can sing anything, from many different genres so well, it’s amazing ! <3 <3 <3
Her voice here sounds like what I imagined it to be
There’s something about Sora’s cover that makes me want to listen to it more than the other covers. The mixing was very well done. Her voice sounds very clear, and the music is pretty clean to match it.Also, 0:13 “THE” Tokino Sora. Hahahaha!
Previously it was Shion, Polka and Aqua, now it’s Sora who covers a song like this wow amazing
Today we’ve been blessed again from Soda-Chan herself
Once again we have been blessed by the goddess voice
Sora-senpai deserves more praise, her singing keeps getting better and better!

(c) SoraCh. ときのそらチャンネル ひな祭りにわたしと一緒に私服デートしませんか? □2nd LIVE「パラレルタイム」のBlu-ray3/24発売決定! ♬特設 …
Is this love?
Due to overwhelming sweetness of the girl named Tokino Sora, many viewers clutched their chest in an attempt to contain the feelings. Some who can’t stated “Oh, I’m die. Thank you forever,” before passing out. Sora in her new outfit is *_hnnngghhhhh_*
My date with Sora-chan is soo great, her date outfit is so beautiful. I just wanna brag it.5:42 look at my date with Sora-chan15:02 singing with Sora-chan 36:44 aaah~ big cake(lets order soda)39:43 beautiful piano T_T SSS and view43:02 エモいT_T(We had our chuuu~)….then I woke up…..
Sora’s like that super popular girl in anime classrooms who has no idea why everyone worships her but goes with it to appease everyone because she’s so nice.
Sora and AZKi always gave me the “untouchable beauty” impression. It makes me feel at ease when I see their laid back version of themselves.This stream makes me feel at ease and ahem…in love.
29:16 Glasses are really versatile. First, you can have glasses-wearing girls take them off and suddenly become beautiful, or have girls wearing glasses flashing those cute grins, or have girls stealing the protagonist’s glasses and putting them on like, “Haha, got your glasses!” That’s just way too cute! Also, boys with glasses! I really like when their glasses have that suspicious looking gleam, and it’s amazing how it can look really cool or just be a joke. I really like how it can fulfill all those abstract needs. Being able to switch up the styles and colors of glasses based on your mood is a lot of fun too! It’s actually so much fun! You have those half rim glasses, or the thick frame glasses, everything! It’s like you’re enjoying all these kinds of glasses at a buffet. I really want Luna to try some on or Marine to try some on to replace her eyepatch. We really need glasses to become a thing in hololive and start selling them for HoloComi. Don’t. You. Think. We. Really. Need. To. Officially. Give. Everyone. Glasses?
I’ve never been so jealous to a cameraman before…
29:17 Glasses Sora….I’m die thank you forever
This stream in a nutshell: Someone call a medic… *for all of us!*Sora is too cute with her new outfit
We got to experience what it was like to be in a anime.I must say it was the greatest experience.I will cherish this moment forever.
I love her spirit and energy, and the outfit, too; the ponytail and those glasses are a nice touch.You’re a wonderful lady, Sora. Thank you for this, it’s been so much fun.
Date with Sora was too much, My heart can’t handle all of the sweetness coming from her <3
she’s massively adorable, im melting.. help
The sheer cuteness and beauty of Sora is immeasurable. I am die thank you forever.
29:17 Ambulance! Call the ambulance!!! Oh never mind, just call a Priest instead. They are all dead.
Sora-chan? No it’s Sora-neechan. The tied up hair, casual outfit, and glasses fit her so well. Maybe it was just me but her voice sounded a lot more mellow or homy(?) this stream. The amount of caring big sister she radiated this stream was insane. I hope she uses this model for her zatsudans and english practicing streams c:
37:37 Brought back many fond and nostalgic memories of music class and was such a pleasant surprise! Thank you Sora!! This was a lovely stream from beginning to end!