
(c) アキロゼCh。Vtuber/ホロライブ所属 動画師さん募集フォーム! https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1LKlXJ-WnJ3UlfH4lrIo1hr-zQz9LY9REcmtRJaChNSg/edit …
Mukiroze a man among men. Holostar EN 1st Gen the man, the myth, the legend… The cats were really cute.
Aki discord serverWhat ppl expect: serious discussion about aki, sharing memes, fan art, showing love in aki.What’s really happening: rosetai’s praying 3x a day to aki.
27:20 This is what the good boys wanna see. Great stream Aki, so much fun! Suki! <3
53:45 youtube-kun was a bad boi54:23 “oh sh*t”55:05 300k poster received and fan discord shout out
1:53:51 I come to Aki’s stream for the first time and she immediately tried to kill me. Sasuga, Aki-sama.
We got bamboozled LMAO I don’t care tho, cute kitties announcement was worth it❤ my heart!! I wish I could have that many cats❤🥺 27:18 Finally Mukirose’s official debut ?! LMAO I swear I was laughing so hard that I almost choked with my saliva (edit: -oh shoot, I’m gayn’t- ) 2:11:36 PERFECT! (edit: …did the timestamp change? idk I think it’s 2:11:00 now lol) Aki, please take care of your health~ Thanks for the stream❤🍎 Why are you all so wholesome?!?!?!?! like…my heart can’t take it!! I love you all, Rosetais❤
31:15 Mukirose Holostar EN debut & telling us we are good boys
0:01:12 start0:01:45 音入り0:02:35 マネすら知らない新○○0:04:22 BGMかもんぬ0:05:37 乾杯!Cheers!0:07:54 不思議ドア助かる0:08:50 サムネ分解でネタバラシ0:09:52 シルエットが…0:10:20 新○○!!0:12:41 📷まろん君 1枚目0:14:33 📷まろん君 2枚目0:14:54 📷まろん君 3枚目0:15:57 📷もんた君 1枚目0:17:13 📷もんた君 2枚目0:17:25 おまかわ0:17:40 📷もんた君 3枚目 (実は…)0:18:40 📷もんた&まろん 1枚目0:19:12 📷もんた&まろん 2枚目0:19:46 📷りんご&ことら 1枚目0:21:32 📷ナズェミテルンデス!!0:22:30 📷もんた&ことら0:23:15 おうた助かる0:26:05 もう1つの新○○0:26:52 リスナー「!?!?」0:27:19 ムキロゼ0:31:14 もっかいムキロゼ0:36:00 気になるアキロゼ0:39:11 会話デッキおさらい0:41:55 トークテーマ:ちまつりお清楚ゴリラ0:51:05 欲張りえーるふ0:51:49 YouTube君の調子が悪く飛び飛び0:52:33 brrrr0:53:45 FAQ0:53:50 媚び媚びえーるふ0:56:36 トークテーマ:ホロ国際コラボ1:06:08 トークテーマ:アーカイブ1:09:09 トークテーマ:公式切り抜き師募集1:15:34 トークテーマ:デススト配信1:17:40 トークテーマ:メン限の話1:23:53 スーパー○ード1:24:33 brrrr1:29:05 brrrr1:30:32 消失マジック1:32:59 ~スパチャ読み 国際コラボ分~1:36:08 ~スパチャ読み ムキ兄弟分~1:38:30 マイク電池切れでミュート芸1:39:05 復帰1:41:41 ~スパチャ&メンバー読み 今回分~1:54:21 Ara Ara1:57:41 Happy Birthday♪2:17:00 おつたーる🍎2:17:15 Wink助かる2:17:27 神ED0:42:29 kawaii新○○お披露目配信お疲れさまでした!いやー凄かった…まさかあんな…にゃんテロマシマシ配信に期待が高まるー!!あともんた君の字はやはり文太なのだろうか、モンタ?しかしムキロゼがイケメン過ぎてめちゃめちゃ笑ってしまったwwコラボで頑張ってた話とか聞けてとっても楽しかった…!!次回も楽しみにしてまーす!
Oh my god, I can’t decide what’s more glorious: The many Aki-cats or HolostarEN Perfect Male Specimen MukiRoze
52:36 this my favorite moment of aki rose 😆 i shall treasure it for the rest of my life
An equally cursed and blessed stream from Aki-nee san ( ok it was a bit more blessed )
At one point I’m feeling sad because Aki didn’t get a new costume (yet/maybe) even Coco, Flare, and Roboco-chan show up to support Aki. but on the other hand I’m glad that Aki won’t feel lonely when she is off stream because she will be busy with 4 cats in that matter..
So many surprises today!A big welcome to Maron and Monta! 🐈Mukiroze debut stream! 💪Also glad to hear you received the 300k poster! 😊Thanks for the stream Aki! It was fun!
Aki, you get crazier every stream and I love you for it. Outstanding work.
新しい家族マロン君とモンタ君増えてテロも賑やかになりそうだねw 久々にまったり雑談もとっても癒されたよ~ あとお知らせとかすっごく楽しみに待ってるからね! 楽しい時間をありがとう✨
This stream was hilarious, classic Aki! Especially loved 53:45 ❤️I’m bummed I’ve been missing so many of the streams around this timeslot live lately, I’ve really gotta find a way to move when I sleep around. Hopefully next time! 🍎
thank you aki for the stream, welcome to the family Maron and Monta, can’t wait to see Mukirose in action in Ark stream
Now Mukirose got a debut, when will we get Mukirose acapella, and MukiASMR?
Thank you for the stream, Aki! It was a lot of fun, and it is good to see you healthy! I hope we can see more of MukiRose in the future! Maybe he can stream some ARK for us? 🙂
【Fall Guys】優勝したらご褒美手作りかき氷!【ホロライブ/アキロゼ】

(c) アキロゼCh。Vtuber/ホロライブ所属 本ゲームは GHI Media LLC dba Devolver Digital のガイドラインに則って配信・収益化を行なっております …
アキちゃんありがとう!日本語が少ししか話せない。Thank you for caring for overseas fans <3 英語はすばらしい!!!
I am SO SO SO SO glad everything happened for Akirose recently. She won me over almost immediately. Just listen to that sweet voice! She is such a sweetheart and I always enjoy her and her stream. We love you Akirose!
0:16:58 Ara Ara0:20:13 Ara Ara0:20:57 Ara Ara0:23:14 Ara Ara0:25:19 Ara Ara0:32:13 Ara Ara0:37:02 Ara Ara0:39:20 Ara Ara0:57:06 Ara Ara1:33:39 Ara Ara1:47:16 Ara Ara2:25:44 Ara Ara Alona2:30:53 Ara Ara2:35:48 Ara Ara2:48:57 Ara Ara2:52:16 Ara Ara3:05:06 Ara Ara3:07:33 Ara Ara3:14:06 Ara Ara your good boy?bad boy?.
28:45 “Don’t touch me!! >~<“ lmao
Aki : says “good boy”My heart : I am speed
It was a very fun stream, very cool to see everyone having fun
Man, if Aki ever goes to live at Holohouse, Coco will probably bang down her door for shaved ice at 3 AM.
3:14:06 Big ara ara energy
“Don’t Touch me!”Patrick: Touch
She was strugglingShe got eliminatedBut she didn’t forget ara ara us xDIt cured my depression, thank you aki chan 🙂
Thank You for the fun stream Aki! Seeing you smile makes me really happy!
I’m so happy Aki is getting more attention, her content is absolute gold 😀
Her “Ara Ara” was on point during this stream. It felt genuine.
0:01:28 神OP0:02:05 start0:04:49 Cheers!0:07:36 【match 1- ①】0:08:25 F0:09:50 【match 2- ①】0:10:31 F0:10:45 言い訳えーるふ0:11:51 【match 3- ①】0:14:05 【match 3- ②】0:14:40 F0:15:16 絶対に慌てない(らしい)0:15:54 【match 4 – ①】0:17:51 【match 4- ②】0:18:10 オラッ0:19:29 F0:23:44 【match 5- ②】0:24:10 F0:26:21 【match 6- ①】0:28:02 【match 6- ②】0:29:59 【match 6- ③】0:30:35 回線切れ0:33:25 日常英会話シリーズ0:35:25 あばば0:37:16 【match 7- ①】0:40:45 【match 7- ②】0:41:00 F0:42:47 【match 8- ①】0:43:35 F0:44:49 【match 9- ①】0:46:10 F(投げキッス付き)0:46:35 brrrr0:47:21 brrrr0:47:36 【match 10- ①】0:48:27 えっち!0:49:34 ぐぎゅぎゅぎゅ0:50:01 F0:51:49 雑の風になって0:52:29 【match 11- ①】0:53:39 F0:54:28 突然のカミングアウト0:55:27 【match 12- ①】0:56:05 スーパーアキ虐0:57:06 F0:58:50 【match 13- ①】0:59:28 F1:01:00 【match 14- ①】1:01:37 綺麗に裏目に出る1:03:20 綺麗な手の平返し1:03:52 F1:05:27 【match 15- ①】1:06:50 super play1:08:24 【match 15- ②】1:10:10 F1:12:07 【match 16- ①】1:13:20 F1:15:34 【match 17- ①】1:16:10 突然のライオンキング1:16:22 F1:18:59 ごほうびの話1:19:16 【match 18 -①】1:20:25 F1:21:59 【match 19- ①】1:23:00 F1:24:59 【match 20 – ①】1:26:40 F1:28:21 【match 21 -①】1:29:37 イチャイチャ1:31:58 【match 21- ②】1:33:56 【match 21- ③】1:36:46 【match 21 – ④】1:38:05 守護神アキロゼ1:39:00 F1:41:28 【match 22- ①】1:42:35 にゃーんF1:44:12 【match 23- ①】華麗な1位通過1:45:57 【match 23- ②】1:48:30 【match 23- ③】1:49:45 F1:52:32 【match 24- ①】1:53:55 チッ…1:54:40 えっち!1:55:48 【match 24- ②】1:57:12 super play1:58:48 【match 24- ③】1:59:45 F2:00:45 24- ④ 観戦2:04:45 24- ⑤ 観戦2:09:20 生活音2:10:50 かき氷ASMR2:12:05 生活音2:15:45 mgmg2:19:24 ※音量注意※2:21:17 よしよし、なでなで2:21:48 一旦おつたーる🍎2:22:34 デススト告知2:23:21 ~スパチャ&メンバー読み~2:33:33 宣伝2:41:45 ツインテ パージ3:20:58 おつたーる🍎3:21:07 Wink助かる3:21:15 神ED0:30:50 kawaii深夜のデスゲーム配信お疲れさまでした。プロペラアキ虐めちゃめちゃ笑いましたwかと思えば踏みつけジャンプで難所を突破したりと、波乱の展開でしたねぇ個人的にはキーパーのテクニックが光ってたのが印象的でした。やはりアキロゼは騎士タイプ。
Thank you for the stream Aki, it was fun to watch. Its literally impossible to appreciate being called a Good Boy by anyone else now.
2:41:20 click to see magic
First time joining her stream and it was very fun! Felt really bad at first when she wasn’t that good at the game yet but she improved heaps later on! Kept feeling anxious for her at certain points and cheer like hell when she qualified for the next round. Thank you Aki for the wonderful entertainment!
The important thing is her happiness😊
The twintail magic was the cutest magic show I’ve ever seen lol
Sad I couldn’t finish this while live, Aki seemed like she was having So much fun 🙏🏾 🍎

(c) アキロゼCh。Vtuber/ホロライブ所属 札束で殴り合い ———————————————————————- 本ゲームは Ubisoft に確認を得た上、Ubisoft Video Policy …
Congratulations, Aki! We 500,000 Rosetai are all lucky to have found you!
She did it. It’s been a real journey being with Aki these past months. Aki is busy more than ever with collab and events. She has gotten more confident in herself with the support she has. Worldwide Rosetai has been going strong since 200K night. Each day we will get even stronger. Love you Aki! Congrats!!!
Congratulations Aki on 500K!!!!It is nice to see Rosetai from all over the world supporting you.You have a wonderful Fan Base that loves and cares about you.I hope you continue to grow more this year.
2:54:31 – The moment of the 499,999 refresh. Man that was too perfect!2:59:40 – The moment the game crashed. Also perfect.
I want to congratulate you again on 500.000 subscribers!You 100% deserve it, you work so hard, and you’re such a joy to watch!We Rosetai love you so much!!Seeing you play Monopoly was super fun as well!On to the next milestone!!
Getting to 500k felt that will take a long time but Aki is finally there with 500.000 subs
Choosing Monopoly as an endurance stream content is big brain time. World wide Rosetai rejoice!
Congrats on half a million, Aki-Chan! Onwards to 1,000,000!
50万人おめでとう!Glad to be with you on this journey to here, and will continue to be here to 1M and beyond! 🍎
Good times with a good streamer. To think it wasent long ago a lot of us hopped in at 200K and were happy to njust meet Aki. Look how far shes come since then
50万人おめでおう!!!!! Felicidades Aki🎉🎉🎉you’ve come so far 🥺❤ and I’m so happy to be here to see it😭🎉you deserve this and so much more~ Thanks for the stream Aki❤🍎
Congratulations on the 500K Aki! You deserve it. Even more people are discovering the wholesome hip master half-elf. New journey to another half a million begins!
Congratulation on 500k subs, Aki! You deserve all the praise for all of your hard work! I can’t wait to see how much farther your talent can take you!いつもありがとうございます、アキは配達で私を笑顔にしてくれます!おめでとう!
Congratulations for 500k! It was a really interesting way of reaching them, enjoyed a lot.
Aki congrats on 500k, You’ve come so far all thanks to your efforts, we will always appreciate how amazing you are.
Congratulations Aki on 500k! Well deserved you’re the best! Here’s to the road for 600k
Congratulations for 500k subscribers Aki-chan! You deserve it !
500k おめでとう! I’m looking forward to watching Aki-chan grow even more
【世界のアソビ大全51】負けるたび顔芸 #ガンギマリ姉妹 【ホロライブ/アキロゼ×角巻わため】

(c) アキロゼCh。Vtuber/ホロライブ所属 どちら勝つのか!?何が勝ちなのか!? 熱いバトルをを繰り広げるガンギマリシスターズをよろしくお願いいたします。 コラボタグ #ガンギマリ姉妹 ◇角巻わため …
I’d like to image that Aki is trying to stuff her flaming PC into a freezer while Watame is chewing on the internet cable in the background.
This was a fun stream, hopefully, Aki will solve her PC problems soon, I’m proud of you girl, the more collabs you do, the more you will be known by the others, keep doing these cool and amazing collabs, I’m sure you’ll be enjoying their company as much as they do. You’re the best!
0:01:30 start0:03:45 かわいいマイク調整0:04:40 【リバーシ】0:15:04 決着0:16:08 スクショタイム0:17:07 【ヨット】0:33:20 ゲーム落ちちゃう0:34:40 お祭りBGM0:35:25 わため、荒ぶり始める0:35:50 わため、ウインクしたりする0:36:50 2人してウィンク0:38:30 Super Dance Time0:40:42 まだまだDance Time0:42:52 再開0:45:10 brrrr0:48:00 クソザコの神よ…!0:48:30 決着0:49:22 スクショタイム0:50:54 【ダーツ】0:51:14 投げんのかな?0:54:15 わため、super play0:59:40 わため、over kill で決着1:00:30 スクショタイム1:01:40 【ホッケー】1:02:27 ワンサイドゲーム?1:02:50 ゲームごと落ちちゃう1:06:15 復活1:06:39 Super Dance Time1:07:07 声入る1:07:26 ここまで1:07:58 スクショタイム1:08:57 おつたーるどどどー1:09:23 神ED0:49:38 kawaiiガンギマリ姉妹コラボ配信お疲れさまでした。PCくんはなかなか不機嫌でしたが結果としてダンスが見れたのでオッケーです!驚きの癒し空間、最高でした。(踊ってるときにやたらと動きシンクロするのが最高に可愛かった…)
This dance shall be one for the history books, people
*”Aki have a problem with PC”*_Turn on music_Watame: *”Headbang intensifies”*
Aki: StreamsHer PC: the stream goes BRRRRR
Happy to see Aki doing what she wants to. She has grown a lot recently and I hope her and her channel keep growing, also these streams are always great 😀
Good to see Aki coming out of her shell and collabing more.
Watame sure looks like a kid just happy moving around such an energetic sheep.This stream is a blessed.
40:40 They’re just vibing <3
Seeing these two laugh and enjoy together just makes me smile—
Aki’s voice and eyes are so mesmerizing
I’m so glad I decided to start watching Aki she’s absolutely amazing
Sorry that you were having problems with your PC, but the stream was still a lot of fun! See you next time Aki 🍎
This was so much fun aki and watame really enjoyed themselves ^^
That was super funny even with the PC’s problems. Hopefully the new one arrives soon.
0:00 10/10 would get pummeled senseless by Aki
Who’s idea was it to let my two favorite wholesome hololivers collab?! Why can I only like this video once?!
Im so proud of you Aki. I know you’re new to collabing as much as this, but you still give it your all. Please continue to work hard for all of us <3
I’m really glad you’re getting more recognition with your content Aki! Hope you get your PC issues fixed soon!

(c) アキロゼCh。Vtuber/ホロライブ所属 ホロライブ所属のアキ・ローゼンタールです! 可愛い顔ちゃんと出来てるか、よ~~~~く見てね!!! ツイートタグ #アキロゼ新2D たくさん写真撮って載せて欲しいな …
I hope this gonna boost her popularity she really deserves it also so far i think Aki and Fubuki has the best updated L2D reveal at the moment
Her headflaps or whatever they are actually emote now. This makes her way more expressive than ever before!It definatly upps the cuteness factor.
01:10 お待た千手観音01:46 神OP02:25 start04:35 呟いて!04:54 かむかむ05:20 華麗な宣伝と共に乾杯07:09 お品書き09:05 「あるよ」09:27 無音に気付く10:51 BGM流れ…11:58 計算通りの…12:18 Ara Ara13:29 ピーナッツ13:45 くそでかBGM ※音量注意14:32 ピーナッツ14:56 着替えへ15:43 3 2 116:01 【新Live2D お披露目】17:15 デンドンデンドン17:44 お耳助かる18:33 おむねも…?18:55 こんなに!19:53 ピコピコ可愛い20:47 比較していく21:00 〈表情:いつもの〉22:19 〈表情:照れ顔〉23:13 〈表情:困り顔〉24:07 〈表情:怒り顔〉25:10 〈表情:ガンギマリ〉26:20 全身助かる26:45 見え…見え…27:33 危うくマミる28:24 お題チャレンジ29:04 《お題:凄まじいドヤ顔》30:42 《お題:流し目》32:00 《お題:あらあら Ara Ara》32:48 ガチ恋距離助かる33:08 《お題:高速交互バチコン》34:14 思わぬ完璧なドヤ顔34:30 大喜利はじまる35:40 〔大喜利:ガンギマリ〕36:15 〔大喜利:怒り顔〕36:50 〔大喜利:困り顔〕37:45 《お題:蔑み 普通顔ver》38:23 《お題:蔑み 怒り顔ver》38:30 深刻な罵倒語彙不足38:50 《お題:哀れみ》39:32 個人用39:44 GIF ver40:25 真っ黒背景40:51 GB 撮影会41:33 {ゴリラの顔…?}42:15 {寝落ち完全再現}43:13 デーンデーンデーン44:20 まつげがー44:49 ガチ恋距離助かる45:26 ツンツンツンツン45:50 びっくりビビンバ46:25 ツインテール パージ!47:14 お得なアキロゼをよろしく48:00 アムロゼ…!?48:08 お部屋へ49:16 ~スパチャ&メンバー読みは別枠で~49:37 おつたーる🍎49:53 Wink助かる49:59 神ED23:35 kawaii新Live2Dお披露目配信お疲れ様でした。めちゃめちゃ可愛かったです!アセットピコピコが狂おしいほど好きだったのでこれはあまりにも可愛すぎた…声スキー勢ですがこれはこれは…惚れ直しちゃいますね
Aki definitely made my day with all those cute facesAnd also congrats for the upgrade Aki!!!
Aki seems fun wish there were more translated clips of her all the ones ive seen are great
Congratulations on the new 2D model keep up the good work ❤️
16:28 Aki’s noises are so cutee!! Ahh, my hearts gonna burst!!
Big congrats on 2D update, looks very cute and smooth 🍎
Congratulations on the new Live 2d model. Her expressions are Adorable also short hair Aki is 😍
i love this tech-savvy elf
Congrats Aki on the Live2D model ❤️
So adorable! She’s been on the rise lately and its well deserved!