- I never waste expired yogurt! Super fluffy and soft as cloud! Very easy everyone can make at home
- No kneading❗ Everyone was surprised after trying it❗ Beautiful Rainbow Pastry Cake
- 戚风蛋糕 | 推荐超好用的配方
- The best tasty is inside!! Easiest way to make puff pastry bread! Simple ingredients! No oven
- NEVER buy bread anymore! Without machine! Just regular flour! The Easiest and cheapest bread
I never waste expired yogurt! Super fluffy and soft as cloud! Very easy everyone can make at home

(c) Qiong Cooking I never waste expired yogurt! Super fluffy and soft as cloud! Very easy everyone can make at home *Ingredients 3 pcs (55g+-) Eggs 40g (3 tbsp.) Cooking oil 70g …
This is perfect, I have the same kind of yogurt ( low fat and thinner than the Greek ones), not expired yet but needs to be used. Did you mean to bake in the middle, or the lower (1/3)part of the oven? 🙏🏻🙏🏻So glad you mentioned it, each recipe, I’m always wondering which part of the oven I should be baking…🤔
I love your recipe as always 💙 thank you ☺️
Your cake looks absolutely wonderful. Thank you for sharing. If I wanted to add cocoa powder in this recipe would that be permissible and how much and what other adjustments would I have to make. Thank you
Obrigada pelas suas receitas 🇧🇷💕
Me encanta este canal, lo hace todo tan detallado y con tanta delicadeza que me entran ganas de prepararlo ya ^^
S�per receta f�cil y deliciosa espero que me quede igual cuando la haga. Gracias
Thank you for sharing this recipe, I followed and it came out perfectly great 😊 also I added some lemon in egg yolk and use the water while baking so it came out super moist and has a bit lemon smell.. everyone love it. Thank to you.
Thst cake must be so spongy, fluffy,.moist and delicious !!!How perfect it came out,Good to have it with a cup of coffee !!!😋😋😋
Ах, какая умница. Все ингридиенты есть, включая, 2 коробочки просроченного йогурта. Пошла готовить. Лайк и спасибо
Bom dia! Amei a receita! Muito obrigada! Sou de Gravataí RS! Grande abraço🙏👏❤❤
Este pastel 🎂 se ve exquisito 😋 gracias por compartir. Casualmente tengo un yogurt vencido, quería usarlo para un 🍞 ahora cambié de idea 💡 haré este rico pastel.Saludos desde Valencia/Venezuela 🇻🇪
I wonder if I could make this with half the amount of sugar. Looks amazing
OMG this cake is very very sponge and soft and fuffly. Thanks Qiong Cooking for the recipe, I going to try do It this weekend. I hope have the same results. Your calificati�n for this desert is a biggest 10. Excuse my english, I love your channel.
Muy pr�ctico y deliciosa preparaci�n.
Buenos d�as, muchas gracias por su receta pr�ctica, deliciosa y �nica.
My son & daughter is allergic to gluten ,so I’m going to try this ,thank you for sharing
Отличная выпечка. .Спасибо за подробный рецепт…
…I LOVE GREEK YOGHURT!!! I even sometimes prefer older yoghurt, manymonths past the sell by date (unopened) as it gets thicker and creamier, and only a little more tart. Your recipe looks DELICIOUS!
Сегодня впервые зашла на ваш канал. Просмотрев плейлист,подписалась,не раздумывая. Это чудо какое-то.
this looks so nice i need to try it some day!!
No kneading❗ Everyone was surprised after trying it❗ Beautiful Rainbow Pastry Cake

(c) Qiong Cooking This recipes can make 12 pieces of Rainbow Pastry Cakes Ingredients 1.Water Oil dough: * 150g All-purpose flour 1cup * 60ml Water 1/4cup * 30g Sugar …
Just tried this recipe today, it turned out amazingly well. Very flaky and yummy. Thanks for sharing the recipe.
老師手作彩虹千層酥實在是太美了中秋佳節也跟著老師做還可送朋友分享 感謝老師的不藏私😘
baked this last night turned out very nice and yummy..thanks for your recipe very clear and easy to follow.
Obrigada por traduzir.Vou tentar fazer 👏👏👏🌹
Thanks for sharing such beautiful pastry! Wish I could do that! Even my mandarin is not that well, but I like your calm voice and you explained every step clearly. 😍👍🏻
Wow this is super amazing and colorful I would love to bake this for my little niece her birthday day is coming up she would love rainbow anything thanks for this beautiful video have a wonderful day♥️
Amazing!!! Thanks for sharing the beautiful recipe!!!
Thank so much for your recipe. I try this afternoon, it is so yummy.
Wow 😍 It’s very beautiful and special👍 thank you for recipe 🌹
Hi teacher, can we replace lard with shortening? If yes, what is the quantity/gram?
你好 大琼老師!1、請問酥皮用中筋麵粉可以嗎?2、如果油皮和油酥沒有用完,冰箱冷藏3、5、天之後再拿出來做彩虹酥可以嗎?謝謝🙏
I love this recipe. Thank you, dear.
Thank you for sharing! It is very lovely.
thank you so much! i tried your recipe and it works, the most moisture texture i ever achieved. I did tried other recipes but your is best. Thank you for sharing, best wish to you
Done it…. Really nice & easy recipe to follow…very delicious too…all your video is so simple yet so complete…
這個食譜真的很適合新手第一次做整個大成功 自己把蛋黃改成黑糖麻糬 用氣炸鍋 140度 12分鐘 大家都說好吃😄😄😄
Amazing, really enjoyed watching 😍💖
Hi! Can you please tell me if I can freeze them before baking if I want to make them in advance? Would the crust still be flaky?
戚风蛋糕 | 推荐超好用的配方

(c) Qiong Cooking 想做8寸的量是6寸的2倍,9寸的话x3倍If you want make 8 inch chocolate chiffon cake. please time two for all ingredients. 6寸,6 inch chiffon cake receip: 6X3 …
請問一下 4吋配方大約除2,蛋推薦用一顆 還是 蛋黃2蛋白1呢 ? Σ(゚ω゚)
Thank you so much for this recipe! I made this tonight and it was a success! Light and evenly fluffy throughout, very close to cake from a bakery! This is my second time trying chiffon – the first time I used a different recipe and the bottom third of the cake was dense and raw. With your recipe, it was much better, although the bottom 1 mm was still dense, but that is acceptable by me.
Have tried 3 different recipes and finally success with this one ☺️ and no cracks yay!! I changed flour to 45g flour & 5g corn flour.
謝謝大琼,每次用你的方子都成功,真的非常謝謝你的細心解說和研究最完美的食譜 🙂
Thank you! Your recipe is so easy to follow and I am so glad to achieve the same level of fluffiness! Love it!
This is the Video that I tried twice and succeeded twice. The cake tasted so soft that it melted in my mouth. I love it 👍
Thank you so much it worked! Its so delicious and lovely, soft and silky
Such a great recipe! Looking forward to trying it. I have a question though- In 50 grams of cake flour, can you please tell me how many grams is all purpose flour and how much grams is corn flour?
大琼,今天试了你的方子,严格按照规定执行的,我的烤箱是大烤箱。做出来的蛋糕其他方面没问题,不塌陷不缩腰,唯一有一个问题是,蛋糕只有7cm高,而且顶部有大约5毫米厚的收缩层。也就是说蛋糕最顶部有5毫米厚的蛋糕层直径小于蛋糕其余部分。另外,蛋糕表层和你做的比起来 颜色深很多。请问以上几点问题是什么原因造成的呢?非常感谢!
請問入爐烤焙的時候,模具下方要墊個烤盤嗎? 還是模具直接放烤架上就好? 謝謝
Hi.. does the type of pan have an effect on the cake? I didn’t have the pan with the removable bottom.. so I just used the regular one.. and I put parchment paper on the bottom.. I also turned it over after baking and after and hour when I removed the cake from the pan the cake deflated/collapsed 🙁 do you have any tips on what I can do.. the cake itself was still delicious!
If we use normal flour (not self rising flour) how many baking powder needed for this recipe?
Hihi, may i know how long does it take to achieve that meringue texture? I always either under or over beat the meringue🤣
The best tasty is inside!! Easiest way to make puff pastry bread! Simple ingredients! No oven

(c) Qiong Cooking The best tasty is inside! Easiest way to make puff pastry bread! No oven Ingredients 1. Dough: 160ml (0.68cups) Lukewarm water 3g (1tsp) Instant/active dry …
Looks so good! I usually make something similar with sesame seeds for breakfast 😍
I love this recipe. I’ve also baked it and it looks great. Thanks a lot. Best regards🙋🏻♀️🤗💜
Wow.. Look so delicious.. I love all of your recepi.. Thank you so much 😍
This looks really good … love the way U make it so easily….
This looks amazing. I think it would taste so good if stuffed with bean paste! Thank you for sharing this wonderful recipe.
wow very special…thank you for sharing the recipe❤️❤️
Obrigado, por compartilhar essa delícia! 🇧🇷
Siempre he pensado que existen lenguajes universales y uno de ellos es la comida, gracias por compartir a todo el mundo sus deliciosos y pr�cticas recetas, saludos desde M�xico.
Really enjoying your recipes. Learning new ways. Making the tasty ones too. Thank you
Se cambiar�a alg�n paso para hacer ese pan en el horno? O podr�a ser igual? me parece que quedan muy aceitosos para quien tiene problemas de h�gado. De todas formas se ve delicioso. Gracias por compartir. Saludos desde Uruguay
Спасибо за рецепт лепешки уже приготовил очень вкусные получились.
It looks fairly easy, I will try it👍
Unique and easy recipe. Thank you for sharing with us.
Parece otimo!
Me encantan tus recetas, son magn�ficas. Quer�a pedirte que no utilizaras pl�stico de un solo uso, hay recipientes con tapas o tapas de silicona, platos y bandejas tambi�n se pueden utilizar para tapar…. adem�s de aprender a hacer cosas ricas tenemos que aprender a proteger el medio ambiente Gracias!
Boa tarde nao conheciao seu canal.Gostei bastante da receita ,vou experimentar fazer.RiodeJaneiro BRASIL 😋😍
This looks sooo delicious definitely going to try it…much love from Trinidad 🇹🇹🇹🇹.
This gonna be my Sunday breakfast recipe, 👍👍👍 looks delicious!! 😋😋😋 Thanks for sharing.😘💞💞💞🌹🌹🌹🌻🌻🌻
Hola, me gustó la receta, en el horno deben quedar espectaculares. Saludos desde Chile. 🇨🇱
Ahh. It’s the perfect bread – lots of carbs and sugar, and it’s fried. 😂 It’s looks amazing. I wish I had a kitchen to make stuff like this. 💟💟💟
NEVER buy bread anymore! Without machine! Just regular flour! The Easiest and cheapest bread

(c) Qiong Cooking NEVER buy bread loaf anymore! Only regular flour! Without machine! The shortest time making The Easiest and cheapest bread *Ingredients 185g (0.76 cup) …
This looks amazingly delicious and it’s easy to make. Would definately try this! Weldone!
Хлеб вкусно получается 😊
Reminds me of days when I was young & the best place to be was in the kitchen while my mom cooked. She made everything look so easy. I love how gentle you are with the dough. And how this messy sticky thing is transformed into a soft beautiful loaf of bread.
This brioche looks so soft and chewy! 😍😍😍
I made it exactly as you instructed and it came out beautiful soft. Thank you for sharing this
Mashaallah very nice 🤩 this method is much simpler 🌹 jazakallah khair for sharing recipe 🌹 Allah bless you ❤️❤️🇮🇳
Замечательный рецепт, СПАСИБО.👍👍👍
This bread looks so nice and tasty! Thanks for the lovely idea!
Amei a receita 😍vou fazer 👋🏻🤗
喜欢看你的教学。不用新科技,整个教程都是用双手揉面…这里是我最喜欢的…太棒啦 😘😘
Guardo las recetas y las voy haciendo 1 a la semana excelentes resultados. Gracias!
So amazing ❤️
Hamur işlerinde çok başarılısınız sizi izlerken hemen kalkıp yapasım geliyor. Ellerinize sağlık 👌👌 banada beklerim sizi
My friends ! It looks so delicious. You’re very good at cooking. That’s a good recipe. wow good Information 🥰❤️🧡
Спасибо.Обожаем такой хлебушек!!!!
It looks so delicious❤︎
looks like extra work, but going to make it cause It looks worth it and all the ingredients are mainstays at home 🤫 thank you
Enjoyed the time watching this video 👍
looks so tasty! thanks for sharing, very good video
Que pão fofinho 🙌🇧🇷