【歌ってみた】ベノム / ときのそら(cover)【かいりきベア】

(c) SoraCh. ときのそらチャンネル かいりきベアさんの「ベノム」を歌いました!! 中毒性のある曲で大好きです(๑╹ᆺ╹) メッ! MIX:アンジェリーナ・フジィ instrument:ORYO(@ORYO_FAULHEIT) …
Lyric: About loneliness, suicide by poisoning, and perceiving oneself as a loser.Sora: 😀
Sora: “I tried to sing”Me: I don’t think the “trying part is a problem anymore…
When Sora said “Zero is the highest we’ve scored in our lives.”, I felt that.
I love this cover so much, specially those high notes
Sora look so cute as in this mv!! It fit her so well it comfortable watch it again and again.. ∩(︶▽︶)∩ .Really love this cover by sora.
Temazoo, que voz, que genia, idolaaaaaa
So addictingI need more daily dose of Sora-sama singing
such a good voice ♡
I’m a simple guy. I see a new Sora song cover, I like 💜
Hermosa voz!
Another great song ♥ Tokino Sora really love rock style songs ♥
I like Sora Chan voice when singing this song,Its so amazing! And that “ne” is so cute!!! (≧▽≦)
I legit expected Sora to drop some bars as she raps at the top of the Empire State Building…But this is fine, too!
For real though the song is really good when looking for an inspiration to write a characters emotion. Been having a hard time making a character with emotion in my book but finally i figured out something

(c) SoraCh. ときのそらチャンネル わたしもつよつよKINGになれるかな? ~素敵な本家様~ 【GUMI】KING【Kanaria】 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cm-l2h6GB8Q 〜instrument〜 ORYO …
I don’t care how many covers of this song Hololive produces, I’m gonna listen to them all
Others: looking so bad ass in KING cover*Sora: looking multiple times cuter*I like it
any other holomember: You are kingholofans: no, YOU are kingSora: You are kingHolofans: *it is an honour to be thy king, Megami-sama*
I love how most KING covers make you feel like ‘Oh no, they’re going to burn our fields and decimate our armies’ but Sora’s version just feels like ‘Oh no, she’s gonna make me cook for her and clean the house’
You are KINGの部分に全力を注ぎました୧(๑•̀ㅁ•́๑)૭✧
Don’t know why but whatever sora does, she can never be intimidating. She’s just so kawaii
Aw, that’s cute. Guys, look! She’s trying to be threatening!*Sora (pouting):* “I AM threatening!”Awwwwwwww, Sora.
I love when the “Pa pa Pa” goes from my left ear to right
There is just this level of pureness when Sora sings. Even if it’s a bad word, it feels holy haha. Really great cover Sora-chan!
It almost feels wrong how she can pronounce the “R” sound correctly.Truly our Megami!
Our Goddess is such an incredible, beautiful singer. Her voice is angelic! ♥♥♥
Sora: You are King!Me: And you are Queen!
This is a straight blessing from the heavens
This is now my second favorite King cover after Towa’s version. Great job Sora, love the backup vocal effect.
It was awesome! Also studying English is paying off. She said “You are King”, “Left side”, “Right side”, quite perfectly. Maybe the best pronunciation of all the king covers. The first king cover, I thought left side and right side were Japanese words, until some other covers actually put them in their cover in English when singing them and I was like, “OH! Is that what it is?”.
Ah, Sora-chan covering KING… It sounds Wonderful, as expected… Just Beautiful… ❤️👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
Now i just need Ankimo and A-chan’s king cover, and the holy trinity would be complete.

(c) SoraCh. ときのそらチャンネル 新しい感じの雰囲気に挑戦したくて歌いました! みんな聞いてみてね!! ~素敵な本家様~ オートファジー / 柊キライ feat.flower …
🐱📸 あああ、そらちゃん…その表情ああああ、最高だにぇぇぇ!!!!🌸
原曲リスペクトしつつ、少しだけわたしの要素を入れたMVを作っていただきました!みんなじっくり見てみてね!!Thank you everyone♪
Sora goal this year to try lot of song genre. She really steeping up the effort. Ganbare sora chan.
POV: Your picked the wrong soda as your favourite.
Didn’t expect Sora to cover this song series considering her voice usually doesn’t fit in these type of song but she does like to challenge herself. Hope we get the cover of ボッカデラベリタ (Bocca della Verità) and エバ (Eva) in the near future.
Smug sora doesn’t exist she can’t hurt you. Smug sora:
I’m still crying, to think how far she have accomplished from zero.
2:44 なかなか見れない表情だけど、歌声の雰囲気も相まってとても良い…
for who wondering what Miko said, she said”Ah, Sora-chan … That expression Ah, that’s the best! !!”
Sora’s voice is so amazing as always 💖
I didn’t know I needed this version of Sora
After hearing the original I was actually unsure cause its so different from her usual but her voice is so unique and so good that she made it hers.
Astounding as always Sora-ChanI can feel the chill’s whenever hearing this cover
we’ll raid the person who dares to dislike this masterpiece
Sora: says “Hello” a few times in a Japanese songYouTube: *English it is*
This deserves a lot more views.
Well damn, Sora expanding her style of music. It’s definitely a pleasant surprise.APPROVED
I didn’t expect to hear Sora sing a song like this. It’s surprisingly catchy. I want to hear more…

(c) SoraCh. ときのそらチャンネル とってもかわいくて元気なこの曲が大好き!! みんなも聞いてみてね♪ ~素敵な本家様~ いきものがかり 『気まぐれロマンティック』Music Video …
We reached kawaii levels that shouldn’t even be possible.
It’s been months already but I still can’t believe how beautiful Sora’s new model is. Also, as always, great cover! Very delightful to listen to
*All the more reason why Sora-sama is a true idol.*
Hearing sora’s voice heals my heart. It makes me want to do my best every day. そらちゃんの声を聞いてから心が癒えます。お陰様で毎日頑張りたい。いつもありがとうございました。
Sora is truly the one and only original Idol, thanks for this wonderful song Sora-senpai
Ah yes, another Cover from our Sora-chan
Sora lost 50 calories in this video.
To be honest sora is not my most watched holomember, but when i open her channel i always found gold cover like this ,she’s trully definition of best idol
she’s still carrying yagoo’s dream goddamn.
I had no idea Sora did a cover of this amazing song. I don’t know which version I like better, sora’s or mel’s. They’re both so good
This feels like an OP in a slice of life anime…
The Idol Aura is so powerful, that I feel so much joy listening to her
This song is called “Kimagure Romantic” which was covered by a couple idol games like in Bang Dream by Pastel Palettes*
Romantic love antenna flew somewhere in a storm It’s a lie She’s a little shaken by the cheeky Ekbo Really an important person who really scolds me … she’s good at it, so she won’t praise her anymore I got tired of the tycoon fate Unleash it with a line you don’t know. * Darling Darling Break the door of your heart The important thing is to look at your eyes You can get out of this city Take me out now My Sweet Sweet Darling * She keeps looking for the secret of a dramatic smile Looking up, drawing in the sky, a form of happiness, so I want to be new I swing around with a whimsical tension Don’t let go of this hand Darling Darling Hit the door of your heart Her honest feelings overflow You can laugh with you Start right now, My Sweet Sweet Darling Darling Darling I’m sure she can grab her Be aware of the meaning of happiness You can change tomorrow Take me out now My Sweet Sweet Darling (* Repeat)
Tokino Sora-chan, our goddess and idol, carrying Yagoo’s hopes and dreams for three consecutive years. Arigatou for another amazing cover
【ときのそら/さくらみこ/夜空メル】blessing コラボ歌ってみた【ロボ子さん/大空スバル/AZKi】

(c) SoraCh. ときのそらチャンネル クリスマスイブにみんなにお歌をプレゼントしたかったの(*´꒳*)゚*.・♡ 6人の気持ち…届けー(๑╹ᆺ╹) ハッピークリスマスイブ! 『blessing』 イラスト:Rem様(@remrn23) MIX: …
So this is another treasure being buried by YT-kun’s weird copyright issues.Early gen girls showing people their true powers when they have the chance for collaboration singing, what a BLESSING!
I really like this cover because of their voices. Sora has this strong voice that projects the meaning of the wordsRoboco has a soft voice that makes things more emotional Subaru is quirky and you can hear the difference easily and it sounds like she’s having funMiko might not be the best at english but I think it makes it better and she was a failed project before and she shows us there’s always place for you to improveAZKi has a voice switch that can go between powerful and emotional and Mel also has a soft voice which makes things quiet like she’s saying it’s going to be alrightI just love it
個人的ココ好きポイント1:33 0期生が歌うことでエモい1:42消え入りそうな声2:48美しいハーモニー3:29伸びをするように気持ちいい高音3:50圧倒的なバックコーラスへの移行3:55透き通るような高音4:03歌詞とのマッチ
Miko’s first line being: “it’s not easy to make something from nothing.” made it alot more emotional since that is what she did.
This cover getting unprivated again is truly a B L E S S I N GI really really missed it a lot, thank godness is back. Also, best part is from 2:41
‘DA DA DA DA DA’Truly, the most meaningful line in this song, so deep and emotional
This cover saved me from suicide, I never thought I needed to listen to this. ありがとう
I don’t know why I would like to cry while listening with this song…I can only say….their voices areAMAZING
個人用個人スバ友ワイ用0:00 Blessing for your birthday0:49 最高の味方が映ってるでしょ?1:53 泥沼を掻き分けて1:57 蓮の花は咲く!2:56 DA!DA!DA!DA!DA! ↑ここ元気いっぱいですき3:03 よく喋って3:12 愛せなくても3:29 最後の1秒まで前を向け3:37 宝くじ当たるかも3:43 水を差せ3:48 来年もかぷ民ワイ用0:04 Blessing for your everyday ↑ここ発音良くてすき0:45 ほらここをじっと見つめてみて1:51 Oh Stand take action1:55 Oh Stand take action3:00 よく眠って3:08 笑えなくても3:20 例え明日世界が滅んでも3:46 そして来週も3:55 例え綺麗事だって構わないそらともワイ用0:06 最後の1秒まで前を向け0:39 灯火を消す前に0:43 足元を照らせ!1:11 最後の1秒まで前を向け1:59 ほらここに手を重ねてみて2:43 Like This Like This Yeah!3:01 よく遊んで3:09 歌えなくても3:35 あの子が振り向くかも3:48 来月も4:04 ここに集えた奇跡にありがとう ↑ここすきろぼさーワイ用0:19 剥がしても何故だか 増えていくタグと ランク付けされてく理不尽な価値1:42 不幸とは幸せだと気づけない事 毎日が誕生日で命日な事 ↑ここ深くてすき2:17 例え綺麗事だって構わない2:58 よく食べて3:07 泣けなくても3:39 再び始まるかも3:46 現を抜かせみこぴーワイ用0:28 そんな数値で人を 推し量らないでと 飛び交う言葉を手で覆い隠した1:33 ゼロからイチを生むのは 容易くない事肝心な物は 見えないし触れない事2:26 この世に産まれてくれてありがとう2:52 Like This Like This Yeah!3:04 よく喧嘩して ↑みこぺこかな?すこ3:12 愛されなくても3:44 煙に巻け3:48 来世も開拓者ワイ用0:36 Oh It’s time to get up0:41 Oh It’s time to get up1:03 例え明日世界が滅んでも2:03 温もりが伝わってくるでしょ?2:48 Like This Like This Yeah! ↑ここめっちゃすこ3:02 よく学んで3:10 何もなくても3:40 生き抜くためなら3:45 油を売れ3:50 一緒に祝おう複数0:54それは命の証(メル&スバル)2:08それは命の証(ときのそら&AZKi)2:41ロックでいったらこんな風(メル&ロボ子さん)2:45アカペラでいったらこんな風(メル&ロボ子さん)2:50ゲームでいったらこんな風(メル&ロボ子さん)2:54ダンスでいったらこんな風(メル&ロボ子さん)3:34 3:36 3:38If you’re alive全体0:57 1:07Blessing for your birthdayBlessing for your everyday1:15 Hip hip HOORAY これから先もHip hip HOORAY 君に幸あれ2:12 2:21Blessing for your birthdayBlessing for your everyday2:30 Hip hip HOORAY これから先もHip hip HOORAY 君に幸あれ2:39 さぁさよってらっしゃい見てらっしゃい3:14 それでも生きてほしい3:15 3:24Blessing for your birthdayBlessing for your everyday3:50 3:59 Blessing for your birthdayBlessing for your everyday4:08HIP HIP HOORAY これから先もHIP HIP HOORAY 君に幸あれHIP HIP HOORAY これから先もHIP HIP HOORAY 君に幸あれHIP HIP HOORAY