【完全初見プレイ/First Play】Undertale 【ホロライブ/アキロゼ】

(c) アキロゼCh。Vtuber/ホロライブ所属 キャラクターの個性や世界観がすごいと話題!? 色んなルールがあるらしいけど・・・ ちなみに弾幕ゲーム系も一度もやったことありません!! もしも困ったときは声かけする …
Other Toriels: Hello childThis Toriel: ARA ARAThank you for the stream Aki
00:01:35 start00:03:15 乾杯!Cheers!00:06:33 「あばば」00:10:21 Game Start00:10:45 フラウィーと初邂逅00:11:46 「ラァブ…(ねっとり)」00:13:40 「ブンブンブン!」00:16:18 「ほわーん」00:20:07 びっくり(トリエルに)00:21:02 でんわタイム00:23:25 「あ…」00:26:19 びっくり(エンカウントに)00:27:08 モンスターあめ00:31:45 母国語00:37:05 パズル:みっつの岩00:43:00 【vs.ナプスタブルーク】00:43:40 にっこり00:46:32 めっちゃ煽る00:47:04 アキスタブルーク00:49:59 「ひゃひゃひゃ!」01:04:29 新居 へ01:06:57 びっくり(ライトに)01:11:23 悲鳴助かる ※音量注意01:16:06 びっくり(鏡に)01:18:41 ノータイムUターン01:22:00 【vs.トリエル】01:27:18 F01:28:30 【vs.トリエル】take 201:30:41 F01:31:45 【vs.トリエル】take 301:37:22 割と台無しである01:40:08 フラウィー(2回目)01:41:56 びっくり(ホラー展開に)01:47:15 びっくり(話しかけられて)01:53:42 びっくり(でんわに)01:58:49 【vs.ワンボー】02:02:23 「あぶねーい!(被弾)」02:16:37 びっくり(イベントに)02:20:45 「ちゅっちゅっちゅちゅ」02:23:09 F02:29:53 【vs.イヌッス&イヌッサ】02:54:00 【vs.グレータードッグ】02:55:35 F02:57:17 【vs.グレータードッグ】take 203:01:50 スノーフル へ03:05:57 イビキでノリノリ03:08:50 グリルビーズ へ03:13:17 としょんか へ03:19:55 宣伝助かる03:20:19 【vs.パピルス】03:26:20 本番03:35:45 F03:41:14 【vs.パピルス】take 203:43:30 「きゅきゅ」03:48:15 突破03:55:02 サンズとグリルビーズ へ04:00:07 brrrr04:01:59 【パピルスとデート】04:12:14 【DATE START】04:18:11 初手からすげーとこ04:22:29 アキロゼ、フラれる04:41:36 看板に煽られる04:43:12 びっくり(パピルスからのでんわ)04:47:27 「ふあぁぁあ」04:49:00 【アンダインから逃げる 1】04:49:49 F04:50:26 【アンダインから逃げる 1】take 204:53:29 いたずらされる04:55:40 びっくり(パピルスからのでんわ)04:59:30 オニオンさんとの邂逅05:01:33 びっくり(エンカウント)05:04:06 ピアノ配信?05:08:35 でんせつのたから05:13:59 【アンダインから逃げる 2】05:15:55 F05:16:37 【アンダインから逃げる 2】take 205:17:45 投げキッス助かる05:21:35 【vs.ぷんすかマネキン】05:25:50 ちゅー助かる05:27:19 F05:28:50 【vs.ぷんすかマネキン】take 205:35:13 ナプスタのおうち へ05:46:11 【vs.テミー】05:51:00 F05:51:36 〆05:54:41 ~スパチャ&メンバー読み~06:35:20 おつたーる🍎06:35:41 Wink助かる06:36:00 神ED03:32:00 kawaii深夜のアンダーテール配信お疲れ様でした!どんなプレイも受け入れる、それがアンダーテール!そう例えばアイドルが真っ正面からフラれるようなプレイだって出来ちまうんだ!レア演出連発してて流石だなーとおもいました、まる次回も楽しみにしてまーす!
The stream was really fun. I loved how much Aki enjoyed playing the game, even if she sometimes struggled she managed to finish all her battles. It was always funny how she managed to turn Undertale into a horror game with how jumpy she was at times. Thank you for the lovely stream!
She’s really enjoying the game. Maybe i should go back and finish it myself.
This is the official canon Toriel voice from now on. fight me!Aki spoiling us with almost 7 hours of gameplay, i hope she gets a good rest after this.Thank you so much for the fun!
55:57 やはぁ1:03:11 あはぁん1:11:24 Scream3:14:31 あい、きぼう、おもいやり・・・3:30:54 くわっくわっ4:06:45 ちっ4:09:17 台詞朗読の後アキロゼの怖い台詞が・・・4:18:10 てへぺろ5:17:44 ちっ5:26:54 あぁん5:30:25 あぁんもう未プレイながら台詞朗読(ここ重要)つきのUNDERTALEめちゃめちゃ楽しかったですおれもシューティング苦手なんでアキロゼのプレイが特別下手なようにもみえないし普通にプレイ出来てたんじゃないかなぁ・・・とおもったらトリエル戦で負けるのは「狙ってやらないと無理」と聞いて実にアキロゼらしいなぁ、と思いました7時間配信は最長クラスだけど、しばらく配信しないと反動でこうなりがちなのが少々心配なところであります次回も楽しみにしてまーす
1:43:57I really forgot Rushia has a cameo in Undertale
I’ve never played Undertale, just watched parts of various other playthrus. So this is my first time through it too! Awesome that Aki is enjoying it, 6+ hour stream!! Until next time, またな!🍎
I had so much fun watching Aki play this beautiful game~ also, 6+ hours?!? wow, time sure flies when Aki is having fun, and I love it! Thanks for the stream Aki❤🍎 *_Aki’s hard work fills you with Determination_* -Ah yes, Undertale, my favorite horror game- -also I’m so glad she didn’t kill Napstablook lol-
After the first two hours of this stream I think it’s safe to say Aki has played one too many horror games 😂
6 hr of Aki enjoying the game
Watching Aki makes the day so much better.DeepL: アキを見ていると一日が楽しくなります.
never played the game, but damn it looked fun and Aki was so hyped and engaging, such a great stream ❤🍎
Aki is having fun, that’s the important thing. I enjoyed everything in the stream
5:17:45 I love thisVery fun stream. I’m glad Aki is enjoying the game.
Thank you Aki for the Undertale gameplay, it seems like Aki really had fun playing this game!It’s fun to see Aki trying hard to complete the levels and defeat the boss, and without knowing it 6 hours had passed.Have a good rest and see you soon Aki!
Aki has turned Undertale into a Horror game! Thank you for the fun stream! Remember to have DETERMINATION!
Really long Undertale stream! I’m glad she is feeling better and streaming again! ^^
【Meat Beating: No More Horny】最強の肉叩き王になる!!【Hololive/Akirose】

(c) アキロゼCh。Vtuber/ホロライブ所属 いつだって誘惑してくるのはキミ(肉)なんだ 本ゲームはKofi-Sに確認を得た上で配信・収益化を行なっております。 ㊗ホロライブ1期生3rd Anniversary Live『from1st』開催 …
Dang, first Winning Son, now Aki is playing Meat Beating too? 😂 What’s going on here?
Now this was a pro gamer move
Aki unleashes her inner MukiRose and beats our Winning Son’s record of 11k! And she was so close to 15k too, but her finger slipped! Still what an amazing Meat Beating 🤜🥩Or should I say 27:17 – Beat Meating?
00:02:40 start00:03:50 実は00:05:06 既にプレイヤーが00:06:00 ランキングにて捕捉!00:06:51 game start00:10:13 F ※音量注意00:11:16 肉も一緒に販促00:12:23 game start00:14:42 「無駄無駄無駄!」00:19:53 「無駄無駄無駄!」00:36:00 悲鳴助かる ※音量注意00:37:58 悲鳴助かる ※音量注意00:39:55 悲鳴助かる ※音量注意00:41:22 悲鳴助かる ※音量注意00:49:49 記録越え!00:55:55 「無駄無駄無駄!」00:56:14 中毒性に気付く01:04:10 焼き肉の話01:05:10 F ※音量注意01:06:45 ランキング確認01:08:56 祝!ch登録者数490k!01:09:47 brrrr01:10:08 ~スパチャ読みは別枠~01:10:34 告知助かる(配信告知)01:11:41 おつたーる🍎01:12:00 Wink助かる01:12:10 神ED00:48:36 kawaii深夜の肉叩き配信お疲れ様でした!世界25位のアキロゼ!なかなか誇れる数字なのでは無いでしょうか!肉との駆け引きや己の欲望との戦いを具現化出来る高度な(?)ゲーム性、BGMも壮大でこれはゲーム史に残りますね…(錯乱)次回も楽しみにしてまーす!
Oh no, it’s spreading…. soon every HoloPro will beat their meat XD
This was such an exciting stream, and that’s not even a dirty joke! (this time ) I was basically glued to the screen the entire time!Thank you for the stream, Aki! And Congratulations again for 490k and Top 25!
I can’t believe it akirose’s machine punch is really too strong as hell
I haven’t heard of this game before, you can clearly imagine what my reaction was to the title
The screams during the close calls were so funny 😆…her resolve almost flaked but she pressed on!Wonder how far she could’ve gone if it wasn’t for that missclick…..truly a punishing game
Gentlemen, this is what peak content looks like
AKIROSE SAIKYOU!! You’ve hit the high scores! Thank you for the fun stream. Never thought BEATING MEAT would be this much of an exercise for our otherworldly elf! 🙂 IKZ to 500K!!!
I must admit. This stream was amazing, Sasuga Aki-sama.
Sometimes aki is so predictable. But when she is not, something hilarious is gonna happen.
くっそシュールで最初は笑ったけど白熱する内容だったなってww ホント見切り上手だからTop10入りも夢じゃなさそうだね 楽しい時間をありがとう、ちゃんと寝てね
Was listening to Shallys, saw this in the recommended feed. Knew it would be something and was not disappointed. Thanks Aki.
I definitely reach 9 points on my weird meter but I enjoyed it too much, what I don’t understand is how it hasn’t reached 500k yet, Aki is a sweetie
Who knew watching an anime girl punch a steak for an hour would be this entertaining
Amazing, she’s timestamped her own stream!
What can I say. Stress reliver after busy day is always the best. Aki showed us how to cook the juicy meat! Great stream!
【ASMR】氷、炭酸、水の音で感じる涼しさでリラックス安眠Deep Sleep &relax&Get cool【ホロライブ/アキロゼ】

(c) アキロゼCh。Vtuber/ホロライブ所属 なんだか眠れない、寝つきが悪い時に聞いて欲しい ゆったりできる時間をお届けするよ! アキロゼ3周年記念グッズ発売開始しました!
A wise man once said:Aki is best
The echo effect and Aki’s laugh really made me feel like I’m flying towards the heaven. Thank you so much!
00:00:23 【RL:耳ふー】00:00:31 start00:02:08 【L:炭酸水】00:04:50 乾杯!Cheers!00:06:15 【L:炭酸に氷投入】00:06:20 【R:炭酸に氷投入】00:06:25 【L:炭酸に氷投入】00:06:34 【R:炭酸に氷投入】00:06:55 【R:炭酸に氷投入】00:07:14 【L:炭酸に氷投入】00:07:32 【L:かき混ぜ】00:08:16 【R:かき混ぜ】00:09:00 今日はちょっと面白いものが00:09:37 【エコー】00:10:35 (直接脳内に…)00:11:35 【L:耳ふー】00:12:54 「ぽこぽこぽこ」00:13:23 【L:炭酸水】00:13:30 【R:水音】00:14:24 【R:耳ふー】00:14:46 【L:耳ふー】00:16:01 「もう一回いっとく?」00:16:16 【エコー】00:24:18 「泡」00:25:10 【LR:泡マッサージ】00:26:40 【LR:ぼーんぼーん】00:28:05 【R:耳に泡】00:30:27 【L:耳に泡】00:32:43 「ちょっと奥まで入りすぎちゃった…」00:35:15 【LR:洗脳】00:36:52 突然のヤンデレ(エコー)00:38:13 ヤンデレアキロゼ00:40:55 後に引けなくなってきたアキロゼ00:42:27 スライム買ってきた00:43:46 【LR:スライム】00:46:09 【L:ぽっぽっぽっ】00:47:20 【R:ぱっぱっぱっ】00:47:33 【エコー】00:48:35 「むぎゅ…むぎゅ(むぎゅ…むぎゅ)」00:50:12 センシティブ00:54:55 【エコー】00:58:30 流れるようなミュート00:59:50 アキロゼ、気付く01:00:09 【LR:綿棒マッサージ】01:03:05 【L:耳ふー】01:05:09 【R:耳ふー】01:06:15 【エコー】01:07:59 ~スパチャ読みは 別枠~01:08:30 「I love you」01:08:35 「大好きだよ」01:05:30 kawaii深夜の寝かしつけASMR配信お疲れ様でした!なんとも洗脳が進む配信でしたー…脳内に直接話しかけられてる感覚ってこんな感じなのかなーと妄想が捗りますねぇ。次回も楽しみにしてまーす!
9:43 以下全編ほぼエコー~今みんなの頭の中に話しかけてるよ11:43 力が欲しいか・・・12:46 しゅわしゅわぽぽぽ15:04 おかえり~21:47 水音24:12 あわあわあわしゅわ~26:40 突如始まる卓球28:06 今耳の中に泡が入ってるよ31:37 あらあら、鼓膜の奥まで入っちゃった~ちょっと奥まで入りすぎちゃった35:15 何もなかった~鼓膜なんて最初からなかった(暴論)~唐突にヤンデレ化するアキロゼ38:11 まだまだ続くヤンデレ~続きはメン限で42:52 スライムでぐぽぐぽ47:07 おててがべとべと48:32 エコーむぎゅむぎゅ49:30 夢中になってさわってたら51:21 今日はいっぱい遊んじゃった~特別サービス52:25 綿棒&マッサージ、氷・炭酸和え56:37 しゅわしゅわしゅわしゅわ59:51 またも耳の奥まで突っ込むアキロゼ~お耳マッサージ1:06:15 これでみんなは寝れるはず~ぽぽぽぽぽ1:08:25 だいすきだよASMR苦手だけど今回のは(特に後半になるにつれ)良さが何となくわかったしかし結局のところ、もっとも心地いい音はアキロゼの声である、という事実は変わらない
Thank you again for the ASMR Aki
This is truly some transcendent ASMR. Unlike anything I’ve heard before. Beautiful.
Not gonna lie. I got a glimpse of being Isekai. Heavenly Isekai where I have multiple Aki in my head and I’m loving it. 🍎
I’ve watched this archive multiple times now and have loved it each time. Such a relaxing experience. Thank you Aki!!!
It was my first ASMR with youDuring this stream, I had the impression that you were entering my dreamsAnd then I had this feeling that I was travelling between life and death.It was a new concept, and frankly I liked itIt even makes me want to listen to it againThanks for everything, Aki-chan, love you
Last ASMR was amazing, but Aki managed to take it to a whole new level here! Seriously phenomenal work! Peak relaxation! Thank you Aki!🍎
First ten seconds of ASMR and she already made my heart flutter.
Lovely ASMR Aki!!I love the echoes of your voice, they are very calming.
That was much more relaxing than I thought it would be. Great ASMR Aki. I like using these to unwind after stressing around all day – this was a good session, full of tingles.Thank you for taking your time to make this !
That “ara” energy alone was enough to make me tingle
wanted to sleep to this on live, changed my mind and listened to it all before sleeping to it on vod. love the echo effect on mugyu mugyu, makes me want another asmr song like nekoze punch and chocolate pandemic. thank you aki!!
This is way too relaxing , i use this almost everytime i need to sleep. Wow
Everyone agreed that Akirose ‘ara ara’ power is too strong here Thanks for blessing us with your voice Akirose ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Thank you for the stream.I come back and rewatch this everytime i want to relax, it’s magical.
一般観光客A、うさ建夏祭り観光へ行く。【ホロライブ/ロボ子さん アキロゼ】

(c) アキロゼCh。Vtuber/ホロライブ所属 でも実質デートだから寂しくないもん! @Roboco Ch. – ロボ子 ハッシュタグ/hush Tag 生放送 #うさ健夏祭り 本ゲームは Mojang に確認を得た上、Terms and Conditions …
3:34:33 Legendary HIC for Aki
7:05 射的10:52 トワと遭遇13:33 氷上ボートレース17:00 お化け屋敷~状況不明31:27 みこすいせい相手にそろっていたずら33:30 射撃大会エントリー1:01:55 あいらぶあどべんちゃー1:07:54 チーム分け~ルール説明1:19:42 アキロゼのターン1:40:12 花火見物1:50:26 集合写真1:58:00 お化け屋敷2:19:00 POLKA Bank2:22:08 ガラスの迷路でロボ子さんと勝負2:29:49 29日同時視聴の告知2:32:31 ちゅんねるおぶらぶ2:38:23 使用料2000円もする超高級トイレ~大空警察派出所~たこ焼きならぬヒト焼き2:41:43 ローボ製薬での惨劇2:46:26 さらなるトラップ~いちゃいちゃ2:50:27 いたずら作戦開始2:59:38 匠と遭遇3:05:40 迷路へ3:08:55 ロボ子さんの告白3:10:49 にゃにゃにゃにゃにゃ3:17:14 つのまきじゃんけん~某エリートさん並みに勝てないアキロゼ3:23:59 ローボ製薬再び3:34:27 ウーパー”ひっ”ルーパー3:38:22 射的?3:45:44 〇×クイズ3:59:14 アニマルスクイ4:14:34 トイレに流されるアキロゼまさか4時間超えアーカイブとは夏祭りのボリュームなめてました二人でめいっぱい楽しんでて、見てるこっちもすっごい楽しめましたロボ子さんとの相性はやっぱり抜群だなぁ描画距離は減らした方がこういう時は負荷が減らせそうな気はするねぇ
Hololive History in the Making Everybody, Almost Everyone in Hololive at the Summer Festival Have Made Unity and Memories Arigatou Thank You Roboco and Aki For The Usaken Summer Festival Collab With Everyone in Hololive
The festival with everyone from different branches is very fun. But the post-festival hours are both cute and relaxing. Also, that hiccup is so cute.
Fun Stream. It was great to see Aki back on Minecraft playing with all the other hololives. She even used the skin I made for her. I wasn’t expecting that!
The UsaKen Summer Festival was AWESOME! There were so many incredible attractions, both Interactive AND Decorative!! Just shows how creative everyone in Hololive is, it’s so hard to even say what my favorite was, from the Love Tunnel to Botan’s Archery and Animal Fishing, everything was just so great! Better Luck next time at Tsunomaki Janken Aki! おつろぼたーる🍎🤖
Thank you Aki and RBC for the fun stream. The festival was absolutely fantastic!! So many funny moments and memories. This feel like a big family trip.
Thank you for the stream Akirose-sama! Your Yukata is really beautiful & also Thank you for stoping by each booths & trying out each attractions in the Summer festival! We really had fun! 🙏Excited for the Black Shout cover, we know it’s going to be awesome! 🍎
thanks for the streamI enjoyed watching you two playing in the event, hope you two have fun, too
The festival looked like a lot of fun. Thank you for going through it with us Aki and Roboco!
The after hours date was really cute and fun to watch. You need to get back at Roboco for stealing your rock win on tsunomaki janken!
AkiRobo Festival date was awesome! So many amazing memories and adventures!1:20:50 – my favorite moment, Aki doesn’t know how to stop drawing the bow and has to walk to the other line past everyone, so hilarious!
Thank you for this awesome collab Aki-chan!!! It is so great to be able to watch a long stream!!!!The Festival and the date was a big success haha
It’s fun watching both Aki and Roboco having a great time and checking all the festival stuffs! So much teetee moment!
What an amazing event. Thank you Aki for your stream perspective with Roboco!!
I’ll need to watch the rest of the stream but I did get to hear the cutest hiccup I ever heard! Thank you Aki and Roboco!
【ARK ╎Crystal Isles】緊急ゲリラ!ムキロゼ新PCでARKプレイ!ココちゃんティタノお手伝いも!【ホロライブ/アキロゼ】

(c) アキロゼCh。Vtuber/ホロライブ所属 準備中 耐久配信中のココ会長に凸! 生配信タグ #アキびゅーわーるど ———————————————————————- 初めてのARK【ラグナロク編】再生リスト …
伝説の花火師ムキロゼ、彼は仲間の大業を祝い、遂に夜空に大輪の華を咲かせた。0:00:52 start0:02:23 これ見よがしのバナー0:07:01 新PC宣伝0:09:40 通話凸0:16:25 合流0:16:34 反応:るしあ0:22:16 反応:スバル、フレア0:23:50 ちょこ先生合流0:31:25 「美しい…」(なお絵面)0:40:50 落っこちて大惨事0:45:20 いざ1匹目チャレンジ開始0:55:46 ムキロゼ、服を着せられる1:00:31 るしあキル1:06:15 ムキロゼ、乗る1:09:05 そっと降ろされる1:09:24 ティタノスタック…?1:18:52 ティタノ消滅1:26:06 ティタノ2匹目発見1:29:20 あばば1:42:34 乗り捨て…?1:47:01 念入りなス虐(嘘)1:58:16 ス虐:誉められたい1:58:30 ス虐:う、うん…2:02:39 同居ーズ帰宅する2:05:35 ドレイクで誘導2:06:04 いざ2匹目チャレンジ開始2:18:23 バグにより2匹目断念2:21:57 ティタノ3匹目発見2:24:55 誘導開始2:27:34 いざ3匹目チャレンジ開始2:36:18 バグ個体誘導開始2:50:03 あばば2:58:17 ムキロゼ、また乗る3:00:15 とても良い悲鳴 ※音量注意3:14:15 ムキロゼの曲芸(羽乗り)3:54:56 ぬるぬる…!?4:03:35 ス虐:わかってるティタノ4:10:24 壁…!?4:20:15 ムキロゼ、またまた乗る4:22:39 華麗な連携による帰還4:36:01 テイム4:37:55 花火お披露目4:46:46 更にお披露目4:47:46 【感想:スバル】4:48:48 【感想:るしあ】4:50:00 【感想:フレア】4:51:37 【感想:アキロゼ】4:52:00 夜の花火4:52:58 【感想:ちょこ】4:55:05 【感想:ココ】4:56:47 ばいばーい4:57:13 アキロゼのお言葉4:57:41 ~スパチャ&メンバー読みは別枠~4:57:45 おつたーる🍎4:57:52 神ED3:48:01 kawaiiティタノテイムコラボお疲れさまでした。各々が出来ることで頑張る良質なコラボだったと思います。チャレンジ回数延びていく時はどうなることかと思いましたが、結果的には最高に楽しかったです。花火、粋でしたね…
Collab moments like this makes ARK really great and fullfiling their goal make it even better!
So good seeing Aki being happy, another wonderful ARK stream 😀
4:36:00 The moment you’ve been waiting foralso 4:49:07 Flare got Flared.
Such a beautiful stream. Great job everyone.
Thanks for stream akirose, this might be the first Ark stream that i fully watched till the end, it is surprisingly entertaining despite not having played the game nor watch that often. Big congratulations to coco kaichou and the entire squad for taming that giant, it was a fun experience!
Aki you can’t treat titano like bike kun it is dangerous. Couldn’t stop laughing when you got captured XD
Thank you for the ARK Stream. It was fun and exciting to watch Mukirose in action!おめでとう!
Thank you for your hard work Aki!I’m glad that you often stream for such a long time. Sadly I can’t watch every of your streams when they are live, but even when I watch them later they always help me relax and cheer me up. I will try to tune in as much as I can to support you Aki c:
really really fun stream, i couldn’t stop laughing at certain points. Thank you as always, looking forward to more streams:)
This was really fun to watch! I was on the edge of my seat when time came to shoot that final cannonball!
みんな良かったっ(*´ω`*)♪ こういう物語があるからホロARK楽しいし大好きです(*´艸`*)ムキロゼ様サービスショットありがとうございます(*´ω`*)コレクションが増えました!
16:42 *K O R E G A S E I S O*based aki. got me laughing for 5 minutes straight