
(c) アキロゼCh。Vtuber/ホロライブ所属 Rosetai200K ———————————————————————- ▹▸How About Aki Rosenthal アキロゼとは… アローナ!(挨拶) ホロライブ所属Vtuber(1期生) 異 …
Aki: Sings without BGMFans: Akipella
Here are some time stamps in english and japanese / こちらが英語と日本語のタイムスタンプです 00:03:40 ★Start 00:04:04 1. Yumemiru Sora He / Hololive 00:26:22 2. Moonlight Densetsu / Oda Kanako 00:31:07 3. A Cruel Angel’s Thesis / Takahashi Yoko 00:37:42 4. God Knows / Aya Hirano 00:44:59 5. Itsumo Nando Demo (Always with me)/ Yumi Kimura 00:52:08 6. Kousui (Perfume)/ Eito 00:58:30 7. Flamingo / Yonezu Kenshi 01:04:37 8. Kabutomushi / Aiko (Akipela) 01:15:56 9. Gurenge / LiSA 01:23:15 10. Country Road / John Denver (Akipela) 01:24:55 11. Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da / The Beatles (Akipela) 01:29:09 12. Amagi-goe / Ishikawa Sayuri 01:39:43 13. Renai Circulation / Kana Hanazawa 01:45:45 14. Platinum / Sakamoto Maaya 01:53:12 15. Ramu no Rabu song (Lum’s Love Song)/ Matsutani Yuuko 02:00:00 16. Natsumatsuri / Whiteberry 02:07:01 17. Secret base ~Kimiga Kuretamono~ / zone 02:17:50 18. Ikenai Borderline / Walküre (Macross delta) 02:25:45 19. Lemon / Yonezu Kenshi 02:32:36 20. SSS (Shiny Smily Story) / Hololive 02:42:12 21. Shallys / Aki Rosenthal 02:50:40 ★ED 00:03:40 ★開始 00:04:04 1. 夢見る空へ / ホロライブ 00:26:22 2. ムーンライト伝説 / 小田佳那子 00:31:07 3. 残酷な天使のテーゼ / 高橋 洋子 00:37:42 4. God Knows / 平野綾 00:44:59 5. いつも何度でも / 木村弓 00:52:08 6. 香水 / 瑛人 00:58:30 7. Flamingo / 米津玄師 01:04:37 8. カブトムシ / Aiko (アキペラ) 01:15:56 9. 紅蓮華 / LiSA 01:23:15 10. カントリーロード / JOHN DENVER (アキペラ) 01:24:55 11. オブラディオブ / THE BEATLES (アキペラ) 01:29:09 12. 天城越え / 石川さゆり 01:39:43 13. 恋愛サーキュレーション / 花澤香菜 01:45:45 14. プラチナ / 坂本 真綾 01:53:12 15. ラムのラブソング / 松谷祐子 02:00:00 16. 夏祭り / Whiteberry 02:07:01 17. secret base 〜君がくれたもの〜 / ゾーン 02:17:50 18. いけないボーダーライン / ワルキューレ (マクロスΔ) 02:25:45 19. lemon / 米津玄師 02:32:36 20. SSS (Shiny Smily Story) / ホロライブ 02:42:12 21. シャルイース / アキ ローゼンタール 02:50:40 ★ED I can’t speak japanese at all, so if there is some mistakes please tell me so I can correct them <3
AkiRose: Forgets to turn on BGMAlso AkiRose: Nails the Akipella and it sounds better than it would’ve with BGM*Task failed successfully*
✔️ *Reached 205, 000 Subscribers* ✔️ *YouTube Verified* ✔️ *12k+ Live viewers* ✔️ *16k Likes* *WELL-DESERVED* This is by far the most wholesome, enjoyable, and warmest stream I’ve encountered in a while. Aki Rose was really wholesome, kind, and funny all throughout. Her singing was ridiculously good. The community was filled with excitement and was supportive and wholesome all throughout. Every moment was simply golden. Really REALLY happy for you Aki Rose! Wish you the very best! Congratulations on your 200k subscribers! Will continue to look forward to your streams! Lastly… 🍎WE ARE ROSE-TAI!🍎
This will definitely be remembered as a legendary stream, story about how an undiscovered diamond was brought to light by one translator and how people from all over the world unite to bring the bloom back to a rose withering in silence.We’ll always be behind you Aki! Credit to Einnashu for being the legendary translator and thank you all brothers and sisters from all over the world for uniting in creating this legend!
To anyone looking for her embarrassed reaction when she noticed she forgot to turn on the BGM, it’s at 1:10:40 .The birth of Akipella.
Normie: “Wow us overseas fans all worked together to give her a boost and discovered how wonderful she is”Woke: “I’m sorry my queen for taking this long to notice the god tier content of a veteran. My ashamed oversea ass should’ve subscribed a year ago.
I don’t understand what she’s saying but i enjoy every second of the videoI hope she continues doing this singing streams, i love them
Aki: sings Secret BaseViewers: We found you, Aki!!
I’m so proud to be a part of this community, and seeing her happy was a wonderful experience.
I will never regret joining this community
0:03:07 神OP0:03:43 start0:04:04 【夢見る空へ】0:08:25 brrrr0:08:36 何事か0:10:13 泣きそう0:11:41 泣いた0:15:24 びっくりビビンバ0:18:08 乾杯の儀 Cheers!0:19:29 Akinglish0:20:22 Very very very0:20:43 Reddit覗き見した話0:26:22 【ムーンライト伝説】0:31:08 【残酷な天使のテーゼ】0:32:50 ふにゃふにゃkawaii0:37:46 【God knows…】0:45:04 【いつも何度でも】0:52:12 【香水】0:58:07 うっほー0:58:36 【Flamingo】1:04:50 【カブトムシ ver.アキペラ】1:10:41 アキロゼ、気付く1:12:00 アキロゼ、隠れる1:15:59 【紅蓮華】1:23:13 【カントリーロードEng ver.アキペラ】1:24:55 【オブ・ラ・ディ、オブ・ラ・ダ ver.アキペラ】1:27:45 ≪審議中≫1:29:16 【天城越え】1:37:45 ぴゃ1:39:47 【恋愛サーキュレーション】1:45:49 【プラチナ】1:52:30 【ラムのラブソング ver.アキペラ】1:53:00 アキロゼ、気付く1:53:15 【ラムのラブソング】1:56:27 見てんで2:00:00 【夏祭り】2:03:50 ピンポーン2:06:32 ただいま2:07:05 【Secret base ~君がくれたもの~】2:17:55 【いけないボーダーライン】2:25:50 【Lemon】2:32:42 【SSS】2:40:11 Amaz◯nの奥地へと向かう2:42:20 【シャルイース】2:49:00 ~スパチャ,メンバー読みは別枠~2:50:01 ミニ告知2:50:34 おつたーる🍎2:50:56 Wink助かる2:51:06 神ED2:40:02 kawaiiお昼の緊急歌枠配信お疲れ様でした。そしてCh.登録者数20万人おめでとうございます!アキちゃんの魅力が世界に広がっていって嬉しい事この上ないですね!改めて海外勢のパワーを感じさせられると共に、歌声強くて屈服させられました…これからもずっと、応援させてくださいね。
People united with the sole intention to make someone else happy, nobody wanted a reward, just to make an elf happy and she ended up with tears of joy, a true idol, I hope the community do the same for so many underrated Vtubers, make people happy
When she cried at the beginning 11:42 (courtesy of commenter down below) we all cried. What an incredible stream and I’m glad we were there to witness it and future streams. I wish Aki the best
AkiRose: _sings Shallys_*All of your life debuffs has been removed*And… congratulations for 200k subs! (205k actually, kusa)
I love her antenna. You guys actually did it, 14k subs or something overnight, more likes the the current amount of viewers. Thanks for the stream Aki! She cried in the beginning T T
8:28 she just accidentally said her name is Ark Rosenthal 😂 Never change Aki…
I was originally gonna stay for 15-20 minutes before I had to go be productive. Instead I was mesmerized for 2+ hours! Amazing show! ありがとう!
I’m not crying. We’re all crying.
【桃太郎電鉄】3年決戦!敏腕社長はだれ?!【ときのそら/桃鈴ねね/Takanashi Kiara/アキロゼ 】

(c) アキロゼCh。Vtuber/ホロライブ所属 ホロライブ1期生アキ・ローゼンタールです! #ホロ桃鉄初心者組 #BeginnerMomotetsu 今日一緒に遊ぶメンバー ときのそら …
Love that Aki keeps collabing with everyone, she seems to be having alot of fun!
So basically…. 1) KFP went from giving out monthly bonuses to undergoing liquidation. 2) Nene got her victory and billions of yens handed to her through the CPU. 3) Sora’s progress is the most stable from start to finish. 4) Aki displayed an impressive turnabout, going from rags to riches.
00:03:13 start00:04:27 🥟自己紹介00:04:47 🐔自己紹介00:05:21 🐻自己紹介00:05:43 優勝予想00:08:40 ゲームstart00:09:20 1年目4月 🐻00:09:43 1年目4月 🍎00:11:25 1年目4月 🥟00:11:44 1年目4月 🐔00:12:26 1年目5月🐻00:12:44 🐻「ヤダヨ」00:13:26 1年目5月 🍎00:14:07 1年目5月 🥟00:14:54 1年目5月 🐔00:15:17 🐔「お金くれー!」→ スリ00:15:43 1年目6月 🐻00:16:07 1年目6月 🍎00:17:14 1年目6月 🥟00:18:06 1年目6月 🐔00:19:10 1年目7月 🐻00:19:50 1年目7月 🍎00:20:30 1年目7月 🥟00:21:13 1年目7月 🐔00:22:10 1年目8月 🐻00:22:45 1年目8月 🍎00:23:53 みんな読めない00:24:13 1年目8月 🥟00:24:44 1年目8月 🐔00:24:49 🐔ゴール00:25:12 🍎に貧乏神00:26:22 1年目9月 🐻00:27:11 1年目9月 🍎00:28:12 キングボンビー降臨00:29:21 1年目9月 🐔00:29:41 1年目10月 🐻00:30:21 1年目10月 🍎00:31:26 1年目10月 🥟00:31:50 1年目10月 🐔00:32:36 1年目11月 🐻00:33:07 1年目11月 🍎00:33:45 1年目11月 🥟00:34:15 1年目11月 🐔00:35:15 1年目12月 🐻00:36:37 1年目12月 🍎00:37:25 1年目12月 🥟00:38:30 1年目12月 🐔00:38:59 1年目1月 🐻00:40:25 1年目1月 🍎00:41:09 1年目1月 🥟00:41:33 ヘリによるねね虐00:41:47 1年目1月 🐔00:42:18 1年目2月 🐻00:42:32 1年目2月 🍎00:42:59 1年目2月 🥟00:43:34 1年目2月 🐔00:44:05 1年目3月 🐻00:44:21 1年目3月 🍎00:45:27 1年目3月 🥟00:46:44 1年目3月 🐔00:47:36 【 決 算 】00:48:44 2年目4月 🐻00:48:55 🐔「代わってあげたく…ない…」00:49:22 2年目4月 🍎00:49:43 2年目4月 🥟00:50:29 2年目4月 🐔00:50:59 2年目5月 🐻00:52:15 2年目5月 🍎00:52:44 00:53:12 2年目5月 🥟00:53:43 2年目5月 🐔00:54:52 2年目6月 🐻00:55:40 🐻「やったぜ!」00:55:46 2年目6月 🍎00:56:32 2年目6月 🥟00:56:52 2年目6月 🐔00:57:23 2年目7月 🐻00:58:19 2年目7月 🍎00:59:18 🐔「おこづかい ほちいねん!」00:59:22 2年目7月 🥟00:59:52 森…?01:00:06 2年目7月 🐔01:01:20 2年目8月 🐻01:02:52 2年目8月 🍎01:04:44 2年目8月 🥟01:04:52 🥟ゴール01:05:53 2年目8月 🐔01:07:33 2年目9月 🐻01:08:15 大清楚01:08:57 2年目9月 🍎01:09:25 🍎ゴール01:11:00 2年目9月 🥟01:11:20 2年目9月 🐔01:12:41 2年目10月 🐻01:12:44 🐔邪悪な笑い01:13:51 2年目10月 🍎01:14:31 2年目10月 🥟01:15:55 2年目10月 🐔01:17:15 2年目11月 🐻01:18:02 2年目11月 🍎01:19:47 2年目11月 🥟01:20:46 2年目11月 🐔01:21:38 2年目12月 🐻01:22:37 2年目12月 🍎01:23:55 2年目12月 🥟01:24:52 2年目12月 🐔01:26:06 2年目1月 🐻01:27:09 2年目1月 🍎01:28:02 2年目1月 🥟01:29:16 2年目1月 🐔01:30:15 貧乏神の様子が…01:30:56 2年目2月 🐻01:31:07 🐻豪速球カード01:32:00 2年目2月 🍎01:32:21 🐻「どっちも」01:32:28 2年目2月 🥟01:33:19 2年目2月 🐔01:33:25 🐔ゴール01:34:23 2年目3月 🐻01:34:42 2年目3月 🍎01:35:01 2年目3月 🥟01:35:37 🥟春は良いと思った01:36:15 2年目3月 🐔01:37:18 【 決 算 】01:38:21 3年目4月 🐻01:38:40 🐔かわす01:39:05 3年目4月 🍎01:39:35 3年目4月 🥟01:40:06 3年目4月 🐔01:40:08 🐔盛大なフラグ01:40:42 3年目5月 🐻01:41:40 3年目5月 🍎01:41:55 🐔「むりだよぉ!(邪悪)」01:42:27 3年目5月 🥟01:42:53 3年目5月 🐔01:43:37 3年目6月 🐻01:44:08 3年目6月 🍎01:45:36 3年目6月 🥟01:46:00 3年目6月 🐔01:46:33 3年目7月 🐻01:46:45 🥟「まいったな…」01:47:21 🍎のもとに女神が01:48:13 3年目7月 🍎01:50:03 3年目7月 🥟01:50:57 3年目7月 🐔01:51:31 3年目8月 🐻01:52:56 3年目8月 🍎01:55:06 3年目8月 🥟01:55:46 3年目8月 🐔01:56:30 3年目9月 🐻01:57:20 3年目9月 🍎01:59:01 3年目9月 🥟01:59:55 3年目9月 🐔02:00:26 3年目10月 🐻02:00:29 🐻ゴール02:02:21 3年目10月 🍎02:03:36 ミカエルに02:03:50 ara ara02:03:58 🍎圧02:04:01 3年目10月 🥟02:04:15 🥟坊主丸儲けカード02:04:33 3年目10月 🐔02:05:15 3年目11月 🐻02:06:42 3年目11月 🍎02:08:31 3年目11月 🥟02:09:43 3年目11月 🐔02:10:55 🐔「よーわからんやつ」02:11:55 3年目12月 🐻02:12:36 🐔ウィンク助かる02:14:33 3年目12月 🍎02:15:45 3年目12月 🥟02:17:15 3年目12月 🐔02:17:50 🍎🐻「お金が足りません」02:19:00 3年目1月 🐻02:20:49 3年目1月 🍎02:21:21 3年目1月 🥟02:22:08 3年目1月 🐔02:24:55 🐔フラグ回収完了02:25:16 🥟機材トラブル02:26:25 3年目2月 🐻02:27:22 3年目2月 🍎02:27:22 🥟「スマホのねねです」02:28:22 3年目2月 🥟02:29:34 3年目2月 🐔02:30:12 3年目3月 🐻02:32:49 🥟まさかの回線落ち02:33:50 3年目3月 🍎02:34:40 買うものは…02:34:52 3年目3月 🥟(com)02:35:13 3年目3月 🐔02:35:30 【 結 果 発 表 】02:40:12 🥟感想02:40:38 🐔感想02:41:07 🐻感想02:42:07 おつたーる🍎🐻🐔🥟02:42:29 神ED02:27:43 kawaii桃鉄コラボお疲れ様でした!とにかく波乱万丈でしたね…各々に撮れ高があって完璧だなって…次回も楽しみにしてまーす!!
It was nice to see Sora in a collab. It was a great mix of personalities overall though i barely understood the game other than it’s monopoly like the laughter was great
Both Kiara and Nene have received divine retribution. Kiara with the bankrupt and Nene with the DC, lol. Aki and CPU are the MVPs here while Sora as expected, remain constant and never in debt.
We need more of this group! Good job, Aki. It was a super fun collab to watch!
Very fun collab! Aki was in a huge debt the whole time, but she did an amazing comeback!Untill next time!
This was so fun! Thank you for putting it together, Aki! I loved your layout so much. The colors and putting everyone in turn order made it easy to follow what was going on. The game is already very confusing! Great job recovering from the early King Bonbi, too!RIP 店長. I hope you can collab even more!
出来事、発言まとめ3:14 配信開始、自己紹介その他 8:36 初心者たちのゲームスタート 14:43 ねね社長、アレを買う→ 19:15 解説 15:17 「お金くれー」の結果 24:50 1度目のゴール 25:13 思ったよりかわいい? 28:10 いきなりのおや? 31:02 今後に響く災難 32:52 38:00 38:35 41:35 42:00 仲良くぶっとび連打 43:30 目的地に行かない人たち 47:10 東海地方の観光 47:36 1年目決算 51:32 試合が動くか? 52:42 おや? 59:50 とある駅名に反応 1:01:05 少女観光中) 1:04:54 2度目のゴール 1:06:10 まだまだ観光? 1:08:10 「……え?」 1:09:25 3度目のゴール 1:11:30 観光終了 1:12:26 そうだ 京都、行こう 1:16:30 忖度なんてなかった 1:30:13 おや? 1:31:07 破壊神のそら→ 1:32:20 正直者のそら 1:33:27 4度目のゴール 1:35:35 プレミ、そしてあの物件が 1:37:19 2年目決算 1:38:28 丸儲けのそら、ねね虐 1:40:08 このセリフ、覚えておきましょう 1:41:00 Sのそら 1:45:40 あっ 1:46:32 やはりSのそら 「参ったな」 1:47:20 女神さま、働く 1:50:10 絶妙に足りない 1:51:00 「使うよ」 1:56:00 「日本全部買う」 2:00:32 5度目のゴール 2:03:36 大天使の加護 2:04:15 丸儲け 2:06:50 最下位カード、やっとあれがなくなる 2:14:36 最下位カード? 2:15:23 天使と悪魔 髪飾りかな? 2:21:00 さらばじゃ 2:22:12 頑張ったのに、キアラのこだわり 2:25:18 PC不調? 2:26:25 最下位カード?×2 2:29:00 フラグ→ 2:32:48 回収 2:34:38 物件より買うべきもの、5人目のプレイヤー 2:35:30 結果発表 2:40:00 それぞれから最後の一言
It’s streams like this that make me super determined to learn Japanese. Thank you for your hard work Aki!
I’m happy seeing Aki having lots of fun with other girls.
28:10 キングボンビーに愛されるアキロゼ53:02 「誰育てたのあれ?ワガママ過ぎない?」こういう冷たい声大好き1:14:32 「まだいける、こっからの下剋上をね、見せてやりたいと思います」1:30:30 「くそぉぉぉ!」1:34:52 「ナイスぅぅ!」1:37:58 「いい時と悪い時しかない」この時点ではいい時なかった1:41:28 「そら先輩そのお金ほぼねねのなんだから!」1:47:22 運命の女神降臨2:07:08 女神再び2:30:22 指宿読め無さそうな四人今回も収支グラフが谷底みたいというかダムみたいというか・・・やるたびに波乱万丈で大変楽しませていただきましたキングボンビーくらってもかならず挽回するアキロゼパネェまた今度もコラボ楽しみにしてまーす
Really Good stream, you can see that everyone has fun on this even the chat was really nice, i love the part of Kiara “selling her employees” XD
Nene XDThis was a fun collab, and a really good combination too. I hope to see more of it!
Not gonna lie, I never felt much intensity in a stream before (mainly because this game is like monopoly which had many sudden comebacks and downfalls)Love Aki and Kiara (my two favorites). Sora and Nene are also great
This is really fun stream, you can tell that they’re really enjoying while playing this game
It was a really fun stream im literally laughing and smiling the whole time from akichan 31 billion debt, kiara laughing like a villain, sorachan plotting and chasing nenechi and with a super lucky nenechi from the start to nenechi and kpf bankcruptcy lolThis collab is really greatストリームたのしかったありがとうございましたおつたーる🍎
What a comeback! you did a fantastic job Aki! Also Nene at the end lol, CPU is too strong
An almost 3 hours S T O N K S rollercoaster lol!Thank you so much for all the fun!
daze/じん ft.メイリア from GARNiDELiA//アキ・ローゼンタール(cover)

(c) アキロゼCh。Vtuber/ホロライブ所属 「孤独」なら塗り替えれる 「ひとりぼっち」を変えようとした君となら 原曲:じん ft.メイリア from GARNiDELiA / daze https://youtube.com/watch?v=9d2iLvb3mwQ カゲロウ …
Being a Rosetai is such a blessing,You’ll get to watch new Aki outfit, then you’ll get to watch a new cover from Aki Rose. BLESSED THIS HALF ELF! 🍎🍎
… daze? Mekakucity Actors? Holy moly, this brings back memories. Aki Rosenthal, you absolutely beautiful legend.
Finally someone from the girls makes a cover from one of Garnidelia’s songs.
Ah what a nostalgic song, played it as my alarm for a year
Ah dude! I am so excited to hear this song. I became a Rosetai during her Gothic outfit song so I’m so hyped to see what comes out of this!
This cover is a Banger! The illustration, the MV, Aki’s voice, and everything in this cover is just Amazing! The outift looks so cool too!
Amazing cover as always, really love how the cover really fits the new revealed outfit 🍎
Aki covering a Kagepro song… let’s go!! I know this is going to be good.Aki’s cover is better than what I expected, bringing back good memories of Mekakucity Actors. Time to play on loop.
Someone in Hololive finally (from what I know at least) sang a Mekakucity Actors song let’s go! Aki’s new outfit complements the song and series so well too!
perfect visuals, perfect singing, 10/10 cover
Aki Rockenthal strikes again!!! This whole aesthetic fits her sooo well!! and i ADORE her voice!!Thank you!!…now im off to keep rocking!
Such an amazing song with a cover done by such an amazing singer. The world just got a whole lot lighter today
just listened to the original and now I’m hyped as F!I always wanted to hear Aki’s singing with this type of song. please Youtube, recommend this one properly!EDIT: HOLY SMOKES this video! art and everything is just perfect!Aki’s voice is obviously good and works really well with this song. Amazing cover, Aki!.. thank you and now we need more 😀
This surely bring back memories. An absolute banger, Aki <3
Nada que decir, simplemente Aki demostrabdo lo maravilosa de su voz y siendo espectacular como siempre lo fue. Pst: thanks for the great cover Aki-san!!!❤🛡👍
Yet another incredible cover by Aki, and i really love the illustrations in this one, Aki is both very cool and cute, as always
The cover and MV are Amazing Aki!!! I can’t stop listening to this :))))
Aki-san, this cover was absolutely amazing! Your singing is so wonderful! とてもかっこい!
SUCH A COOL cover, the MV is EPIC and Aki’s new outfit is the cherry on top!!! Keep singing Aki!!!! I love your voice!!!
Belly Dance Akirose

(c) アキロゼCh。Vtuber/ホロライブ所属 NEW TOPIC アキロゼの合鍵 を新衣装記念で衝撃発売開始!! https://hololive.booth.pm/items/2557530 Purchase from overseas is here …
沢山コメントありがとう!!このヒップのようにみんなの運がアップしたよ!!Thank you coments😍💕´ω`)ノHAPPYNEWYEAR🎉🎉🎉
Yo, Hololive. Give Aki a bellydancer costume already.
The reason they don’t update Aki’s model so her hips can move more fluently like Coco’s is because the space time continuum wouldn’t be able to handle it.
Remember, this is an avatar, which have many limitation. Imagine how Aki’s moves irl.
Yagoo: “Hololive is made up of “Idols”Aki: “Im not an “Idol” I’m a “Belly Dancer” Yagoo: Hololive is made up of “Idols and Belly Dancers”
Showing this to my arab Dad…._Future’s now old man_
Aki: the world shall know hip attack!The world: dies
Me: Oh an Akirose clip? Nice*Realizes that this was uploaded by Aki herself*Me: I was born for this moment!
To quote Akirose herself, “The hip attack was the deciding factor!!”
I feel like i exist just for this!
Here’s to a year as smooth as Aki’s moves.
I’m a Turkish guy, yet it took a Japanese anime girl to make me enjoy belly dancing
“We all knew she dances for us to cure our boredness.”
Starting the new year with some strong hip moves Aki-San
Happy new year Aki!! Thank you for blessing us with this! <3
Yagoo: So Aki, how long yours avatar legs you want?Aki: yes.
Aki’s dancing always gets me hypnotized. Those are hips that will take over the world.
She seemed to enjoy herself in the video, it’s so heartwarming 😭❤️
It’s really impressive how fluid and expressive you manage to be despite the limitations of the motion capture system.I guess technology still has to catch up to Aki.
So great to see Aki belly dancing, she dancing so smooth and we all got hypnotized.This is blessing in the new year !!!HAPPY NEW YEAR 2021 AKI ~
【ローゼンメイデン】聖少女領域/coverd Aki Rosenthal【歌ってみた/4K】

(c) アキロゼCh。Vtuber/ホロライブ所属 アキロゼ新衣装 発売記念グッズ発売開始!!合いかぎ衝撃発売! https://hololive.booth.pm/items/2557530 Purchase from overseas is here …
Damn glad for Aki’s existence. Her amazing voice just soothes your soul and can make any man’s worries melt away.
Common costume reveal: 30 minutes of teasing.Mukirose costume reveal: *I shall sing you the song of my people.*
Nobody saw this coming. Song and a new costume. Best day so far.
That was a powerful Costume Reveal!
Jaws: *Dropped*Hearts: *Stolen*All the goosebumps have been goosebumped. I love it. Arigathanks, Aki.
every time i think Aki is perfect she does something even better.
Said it before, and I’ll say it again, but Aki-nee has the voice of angels. Perfect example. Great work!! <3
Omg amazing song we were honestly dancing to this like imagine 30 middle aged office fellas just shrieking in excitement to your cover!!!! MY GOD WE ARE GETTING EVEN DEEPER INTO THIS IDOL STUFF. Your new attire miss was amazing very beautiful! And we all ordered that key!!!!! about 50 of them 😉 courtesy of yours truly. We might not comment or send you SC but we are always cheering for you. Sincerely, Representative of your Middle aged office Fanclub 🍎
Great costume, great song, great reveal. It’s just great.
Honestly, I think Aki’s voice has only gotten better since Einnashu introduced me to her months ago.I love the new outfit and the Ali Project cover. I always thought Aki had the Rozen Maiden vibe, and as Rozen maiden was one of my favorite series this is even better.Thank you for being our JK Half-elf Idol Aki
I got really hyped when this song appeared during Aki’s New Costume stream then I get even more excited when it was Aki singing. Congratulations to our Rozen Maiden.
The whole costume is beautiful but the veil, oh my God that veil is gorgeous, the song is also god tier her voice is perfect. Glad to see that aki is getting the attention and support she deserves, even though I can’t understand what she’s saying or singing I’ll do my best to continue supporting such a great talent. Love you Aki ❤️
Ive been following aki for months now, and im really happy to see her getting more attentions, Good Job Aki-Samaaa!
Production value is incredible, sound is good, art is superb, this MV tops every chart available. Thank you Aki!
When i watched it live it was such a bif surprised to see aki in gothic clothes, and after seeing her live a few i have to say its just perfect.It contrasts a lot with her normal clothing wich is welcome to give variaty to the stream and, Its sooooooooo pretty <3.