ASTRA Gameplay Reveal Trailer – VALORANT

(c) VALORANT She’s already got it all planned out. Harness the cosmos and control the fight as Astra, the newest Agent in VALORANT.
Recently added agents: literally messes with other dimensionsSova: SHAKT DART
Other agents :assassins / soldiers / mercenaries / tech pplYoru : space shifter Astra :literal goddess
Looks dope 🔥
This agent literally can manipulate time and space but still uses a gun to fight right
actually, her ultimate skill is “FPS Destroyer”
When you let the *League* team make a Character in Valorant
She’s great!
Purple theme: CheckPower over space and time: CheckSuper cool magic gauntlet thing: CheckThis ain’t Astra, boys. It’s Thanos.
Every-time a new character comes out, Riot does such a good job of showing them off, that they get called overpowered every-time in the comments. This is the same thing that happened with Yoru and he’s one of the worst legends.
This looks so cool!!! Everything from the look to the sound and vibe makes me want to play her.
Me see’s astra: coolMe again see’s her ablitis: that looks sickMe see’s astra’s ult: haven’t we seen this before?
this introduction is so creative and beautiful, respect from me to riot desingers
Ngl she totally reminds me of the avatar, like the way her eyes light up and her meditation cosmic energy thing… total ATLA vibes
I have no idea whats happening, but it sure looks cool
i cannot state enough how good the music is for Every. Single. Video. VALORANT puts out. Class selection, lads <3
Wow! Cool one! I cannot wait to see her in the action! 😃
Hands on the coolest agent trailer till now imo 🙌
caralhooooo, que personagem foda, linda! amei ela !!agora vamos ver como jogar com ela.
Okay her name is astra, got it.
Ah, so its a character with similar abilities to horizon and the personality of lifeline, love it. Her design and kit are so cool doh
WATCH // Year One Anthem – VALORANT

(c) VALORANT Want to see what it means to defy the limits? WATCH. Come face-to-face with Episode 3: REFLECTION. Featuring (in order of …
I love screaming for riot :)I’d do it anytime 😉
I have no idea what’s going on but the cinematography is amazing. Can’t wait for Year 2 of Valorant!
afternoon snooze dreams be like:
Editor: How much editing do you want?Riot: Y E S
Riot to editor: Here’s your payment and a bag of coke.
3:22Holy crap, you can see the new agent coming out in the few frames.
Riot seriously needs to make a Valorant web-series ASAP.
They actually teased the look of the new agent, chamber… incredible
The first shot is actually the new map I realized it after the new Fracture trailer came
It’s honestly cool to see how their creative team has gotten so good in edits. Watching from their old videos to the latest ones really inspires me.
They literally showcased Shroud as a god..This is an underestimation.
I seriously think more valorant animation should be released I’m in love with them
Me : My pc can’t run this masterpiece of a game smoothly.VALORANT : DEFY THE LIMITSMe: 30 fps here I come !!!!!
its crazy looking back and seeing how much stuff they leaked in this and the fact they had already organized a deal with zedd is insane
It would be cool a map with different layers, each layer being a site; to travel between sites u’ll have to use an elevator in one side of the layer and stairs on the other side
Always appreciate exploding for you! 😀
riot: we need a video editor: how many effects do you need?riot: yes
what an incredible cinematic work. loved it <3
Are we gonna talk about how breach got slapped in the face
Episode 1: IGNITION // Official Launch Gameplay Trailer – VALORANT

(c) VALORANT We put in work. Click here, play now: VALORANT, the 5v5 character-based tactical shooter from Riot …
in trailer: Phoenix throws his flash and gets 3 kills In Reality: Phoenix Flashbangs the whole team and gives the enemy 5 kills
How Valorant wants you to play:How we actually play:walks very silently
“Abilities aren’t used to kill in Valorant”Raze: HERE COMES THE PARTY 🎉 💥 💀
Finally a British character that actually sounds British
“It requires skill and precision to get kills…”Raze:”FiRe iN dA HoLe”
I remember the days in early announcement when people said this game would be good for at least a month and then everybody’s gonna forget about it, look where it is now. Dominating the E-Sports scene.
I fear no manBut that thing*FIRE IN DE HOLE*It scares me
Valorant trailer: *exists*Cypher: guess I’ll die then
I like how they made a Spotify playlist for each character
0:47 In my games Phoenix players don’t flash and go, they just flash the whole team and everyone dies or they flash and don’t move
00:59 I just love how Reyna enters into the field with that superhero entry. And it says “voy a arrancarte el coraz�n” (I’m going to rip out your heart).
Dang if only I could aim with Jett’s ult.
Woulda been a whole different story if Cypher used his traps
all the other agents doing cool outplays, raze: “FIRE IN THE—“
Jett in the trailer: almost kills everyoneJett in my games: dashes into a guy and gets knifed after missing all her shots
This is so sick. Valorant’s gonna be big. And I’m gonna be one of those that will be proud for staying since the game was in closed beta.
i gotta say this is one of the only gameplay/character reveal vids i actually like
The Jetts in my games don’t do that.
This music touches deep in my body, mind, soul, spirit, and entity.
1:31 i can already hear the “Clutch”
Uncover Fracture // Official Map Teaser – VALORANT

(c) VALORANT Explore a world divided. Fracture arrives in Reflection, Act II. Play VALORANT: Join the Discord server: …
watch everybody dodge this map for the first 3 weeks
Looks like there might be a new mechanic
A day after the official launch:So this are the lineups, setup, and hiding spot u can do in this map, hope u enjoy the video
Now it makes sense why Chamber is friends with his parallel self.
Can’t wait to be Molly’d from defender spawn 😀
In the Chamber’s trailer, he came up with an alternate Chamber which was from another earth. In this incident, Both Chamber shot their sniper from each side to create huge destruction and caused Fracture to exist. It’s just my theory here.
“new map, new ways to annoy the team with flash”-phoenix
Fracture, the two colliding particle rays. The omen player card with him in between two rays.. Is this where he was killed?
You can almost feel the lore coming from this map
I just hope that this map won’t again have such huge open sites that it’s going to require at least 2 controllers to play on. Looking at you Breeze
Can’t wait for a another good map that people are going to Dodge.🙂🙂
Valorant, your team never stops surprising me. Every day I see an update on the game, I only see that you make your own room to grow. I hope you never get old. Best of luck from NY!
amazing animations, and amazing music and this new map looks amazing
Excited to explore and good around in this map!
this map looks very cool i can’t wait for it :>
Haven’t even fully accepted Breeze and a new map comes. Oh no.
Looks like a great map, valorant should add this
LETS GOO! I hope there’s a new mechanic on this map. Looks like there might be 🤯
Introducing Elderflame // Skin Reveal Trailer – VALORANT

(c) VALORANT Awaken the fire within. Unlock VALORANT’s first Ultra Edition skins: Elderflame. Available in the store 7/10. VALORANT Sign Up …
I’m excited to pick this gun off the ground when enemies drop it
Hmmmmm… I could buy a new AAA game or four dragon pew pews with a stabby 🤔
These skins cost more than the SSDs that hold them.
“Are you?!… Are you outta your mind?!?”Angry Joe 2020
Это лучшая коллекция скинов, которую я когда-либо видел в играх.
There’s dark times ahead of us Valorant is just the beginning.
Can’t wait to see this in enemy team. SO EXCITED!
On the one hand, I love dragons, the skins look awesome & the animations are cool…But Hell no! That price tag is literal insanity. Never
Vou compra 😍
They didn’t finish the knife clip cuz we all know the Omen died from fall damage.
Valorant Skin Bundle – 100$Cyberpunk 2077 – 60$The Witcher III Complete Edition – 20$
Good job by making this Trailer and the Skins!
knowing what riot has done with skins in LoL, I had high hopes that they’d take weapon skins to a higher level. boy oh boy… we’re in for a wild and costly ride
Can we have live events in valorant? I think it would be amazing!
i don’t think anyone can imagine how much this skin bundle really will cost
Getting goosebumps after that OP shot :3
Man, these skins are SO COOL. I usually don’t like spending miney on skins but, my god, this might have changed my mind.
Vengo del cambio de voz de Reyna para LATAM, y veo que a muchos incluy�ndome no les gusto el cambio de voz, me encantar�a que pudieran regresar la antigua actriz que ten�a aunque no sea la misma que en ingl�s. :’C
This game has one of the best gun skins i’ve ever seen
Cant wait to steal these off of the enemy team